All Chapters of From One Night To True Love: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
352 Chapters
Chapter 141 I Want Jessica
Saxon didn't expect him to agree so quickly. He raised an eyebrow, a hint of caution in his calm eyes. He suspected that Mr. Marcus had some ulterior motive. "You agreed so readily?" he questioned."What's wrong with that?" Mr. Marcus smiled, exuding an extra touch of elegance and a hint of domineering power. "If the Mafia and the First Terrorist Organization go to war in North America, Ghost Gang would appreciate your assistance, and in return, we would reap the benefits. For Ghost Gang, it would be a great advantage."Saxon locked his gaze on Mr. Marcus' face, silent for a moment. Then he chuckled abruptly. "Aren't you afraid of Truman and Victor's retaliation?""If you're not afraid, why should I be?" Mr. Marcus laughed wildly, his dominance and arrogance evident. Besides, I have my son to protect me. What do I have to fear? Mr. Marcus once again expressed his deep admiration for Henry.Furthermore, Marcus thought with a cold smile, Saxon better survive until the day the Mafia and
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Chapter 142 I Won't Leave Him
Jessica escorted Old Mr. Alston downstairs, behaving respectfully all the way. Old Mr. Alston remained silent, not saying a word. Jessica naturally maintained her silence as well, sensing that he had something to say, most likely about their cousin's relationship.Old Mr. Alston must have hated her because she was Diana Brown's granddaughter, the living proof of Diana Brown's betrayal.Jessica was sharp-witted and could decipher a lot from Old Mr. Alston's silence. But what did it have to do with her? When the two of you were fighting over Diana Brown, my mother hadn't even been born yet.They continued down the stairs, and Old Mr. Alston kept walking ahead. Just as Jessica was about to speak up, Old Mr. Alston said in a low voice, "Let's grab a cup of coffee."Not giving Jessica a choice, Old Mr. Alston headed towards the café across the street.Jessica had no choice but to follow along.In the café, they sat face-to-face. Jessica remained calm and composed, while Old Mr. Alston rema
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Chapter 143 He Should Start Training
Colombia.Truman was in talks with a local arms dealer about a collaboration when he watched the news. He saw Saxon's gloomy face with a hint of anger as the news flashed by. It was only then that he found out that the Mafia and the Noblefull Group announced a powerful alliance.It seemed like a cleanup of both the underworld and the righteous path.At the same time, Victor, Antonio, Robin... Captain, Camellia, Rose, and others all received the news. The first terrorist organization exploded with chaos.With one phone call from Truman, everyone immediately came online. Because they were in different regions with different time zones, it was past 3 am in local time in Australia, when people were peacefully sleeping. Captain and Robin were both enraged, and Victor in Paris was also woken up after just falling asleep, filled with anger, but all awakened by this news.All sleep vanished, and Rose and Camellia were sunbathing on the beach, leisurely holding a computer each to go online.Tw
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Chapter 144 The Dream Girl
One morning passed busily.At noon, Mr. Marcus, Aaron, and Derrick had a business lunch, which was their usual arrangement.The fact that Marcus was cooperating with Saxon had spread worldwide, indicating that they had resolved the issue with Saxon peacefully.Taking advantage of the lunch, they planned to establish the most effective method to take over the Wolf Gang's territory within the shortest time. Without the interference of the mafia, their operations would be much smoother.As he left, Mr. Marcus subconsciously glanced at Jessica. She was still wearing her stiff suit, diligently organizing data. Even with her serious demeanor, Jessica had a calm smile on her face, as if bathed in a spring breeze. She looked exceptionally comfortable, like a precious piece of jade, emanating a unique sense of purity and tranquility.Her large black-framed glasses were placed aside, and her slightly curled eyelashes quivered like feathers, tickling Mr. Marcus's heart. There was a sweet and sou
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Chapter 145 You Are Too Old
Jessica's first reaction was a sarcastic smile, followed by a calm smile!Everyone in the cafeteria had their eyes focused on them, their faces filled with curiosity. Some were just spectating. The once noisy cafeteria became quiet, as quiet as a mouse graveyard.Saxon, the newly appointed vice president of Noblefull Group, was not a secret in the company, especially to those in the news department. He had turned the department upside down with his presence.That iconic beautiful face of his and his unique emerald green eyes held an absolute charm.Prince!A chorus of admiration burst out from all the female employees of Noblefull Group. He was truly a prince, too perfect to find any faults with. His melancholic temperament, gentle demeanor, and impeccable appearance made him a prince who captivated many women.Since they were too shocked and unfamiliar with him, not to mention his identity as the mafia godfather, the employees of Noblefull Group maintained silence. After all, he and
