All Chapters of From One Night To True Love: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
352 Chapters
Chapter 151 The All Gather Together
Mr. Marcus and Old Mr. Alston both turned their heads, only to see reporters from the news media rushing towards the entrance, madly carrying cameras. The commotion grew louder, and then they heard..."Mr. Old Lee...""Mr. Quincy..."Mr. Marcus's face darkened.The arrival of Michael Lee and Quincy pushed this banquet to a new level. Almost everyone's attention was focused on this grandfather-grandson pair. As the Lee family walked past the Smith father and son, camera flashes incessantly went off. The whole event took on a strange atmosphere.The astute media patiently waited; it might become a major news story.Old Mr. Alston, who hadn't attended any business banquets for several years, made an appearance. Likewise, Old Mr. Lee, who had retired from business affairs and handed over his position to Quincy, also made an appearance. These two old men, who had been hostile towards each other for a lifetime due to a woman, instantly became the focus of the entire banquet. Everyone's eyes
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Chapter 152 Go Home With Grandpa
"We are friends."The safest and most imaginative answer. In the entertainment industry, whenever there were rumors about who was dating who, even if intimate photos were taken together, the response to the media was always the same - "We are just friends."That's it.The reporters spent quite some time on the questions regarding Quincy and Crystal, but eventually circled back to the war between Noblefull Group and Gootal Group.One journalist asked Marcus, "Mr. Marcus, will Noblefull Group and Gootal Group continue to compete in the future? Or will they become partners?"Mr. Marcus smiled elegantly, exuding a unique coldness and charm. He gave a poetic answer, "I believe you shouldn't use your ears to listen to this question. You should use your eyes to see."The reporters were puzzled, their faces filled with confusion. Use their eyes to see? See what?"Are you referring to monitoring the future actions of Noblefull Group and Gootal Group?" several microphones swarmed in front of Mr
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Chapter 153 She Was Truly Formidable
Alston Smith sneered, his gaze sharp and mocking. "Michael Lee, my son, you don't have the ability to ruin him. Take your granddaughter and get out of here. I can't stand your whole family.""Alston Smith, don't think that the secrets of the Smith family back then were all hidden. What did you let him do in Australia and no one knows? If those things were exposed, do you think your son could still survive in this world?" Michael Lee said coldly, devoid of any emotions.Alston Smith furrowed his brows, furious. "Michael're shameless!"Mr. Marcus narrowed his eyes, full of anger. Jessica immediately held onto him, smiling. "Honey, have you forgotten what I told you? You always forget my words and don't take them to heart. How can I trust that you'll be good to me forever?"Saxon's eyes slightly raised, watching the waves and ripples between the Smith and Lee families with interest. There was a faint hidden satisfaction and pleasure in his emerald green eyes.Quincy was in unbe
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Chapter 154 Respect Goes Both Ways
Miss Jessica was always direct in her insults, concise yet lethal. She always wore a charming smile, never revealing such sharpness as now.Saxon's laughter broke the silence, like a gust of spring wind cutting through the winter snowstorm. His emerald green eyes glimmered with admiration as he said, "Jessica, I'm impressed. I finally understand how gentle you were towards me at the restaurant today."At first sight, he thought this woman was innocent and agile. At second sight, he found her intelligent and composed. Now, he saw her as radiant as a pearl, dazzling enough to steal away his gaze.Mr. Marcus simply gazed deeply at the woman in his arms, his eyes full of smiles, lips turned up, replacing all anger and hostility with tenderness. This was his little Jessica.His only precious gem.He didn't need to refute Michael Lee in any way. His little Jessica had already spread her wings, protecting him within their embrace, guarding him with unwavering determination.A man should shel
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Chapter 155 Are You My Camellia
Following Mr. Marcus, this was the second violent incident at the party.Here's how it happened: Camellia and Rose's beauty easily attracted the attention of men, especially Camellia. Her delicate features were pure and innocent, but occasionally she would intentionally reveal a smile that could captivate anyone, seductive and enchanting.This deliberate display of charm was very appealing and disrupted her original elegance. It set men's hearts racing, especially coupled with her well-proportioned figure which made her extremely desirable.An audacious man, who seemed to be a wealthy second-generation heir from some company, went up to flirt with her. He was quite good-looking, and fearlessly hugged and groped her buttocks. Camellia intended to playfully flirt with him for some amusement, as it was her area of expertise.Little did she know, Michael Lee shouted, "You're cousins!" Journalists hurriedly rushed towards them. Rose reminded her to stop playing around and instead help Mr.
