All Chapters of From One Night To True Love: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
352 Chapters
Chapter 101 She Was His
Jessica leaned against a pillar, wiping off the mark left on her lips by Saxon with disgust. Her brow furrowed deeply, and she wished she could rinse her mouth a thousand times. Her bright eyes flickered with anger, and she was so furious that she almost lost her sanity and picked up a cane to beat him."Damn it, shameless!"She hated men who used force against women, especially this sick bastard Saxon!The rain was pouring heavily.Mr. Marcus rushed over, soaked in rainwater, wetting his suit and hair. The rain messed up his styled hair, and a few strands fell on the corner of his eye, dripping with rainwater. Combined with his fierce expression, he looked especially seductive and wild.His fist clenched tightly, his charming eyes filled with fierceness, his chest heaving with anger. His lean and taut body was filled with a terrifying power that no living being could ignore. He looked like a demon who had come from hell to claim lives!A fist is the most direct and wild expression of
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Chapter 102 Another Intense Battle
"How many were there?""Not many, the loss is not significant. These synthetic diamonds were mixed in with pink diamonds and transported together. There was only a small box!" It was the first time the Noblefull Group had encountered a fake diamond incident."We trusted our raw material suppliers. We've been collaborating for so many years. How could this problem occur?" Jessica sensitively felt that something was wrong. "Was it the supply provided by Saxon?"Mr. Marcus nodded, with a sinister cold smile. "He played it dirty!""Henry said that during the recent power struggle within the mafia, Saxon needed a large amount of money. The diamond transaction between him and you was purely a smokescreen. How could you not be cautious? " Jessica was puzzled. Knowing Mr. Marcus's personality, he could not make such a careless mistake, especially when it affected the business reputation and might lead to legal trouble. He could not have made this mistake!"I didn't trade this batch of goods w
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Chapter 103 Marcus's Crisis
"Miss Jessica, I'm sorry, Mr. Quincy is in a meeting!" The secretary's distant yet polite voice came through the cold machine.Jessica's heart sank. Quincy, her senior, was not taking her call?!Because it was during office hours, she had separated her personal and professional matters and used the company's phone to call. Naturally, she dialed the number for the Gootal Group general manager's office.This was the first time Quincy had refused to answer her call."Miss, after he comes out, please let him know I called, alright?""Okay, I will relay your message to him!"After hanging up the phone, Jessica rubbed her slightly aching brows. It was a mess!After waiting for two hours without any response, Jessica dialed the number again. He was still in a meeting. She finally confirmed that Quincy didn't want to talk to her, perhaps because he guessed what she wanted to say!"Quincy... Is this what the business world is like?" Jessica smiled bitterly and fell silent for a while.******J
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Chapter 104 Push Him Into A Dead End
After several months of hobbling with a limp, Jessica excitedly cheered as her leg finally healed. Without a second thought, she donated the crutches that had tormented her for months to an old man in the park. The feeling of touching the ground with both legs was truly amazing!She almost wanted to jump rope to test the extent of her bone healing, but due to Mr. Marcus's coldness and Henry's disdainful gaze, she had to give up. They didn't seem happy for her at all.That evening, Mr. Marcus and Henry rushed to the market to buy a lot of groceries to celebrate her leg's rebirth. Miss Jessica finally felt that life was beautiful!This was the only thing worth celebrating in their recent dreary life!"By the way, the villa reconstruction is complete. When should we pick a time to move there?" Mr. Marcus smiled during dinner. The house was quite cozy, and for an ordinary family of three, a four-bedroom, two-living-room layout was considered very spacious.However, this family of three wa
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Chapter 105 Someone Buy Your Life
"Can't Ghost Gang's system find anything?""No, it can't!" Mr. Marcus furrowed his brow. "Aaron, why would Old Mr. Alston sabotage his own Noblefull Group?""How can I know? Your father isn't the same as my father. But back then, my father used this tactic to rebuild a stronghold and kicked me out," Aaron replied, his gorgeous laughter laced with a hint of mockery. "Just accept it when they grow old. Knowing that their successor surpasses them, why not enjoy a peaceful retirement?"The glamorous laughter was accompanied by a touch of ruthlessness!"A dying fish always struggles a few times, otherwise, it wouldn't be so unwilling!" Mr. Marcus sneered disdainfully.Mr. Aaron burst into laughter. This metaphor was quite apt. He deserved his reputation as the sharp-tongued Mr. Marcus. "But your father is much more ruthless than mine. At least my father hasn't sent me to a mental hospital or conspired with outsiders to destroy our Moore Family Group. Intelligent people won't engage in such
