All Chapters of From One Night To True Love: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
352 Chapters
Chapter 121 The Scent of Love
Jessica openly declared her love, catching Mr. Marcus off guard. His heart was struck by this burst of joy, and he suddenly felt weak at the spot where his heart was. A suspicious blush appeared on his ears.He started to calculate, one moment of embarrassment in exchange for one declaration of love from Miss Jessica, it seemed like a profitable deal!So, his anger was completely deflated by her enchanting smile. He silently thought to himself, if this girl could be so obedient every day, he wouldn't mind how he teased and tormented her!"Oh, feeling shy?" Jessica chuckled in her heart as she held Mr. Marcus's face and kissed him on the lips."Hmph, don't think a few sweet words will make me go easy on you tonight!" Mr. Marcus rubbed her face and said, "Clean yourself up tonight and get ready to serve me!""You're such a beast! Can't you not mention this affair for a while?" Jessica laughed and scolded.Mr. Marcus leaned closer with a lecherous smile, "Go do a market survey and see wh
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Chapter 122 The Happiest Birthday
Jessica hesitated for a moment and shook her head. "I've heard that men change after marriage compared to before. I still want to enjoy the time of dating!""Being sentimental!"Jessica laughed and took the initiative to embrace him. To say she wasn't moved would be a lie!Mr. Marcus embraced her and forced out a few words, "Are you satisfied now?"Jessica nuzzled her head against his shoulder and nodded, feeling content. Mr. Marcus was a typical person of extremes. When he loved, he gave his all; when he hated, he gave his all. Since falling in love with her, he knew she was stubborn, cunning, and intelligent. Their future life would undoubtedly be full of challenges!But what could he do about it? He could only blame his eyes for not being good. Since he had fallen in love, he would cherish her in his heart."Marcus, this is the happiest birthday I've ever had!""Yes, this is the most embarrassing day of my life!""Who knows, maybe there will be even more embarrassing days in the fu
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Chapter 123 Love And Hate Intertwined
Jessica's throat felt like it had been scraped, the pain unbearable, and her head was buzzing. She couldn't think clearly about what to do at that moment. Her intelligent mind was even more confused amid the intense pain.Quincy forcefully pried apart Mr. Marcus' hand and saved her by holding onto her shoulder. She had a real illusion that if he didn't let go, he would crush her, maybe it was physical pain or heartache, Jessica's eyes turned red.But the tears just circled, stubbornly hiding away again.Quincy protected her by his side, glaring coldly at Mr. Marcus. "What are you hating now? Didn't you send someone to investigate in the beginning? Because you were afraid of the truth being as you thought, you stopped and indulged yourself, bringing disaster upon yourself!""Get the fuck out of here! My business with her doesn't concern you!" Mr. Marcus exploded with anger, his gaze cruel like that of a wild beast. He pulled Jessica towards him, but Quincy didn't let go.A surge of hat
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Chapter 124 I'm His Grandson
Inside the villa, it was dark and quiet, without a sound!It was so still, as if there was no one there. Jessica sat tiredly on the couch, leaning back, her hand hanging down. The suffocating document was scattered on the floor, making a rustling sound as the paper rubbed against each other.It pricked at Jessica's heart.It felt bitter!In the darkness, her heart sank slowly.Why did it turn out like this?Wasn't it supposed to be happy?Memories of that wonderful evening replayed slowly in Jessica's mind. Holding hands, strolling in the sunset, her smiling face blossoming like flowers, his handsome figure like a jade tree. The domineering kiss in the square, the complaint when the coffee was too hot... for this necklace, so full of emotions, like weeping, like lamenting, they walked hand in hand in the moonlight, even a bouquet of fiery red roses, she could still smell their fragrance.Scene by scene, like slow-motion shots, like sharp blades, passed through Jessica's heart, causing
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Chapter 125 The Wheels Of Fate
Marcus, amid hysteria, had an even more twisted expression on his face. He wanted to smash everything within his reach, but in the end, he could only painfully bury his hand in his head, like a wounded beast, completely defeated.Jessica's heart ached spasmodically, a pain like she had never experienced before. All the pain she had endured since birth didn't add up to one percent of this. A deep despair grasped her heart, as if a circle of cold iron wire tightened around it, exerting force and causing blood to pour.The feeling of heart-wrenching pain was just like this!Marcus, in desperate agony, covered his head and his voice came out hoarse, raw from the friction of the sand. "Didn't you ask me before, whether I was Old Mr. Alston's son or Old Mr. Lee's son? Ha, it must surprise you. I am Old Mr. Alston's son and also Old Mr. Lee's grandson. Old Mr. Alston regarded me as a shame, and Old Mr. Lee saw me as a bastard...""Don't say it!" Jessica abruptly interrupted, her eyes turning