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Chapter 146 Terrifying Possessiveness
Miss Jessica, who had always been low-key and innocent, became famous overnight and became the most eye-catching dream girl in the entire Noblefull Group. She was regarded as the most fierce woman since the establishment of the Noblefull Group and was talked about throughout the company.The elite men who originally wanted to pursue Jessica saw the situation and all retreated. Firstly, Miss Jessica was such a fierce woman that ordinary men couldn't handle her. The employees of Noblefull Group all had some status and promising futures, so they naturally had some arrogant personalities. If they were still oppressed by women at home, it would be a loss of face for them.Poppy flowers are only suitable for distant admiration and should not be played with up close.Secondly, Saxon was showing a strong interest in Jessica, so they dared not provoke Miss Jessica. When rivals meet, they become particularly jealous. If they offended Saxon, playing with fire would lead to ruin.Cherish life, an
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Chapter 147 Call Me Honey
Mr. Marcus walked the talk. Susan and Alice didn't dare to disobey his orders and truly ordered 9999 roses to fill the entire floor, almost emptying W City's supply of red roses for the day.At Noblefull Group that afternoon, it was magnificent. Bunch after bunch of roses were carried to the top floor.Jessica couldn't keep her smile!She watched as the entire floor, usually in a light color scheme, became covered in rose red.She had tried to convince Mr. Marcus to change his mind, but he coldly replied, "I like it!"With a cold expression, and an arrogant attitude that he would compete for favor with Saxon, it seemed as though he was trending towards extinguishing her if she said another word. Jessica was speechless.Mr. Marcus, you're really wasteful. Even if you have money, it shouldn't be spent like this.The people in the secretary's office exchanged glances, unable to come up with anything other than the word "affair.""Well... it's a bit like a wedding hall... um..." In the si
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Chapter 148 Roses
The phone connected, and Miss Jessica smiled and said, "Manager Oliver, please announce internal news to the employees of Noblefull Group to come to the rooftop after work today, and each person will receive 10 roses.""Oh, why?" Manager Oliver was extremely curious. He had heard earlier that afternoon that bundles of roses had been brought up to the rooftop, but what did it have to do with the employees collecting them?"Well, Valentine's Day is coming soon, and considering that Noblefull Group is tight on budget this year, the Valentine's Day party won't be held. The president feels bad about it, so when he found out that roses in W city were on sale today, he thought of compensating everyone with roses as a gesture of goodwill..."Mr. Marcus's face turned several shades of red, white, and black as he listened. He quickly got up from the floor, lunging towards the phone, but Jessica interrupted, "That's how it's going to be. It's an order!"She swiftly hung up the phone, and Mr. Mar
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Chapter 149 Welcoming Party
"Enough, enough. I will keep my word. Is that Okay now?" Jessica pushed him away. "Why are you so twisted? Do you always interrogate women in bed?""Oh, are you jealous?" he sneered."What a cold joke!" Jessica couldn't help but laugh.Mr. Marcus wanted to hug her and give her a proper kiss, but the elevator reached the first floor.He was in an extremely good mood. Although he still maintained that cold and aloof appearance, his gentle smile couldn't be concealed. His exquisitely carved features softened, and he truly resembled an elegant prince.Jessica said they would get married once these matters settled down!After waiting for so long, he finally could marry her. Mr. Marcus was very satisfied.******The party started at half past seven, but Mr. Marcus and his five secretaries arrived at 8 o'clock, making it the highlight of the event.The whole room fell silent.One word echoed in everyone's mind.Stunning!Mr. Marcus, leading the way in the front row, wore a classic black Arma
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Chapter 150 Dancing?
Dancing?Jessica scanned the dance floor, where many couples were already dancing a graceful waltz, with swaying skirts and elegant postures. Then, she glanced at Mr. Winston.It was evident at first glance that he was a despicable man.Jessica smiled lightly, maintaining her graceful demeanor. "I'm sorry, Mr. Winston. My high heels have been hurting my feet, so I'm not able to."Mr. Winston seemed surprised that a mere secretary would decline his invitation. He felt somewhat embarrassed. After all, secretaries often accompany their bosses to socialize. Otherwise, how else could it be called socializing?Mr. Marcus's other secretaries had already been led to the dance floor, and it was then that Mr. Winston, driven by his lust, came to invite Jessica to dance."Miss Jessica, it's okay. The steps of the waltz are melodious and won't cause much discomfort," Mr. Winston said with a lecherous smile as he moved closer to take Jessica's hand. But before he could get close to her, a pair of
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