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Chapter 106 His Fatal Weakness
In the secretary's office, Jessica answered Lionel's phone call and was about to transfer it to Mr. Marcus when she heard Lionel's creepy laugh. "Little Jessica, I call to talk to you!"Jessica shuddered. She was busy to the point of exhaustion and had no time for idle chatting. Remembering the chaotic days when she had worked as his secretary, she felt a sense of relief emanating from the depths of her heart."Mr. Lionel, it's working hours now!""I know. I'm calling you for official business!" Lionel laughed, not caring at all, his voice carefree. "Little Jessica, if Noblefull Group collapses, would you be interested in coming back to be my secretary? Double the salary, excellent conditions. What do you say?"Jessica silently facepalmed. Mr. Lionel, taking advantage of a crisis, poaching employees... is this your idea of official business?She should never have had too many expectations of him!"Noblefull Group won't go down!" Jessica said firmly, believing that Mr. Marcus would ove
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Chapter 107 Never Regretted
"Your life with your son was peaceful until you met me. Since then, it has been nothing but turmoil - humiliation, car accidents, assassination attempts, giant serpents... You and Henry almost lost your lives. None of these things would have happened if you hadn't met me!" Mr. Marcus calmly said, his tone peaceful but unable to hide the darkness in his eyes. "It seems like I always bring misfortune to those around me. My mother, my little sister, one died because of me, the other was lost because of me... If anything happened to you and Henry...""Hold on!" Jessica interrupted his somewhat melancholic tone, furrowing her brows. She had never known that Mr. Marcus carried such dark thoughts in his heart. For so many years, he appeared glamorous and radiant, but who could know the regrets, guilt, and pain he carried deep inside?Such a powerful man, yet he had such sensitive concerns. It made Jessica feel distressed!She couldn't bear to listen any longer!"Did you misunderstand somethi
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Chapter 108 I'm Willing
Jessica hung up the phone expressionless, her delicate eyebrows slightly raised, and a cold chill emanated from her bright eyes. Her usual signature smile disappeared without a trace, replaced by an icy demeanor."I never imagined that we would meet under these circumstances," Jessica said casually, turning her head to look at Marcus, who also had a frosty expression, his gaze as sharp as a knife."Believe me, I am even less willing than you are," Mr. Marcus said in a low voice, veins popping on his forehead, struggling to suppress his anger.Quincy, Crystal, and Tatton approached them head-on, and they coincidentally bumped into each other. Quincy wore a white Armani suit, highlighting his slender figure, graceful and charming, without diminishing his toughness in the business world.Tatton, a French gentleman, was tall and handsome, with a pair of light gray eyes always veiled in mist, adding a hint of mystery to his composure. Despite approaching middle age, he didn't appear to sho
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Chapter 109 Stubborn Man
On the way back, they remained silent.Lionel called, repeatedly apologizing. He didn't expect to let someone else beat Mr. Marcus and Jessica to ask Tatton for money. In a rare serious tone, he displayed his true French gentleman nature, but Jessica coldly replied, "Skip the apologies, just give us the money!"He was such a miser! What's the use of apologizing with just empty words? It would be better to give substantial compensation!Lionel wore a mournful expression, speaking earnestly, "Little Jessica, I strongly advise you to leave Mr. Marcus. You two are becoming more alike!" She dared to straightforwardly ask for money."Don't waste time with useless words. Do you know who's behind all of this?" Jessica asked in a stern voice. With Quincy and Crystal's abilities, they couldn't possibly be the ones Tatton would be wary of. There must be someone else."I asked Tatton, but he didn't say anything!" Lionel said, followed by a sardonic laugh. "Isn't there a dangerous figure in W City
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Chapter 110 A Coincidence
Although the three major terrorist organizations controlled most of the arms market, there were always people trying to replace them. This industry was simply too profitable. The Middle East, Italy, and the whole of America had their own big arms dealers.Before Truman, Robin, and Victor gained control of the arms market, the world's largest arms dealer was either British or American, and the most powerful in terms of firepower was Russia. Their influence spread globally, and even if they lost in the market share battle a few years ago, there were still capable individuals who wanted to make a comeback.Almost everyone in the arms market had intricate relationships with political and business figures, as well as international criminal organizations!Saxon had originally been involved in arms smuggling, specifically providing weapons to certain countries in the Middle East. Their relationship had been decent. But this time he had been deceived. Victor, besides feeling unlucky, would su
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