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Chapter 126 The Daughter Of His Enemy
JY Project was not yet built that year. It was a government project open for bidding. The land was situated on the border between the city and the countryside, with complex terrain. The risks of taking on this project were significant. Alston Smith wanted this land because he had strong connections to the underworld, as did Michael Lee. Many companies competed for this land, but when Alston Smith entered the competition, they all withdrew and watched the battle between Alston Smith and Michael Lee.In the end, Michael Lee won the land. The reason was that Mandy stole the project plan personally crafted by Alston Smith and gave it to Michael Lee. The two project plans were identical, and Michael Lee turned the tables, causing Alston Smith to be embroiled in a scandal of stealing trade secrets.Noblefull Group invested immense financial and physical resources in acquiring this land, only to end up empty-handed. They also ended up getting involved in a dirty situation, tarnishing their r
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Chapter 127 Painful Memories
When Mandy brought little Marcus back to the Lee Family, Michael Lee was furious. Shortly after Mandy's escape, Quincy's parents, on their private plane to London for business matters, encountered an explosion, which killed them both.Michael Lee blamed Alston Smith for this tragedy, suspecting that he had someone plant explosives on the plane, killing his only son. However, he had no evidence and couldn't take action against Alston Smith.He lost one son, and his daughter gave birth to a son with Alston Smith. Michael Lee was consumed with anger and swung his whip, almost beating the weak little Marcus to death, who was still critically ill at the time.In that year, five-year-old Quincy watched in astonishment from upstairs as his once respected and loving grandfather mercilessly beat the frail young boy.In that year, four-year-old Marcus hovered on the verge of death, only remembering his mother's cries and Michael Lee's sinister and twisted face.In the end, Mandy cried herself h
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Chapter 128 They Are Cousins
"Don't..." Jessica exclaimed in shock, her heart feeling as if it were being twisted by knives. "Marcus, stop, let's not talk about it. Please, let's not talk about it..."She suddenly didn't want to know what happened next. Why did Charles Smith die? Why did Mandy die? Why the Smith family...Having been with Marcus for a while, she knew his temperament well. He had become a man almost invincible, capable of anything, and for him to be in such agony, convulsing, it must be a tragedy that Marcus would never forget in his lifetime...Perhaps these past events had been suppressed for too long and suddenly resurfaced. Marcus was in excruciating pain, trembling incessantly in Jessica's arms, gripping her shoulders so tightly that they hurt.She dared not say another word, only holding Marcus tightly!Marcus, it's okay, it's alright, it's all over now. I'm here, I'm here with you. No one will dare to bully you again. If anyone dares, our son will destroy their whole family... She felt so h
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Chapter 129 I Love You
Marcus used to have shallow sleep. When he woke up, the outside was still covered in cold moonlight. The black curtains looked like a monster, ready to devour them all!His head was splitting with pain...Sharp pains jabbed at him like needles, causing Marcus to groan and whimper. Suddenly, he felt a warmth on his body and looked up in astonishment...He was taken aback!He was still lying on the ground while Jessica held him in an uncomfortable position, sleeping against the door panel. The door had a big hole broken through it, and the wind blew through...In an instant, the chaotic and painful memories of that night surged into his mind, intensifying his headache. He felt like banging his head against the door.As soon as he learned that she was Diana Brown's granddaughter, he had no time to think. The memories of despair and agony from the past overwhelmed his mind, causing him immense pain and heartache... wishing that he was the one who died all those years ago!Jessica moaned u
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Chapter 130 He Can't Face Her
Marcus thought he would never hear those words from Jessica's mouth in his lifetime!Apart from shock, there was overwhelming joy, an ecstatic happiness that welled up from the depths of his heart, filling his sore heart. At that moment, he heard the divine voice saying, "Mr. Marcus, I have returned your rib to you!"Marcus was overcome with sheer joy and his hand holding Jessica's trembled. "Say it again!""I love you!" Jessica said firmly. In the darkness, her eyes were as beautiful as blue jade. Saying "I love you" to him was much easier than she had imagined!Jessica used to think that saying "I love you" was cheesy and cliché. Love should be kept in the heart and not spoken out loud. She despised those who were so quick to say, "I love you."Today, she realized that it was easy to say "I love you" to someone you truly loved. She wanted to tell him over and over again, afraid that he didn't know. This was what they called being in love!Today, she realized how impoverished her pas
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