All Chapters of From One Night To True Love: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
352 Chapters
Chapter 161 My Dear Auntie
"You are such a paranoid child. It's not good to question adults," Camellia laughed, pulling Henry to sit beside her. "You look just like my Brother Marcus when he was little. No wonder I always thought you were strikingly familiar. It finally makes sense now.""My Dad never mentioned having a sister," Henry said. They had been together for so long, and Henry had never heard Marcus mention a sister. So when Camellia suddenly came out and said she was his aunt, Henry naturally didn't believe it."That's because Brother Marcus lost me when we were young. He felt guilty and didn't want to bring it up," Camellia smiled, raising her hands. "Enough talking, will you call me Auntie or not?"Henry shivered and smiled in a slightly eerie way. Calling her auntie felt awkward. Just imagine, a woman who often calls herself your future wife and flirts with you online, suddenly asking you to call her auntie. It felt a bit surreal."Hey, don't be so discouraging, okay? You're really not going to cal
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Chapter 162 I'm Not Your Sister-In-Law Yet
"Brother Marcus, I miss you so much. Did you miss me? Have you thought about me?" Camellia hugged Mr. Marcus happily, while Henry muttered to himself on the side. Lies, absolute lies. How could she miss him? She had only just regained her memory. Where did this "miss you" come from?"Weren't you the one who just remembered me?" Mr. Marcus raised an eyebrow with a smile, his eyes filled with doting affection.Henry gave him a thumbs up silently, thinking, Dad, you're so wise!"Oh, My! Brother Marcus, why did you have to expose me like this...""Cough... cough..." Henry choked on his juice by accident, coughing continuously. Auntie, my dad isn't someone you can flirt with. Do you really want to...?Rose glanced at Camellia lazily, then continued flipping through the magazine as if nothing happened, a faint smile appearing at the corner of her lips.Mr. Marcus's eyebrows raised in response...Camellia seemed to realize something and laughed nervously, "I-I, just now, that was your imagin
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Chapter 163 They Are Getting Along Well
Camellia responded quickly. "Indeed, Sister-in-law is wise. Men need to be thoroughly assessed, especially a playboy like my Brother Marcus."Mr. Marcus slapped her on the back of her head. "Little girl, stop talking nonsense.""Well said!" Miss Jessica smiled. Henry quickly gave up his seat, obsequiously offering his juice. Jessica accepted it and asked with a smile, "Camellia, why are you both here at the banquet? To kill him?"Camellia, "..."Indeed, she was sharp. Brother Marcus, your taste is truly unique. Most men don't usually like such strong and formidable women. Her words were so accurate, even more straightforward than her Brother Marcus."Sister-in-law, you're joking. I was just bored on vacation and went out for a stroll. It wasn't like I was out to kill Brother Marcus." Camellia's smile remained unchanged, excessively perfect. "Really, I heard it was lively tonight, so I went to see the fun. Sister-in-law did a great job just now, well done.""Thank you!" Miss Jessica hu
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Chapter 164 I Killed Charles
"I killed Charles, and Mom took the blame for me," Mr. Marcus said hoarsely, not hiding anything from Camellia. She had the right to know the truth. This matter had been buried in Mr. Marcus' heart for over a decade, and this was the second time he had mentioned it to someone else.Camellia was stunned. She took a few steps forward and hugged Mr. Marcus. "It's okay, brother. I won't ask anymore, and I won't investigate. Let it go. I believe mom did it willingly."Mr. Marcus felt a pang in his heart. "You don't blame me?""What is there to blame? If we have to blame someone, blame us for deciding to return to the Smith family," Camellia said. "In the future, if anyone dares to bully you, I'll kill them."When those Australians caused trouble back then, her brother had already taken action. Otherwise, she would have gone on a killing spree again.Camellia was not a kind and forgiving person. Those who bullied her would have to bear the price of revenge.She remembered when Victor and An
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Chapter 165 Gossip Post
Jessica went upstairs, washed herself, dried her hair, and then went online to organize the documents she needed for tomorrow's meeting. She saved the files and replied to a few emails when she unexpectedly received an email from Quincy.She furrowed her brow, thinking about Michael Lee's annoying face tonight, feeling uneasy about it.It wasn't because Michael Lee was her grandfather, but because she was disgusted by the things he said to Marcus. It was ridiculous for him to blame Alston Smith for Quincy's parents' plane crash without any evidence.Her hatred for Mr. Marcus had no reason behind it. It could only be said that the hatred had completely twisted this person's heart.The end justifies the means, she thought.She hated Michael Lee, the first time she had ever hated someone so much. Someone shameless to this extent could be considered a rare being.She hesitated for a moment, but still opened Quincy's email. Michael Lee was Michael Lee, and Quincy was Quincy. Even though he