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Chapter 156 She Was His Little Sister
Camellia? My Camellia?He called me Camellia?Why? Does he know me?Camellia widened her eyes in astonishment, her mind in chaos. How could Mr. Marcus know her? In her memory, she had never had any recollection of him, and very few people had seen her true face.But why did he accurately call out her name?The usually carefree and free-spirited Camellia stood there in confusion, rarely at a loss for words."Do you know me?" Camellia softly asked. "I don't know you.""Are you called Camellia Smith?"Camellia nodded, indeed, she was called Camellia Smith because her name was on the jade pendant. Camellia Smith, was the only thing she had, all these years she had thought about investigating her origins, but all her memories started in the Brazilian underground boxing ring when she first stepped into the ring at the age of six. She was selected and taken away, trained to become the Camellia she is today.All memories and clues about her origins had been cut off, so she stopped investigati
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Chapter 157 Just A Decoy
As soon as Camellia left, Mr. Marcus made a gesture without looking back, and Panther and the others quickly disappeared.The previously subdued atmosphere, intimidated by Marcus, began to stir.After the gunfire just now, some timid ladies already had pale faces, standing there on unsteady legs. Seeing that the dangerous individuals had finally left, they couldn't help but secretly rejoice. This party had been filled with twists and turns, constantly thrilling.The young men were relieved that they hadn't provoked Camellia just now. Otherwise, they would have met the same fate as the young man whose arms were broken by Camellia."Oh my, who is that woman? That scene just now was like a movie shot.""It was even more dazzling than a movie shot. So cute.""A female Rambo.""Amazing gun skills, beautiful appearance, and a sexy enchantress. Such a woman is rare in the world. Is she a Miss from the Smith family? I've never heard of a Miss in the Smith family.""She must be connected to th
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Chapter 158 You Were Always Mine
Michael Lee was filled with both anger and astonishment. He never expected Mr. Marcus to hold such a trump card in his hands. He had failed miserably. He wished Marcus would disappear immediately, so that he could do whatever he wanted.Mr. Marcus let out a cold and cruel laugh, a touch of chilliness in his tone. "Old Mr. Lee, Mr. Quincy, aren't you leaving? Do you expect me to throw you out?""Marcus... you..." Michael Lee angrily pointed at him, unable to find the words to express his anger. He coldly left. As he passed Jessica, he vented his frustration, "You'll regret it, don't think he... hmph!"His words were left hanging as he left in a rage. Quincy followed closely behind him, wanting to say something to Jessica, but not daring to leave Michael Lee's side. He hurriedly went after him.Crystal sneered, "Jessica, you really have some nerve, openly engaging in incest."After speaking, she walked away with a swish of her long dress.Jessica had a smile on her face. She truly despi
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Chapter 159 Who Sent You Here
Camellia and Rose knew they were being followed as soon as they left the hotel. Through the rearview mirror, they could see two cars closely tailing them. Camellia rolled down the car window, and loaded her gun, without even looking back, she fired a shot at the front mirror of the car behind.The bullet hit the window with a clear and crisp sound, leaving only the trace of a bullet hole while the window remained intact.Camellia whistled, "Indeed bulletproof."Rose changed the route and drove onto a secluded road. "Camellia, our car is not bulletproof.""I know, just teasing Panther. He wouldn't dare to shoot," Camellia chuckled playfully.After turning a corner, Rose stepped on the gas pedal and stopped the car. Both Camellia and Rose quickly got out of the car. Rose stood coldly while Camellia leaned against the car, looking as if two cars were speeding towards them after turning the corner. Panther was startled, he slammed on the gas pedal, leaving skid marks on the road.With an
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Chapter 160 Call Me Auntie
"Let's get in the car!" Rose greeted and Camellia struck a seductive pose, asking Rose, "Rose, why do you think a charming beauty like me has never been pursued by anyone? Finally mustering the courage to confess, and he runs away as fast as a rabbit. Isn't this too much of a blow?""You're too fierce. Panther couldn't handle it." Rose offered an objective evaluation.The two women got into the car, changed back into their original clothes, and casually threw the dresses onto the back seat.Camellia felt hurt. "I chased after Edward half of Arabia, but he never looked at me seriously."Rose couldn't help but laugh, recalling the time in Arabia when Camellia flirted with Edward intentionally. She would sprain her foot at the right time, deliberately fall in the bathroom, deliberately bring a bunch of snakes to hide in her bed and scream at night...pretending to be innocent didn't work, acting seductive and even wearing skimpy bikinis, almost went as far as to sleep with Edward.She use
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