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Chapter 166 The Dramatic Love Pentagon
Jessica scrolled further down, and there was Saxon's beautiful face. This time, it was a profile shot, perfect like Venus, with lines so well-defined that it was unbelievably beautiful.The melancholic prince looked at Jessica affectionately, using the red wine as a prop to appear deep. The scene was shot in a way that evoked feelings. If someone didn't know Saxon, they would think that this man truly loved her to the point of obsession.Looks can be deceiving, oh, how deceiving they can be.The scripted dialogue was:Saxon: Why don't you understand my heart? Let my lips kiss your face.Jessica shivered and rubbed the goosebumps on her arms. She grabbed the nearby glass of water and took a gulp."Miss, it's such a waste that you're not a detective. Not only is the cinematography beautiful, but you can also understand Saxon's twisted psychology."She looked at the next scene and found herself dumbfounded...It was a picture of her holding Mr. Marcus's hand. Mr. Marcus turned his head a
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Chapter 167 Hack Him
Jessica's eyes widened and then narrowed. She felt a bit upset. Damn it, Mr. Marcus, you promiscuous bastard. Every time she turned around, she encountered one of his ex-lovers. Jessica took a deep breath and remained calm.As they say, you can find infidelity everywhere on the internet. She gritted her teeth, thinking that among this group of socialites, there were probably quite a few who had affairs with Mr. Marcus.Jessica's smile twisted.A Rich Lady: Wow... quickly go to the 6688th floor and see. There's a scandal!Driven by her gossip-loving nature, Jessica navigated to the 6688th floor and was immediately stunned. Her eyes twitched uncontrollably. Sure enough, there was the scene of Jessica initiating a kiss with Mr. Marcus.The post went like this: Kissing is a specialty of the 21st century. What does it have to do with the rest of you?Damn it!Who has such great investigative skills?The poster was Blue Sky.Damn it, this person is also a master at stirring up trouble on th
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Chapter 168 It's Punishment
"Why did you come downstairs?" Mr. Marcus asked as he approached.Miss Jessica thought of certain flirtatious remarks made by A Rich Lady and also recalled Blue Sky. She scrutinized Mr. Marcus from head to toe."Daddy, Mummy had a question she didn't understand, so she came down to ask me," Henry smiled.Mr. Marcus raised an eyebrow and pinched Miss Jessica's nose. "I'm right next door, why didn't you come and ask me?"Luckily she didn't ask Marcus to hack Blue Sky. Jessica applauded herself for her wisdom. She couldn't help it. She was used to having Henry check computer problems and even help her play pranks.Miss Jessica brushed Mr. Marcus' hand away and smiled, "You don't have Henry's expertise."Otherwise, you wouldn't have been hacked by your son. Jessica thought to herself.Henry wisely remained silent, understanding that adults should speak without interruption."Who says that? It would be nice if they came to see me too," Mr. Marcus glanced at her coldly. What a stubborn girl
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Chapter 169 Love Education
The next day, Henry was downstairs drinking milk when his mom and dad coincidentally came downstairs together. His mom looked spirited, while his dad had a gloomy expression. Henry smiled and gave Jessica a good morning kiss on the cheek, then smiled and asked Marcus."Dad, did you not sleep well last night?"His voice was tender and worried, but Marcus' gaze turned cold, and he curtly replied, "No!"Henry saw his dad glared at his mom, but his mom acted as if nothing had happened, calmly drinking her milk and even making a request with a smile, "Darling, hand me a piece of bread."Henry said, "Okay."Mr. Marcus narrowed his eyes and said, "Go get it yourself! Why should I order my son around?"Miss Jessica smiled and said, "Your son has been serving me for years. Any objections?"Mr. Marcus, "..."Henry felt a little guilty and a little excited. Guilty for betraying his dad, but excited to see his parents banter and play-fighting.It's really complicated being a son!Jessica stood up
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Chapter 170 Repay The Debt
With Saxon joining the Noblefull Group, a strange atmosphere engulfed them. Every meeting held in the first conference room was filled with tension. Knowing Saxon had more than a passing interest in Jessica made Mr. Marcus feel extremely uncomfortable. Whenever Saxon's emerald green eyes looked towards Jessica, Mr. Marcus felt extremely uncomfortable. No man would be happy with his woman being coveted, especially someone as domineering as Mr. Marcus.Mr. Marcus rarely allowed Jessica to enter the first conference room, always bringing Susan or Alice along instead.However, this did not deter Saxon's pursuit of Jessica.Noblefull Group's focus recently revolved around Saxon and Jessica. Even the secretaries in the office began to gossip about the chances of Jessica and Saxon being together. As Mr. Marcus's face grew darker, they eventually dared not gossip anymore and instead whispered about the complex relationships between the three of them.There was a ridiculous rumor circulating w
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