All Chapters of From One Night To True Love: Chapter 211 - Chapter 220
352 Chapters
Chapter 211 A Kiss Could Dissipate Weariness
That night, Camellia tossed and turned in bed. On one hand, the pain in her wrist and spine kept her from sleeping soundly. On the other hand, her heart was tuned to every sound outside. Henry installed infrared detection around the villa perimeter, and Mr. Marcus activated the internal alarm. Camellia's heart was attentive to every sound.Even Rose couldn't sleep. She lay on the sofa, listening intently as well.Mr. Marcus remained in his study, working late into the night, having video conferences with Lionel, Aaron, and others to discuss strategies, and devising the most effective methods to deal with Saxon. They were also working on an all-around offensive and defensive tactic, attempting to break through Saxon's defenses in the shortest possible time, to completely put an end to Noblefull Group.Henry, in his study, delved into computer technology. His determination to win against Herman and Duncan had been completely aroused. He couldn't accept anything less than victory. His co
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Chapter 212 Physical Examination results
The next day when the sun rose, Mr. Marcus had just fallen asleep. The room was draped in several layers of thick curtains. Henry was also asleep. And Camellia, who had a wound, wasn't feeling well either, so she was resting.Jessica could only say goodbye to Rose before leaving."Are you sure it's okay for you to go out alone? Let me accompany you, just in case Saxon suddenly targets you," Rose said decisively."They're all at home, not in the right frame of mind. You stay at home, I'll be fine. I made plans to have dinner with a friend. Saxon will only act desperately if he has no other choice. I think he also wants to challenge Marcus. He won't do anything to me for now."Rose nodded and took off her watch and put it on her wrist. "Take this, press the red button if you're in danger."Jessica looked at it and nodded before leaving.Grace came to pick up Jessica, and they went to the hospital together. Grace asked, "Have you asked the doctor? What did he say?""I didn't ask," Jessic
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Chapter 213 Unexpected Ending
Jessica was trying to persuade Grace, but without looking up, she replied, "Mind your own business.""Aren't you better off letting me entertain you rather than drinking alone? It'll be more fun," the handsome man smiled."I've seen plenty of men trying to pick up girls. If you don't have what it takes, go back to the womb and come out again. Don't embarrass yourself," Jessica said coldly.Grace and Jessica were both beautiful. One was stunningly gorgeous, and the other was charming and captivating. Many men had their eyes on them, lusting after them.Bang! Grace slammed down her glass and sneered, "Mr. Isaac, don't you see? You dare to mess with a woman of Mr. Marcus?"Mr. Isaac's smile froze, and then he suddenly laughed, "Mr. Marcus? Who is Mr. Marcus' woman? Besides, Mr. Marcus is now a defeated man. His Noblefull Group has been taken over by the mafia, and the Smith family fell in his generation. No need to fear about a man like him."Jessica's face darkened. With her fingers tig
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Chapter 214 A Fierce Business War
The Noblefull Group first experienced a loss of customers, with almost 80 percent of them forcefully taken away by Mr. Marcus. He and those customers had maintained a strong partnership, knowing each other very well. As soon as he left the Noblefull Group, he began secretly contacting their customers, using both threats and incentives to snatch away all of the core customers that sustained the Noblefull Group.Although Saxon had made some preparations, intimidating some people with the help of the mafia to prevent them from acting recklessly. Mr. Marcus, who had been planning for the demise of the Noblefull Group, was very strategic in choosing his clients. Most of these people answered his call without hesitation, and Saxon eventually lost to the charisma of Mr. Marcus.As the customers were taken away, they temporarily fell under the ownership of Aaron, Derrick, and LN International Media. They chose to sign transition period contracts, which was an unspoken agreement between the fo
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Chapter 215 It's Over
"Fucking Saxon!" Lionel exploded in anger during a conference call.Others simply chuckled, trying to calm him down. This was the battlefield, and they had no control over the tactics employed. It was clear that the situation had spiraled out of control.As a result of the influence of these international companies, the stock prices of LN International Media, the Moore Family Group, and the Brown Family Group were all affected, continuously plummeting in recent days, much to Lionel's frustration."This mafia style won't change into something legitimate. Damn it, is he trying to trigger a global economic crisis?" Lionel was furious. "In this business battle, LN International Media can only provide covert assistance. Many things cannot be brought to light. But now that he has made it a big deal, let's not hold back. He knows how to find people, so why shouldn't we?"Lionel's anger was justified. Saxon's actions broke the rules of the game, just like in primitive societies where there we
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Chapter 216 Historic Disaster
The collapse of the central part of the Walnut Creek project caused an unprecedented scandal of government corruption in shoddy construction. It also tarnished the reputation of Noblefull Group.Alston Smith's anger caused him to vomit blood, and he was rushed to the hospital overnight. Saxon received the news earlier than Alston Smith. He remained unusually calm, as if he had already anticipated it. He didn't mention the matter at all and ordered his subordinates to make it look like they were attempting to salvage the situation.The extent of this collapse was extremely severe. It was initially a large-scale project, already halfway built. But unexpectedly, it collapsed from the center, destroying even the foundation. Saxon had indeed encountered many technical issues with the Walnut Creek project.Because they needed to rush the construction, the original design drawings were not properly recorded, only rough sketches were available. The responsibility for the handover was clearly
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Chapter 217 The Twisted Nature
"This move is pretty ruthless," Camellia nestled in Henry's study, watching the recent developments.Seven days of lurking, one day of action, and a hit right on target.Seeing the look on Saxon's face made Camellia feel incredibly satisfied, super satisfied. It was even more satisfying than teasing Herman."I would say he's a real twisted," Rose said coldly.The issue of radiation from the jewelry materials should have been exposed in the morning, but he had to wait until noon.They asked why Mr. Marcus did that.He responded that if it was revealed in the morning, Saxon would only go to the police station once, and everything would be resolved in one go, which he found boring. He enjoyed seeing Saxon being repeatedly brought to the police station by the police.He felt like the police officers would eventually give him an award. After all, many undercover agents died at the hands of the Mafia. And the mafia godfather was frequently being transported this way would be very interestin
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Chapter 218 My Dear Little Brother
At noon, after Noblefull Group's jewelry products were taken off the shelves, Mr. Marcus accepted an invitation from Kent, the chairman of the W City Jewelry Association, to have a detailed discussion. With nothing to do at home, Miss Jessica accompanied him on his way out.Mr. Marcus was also a member of the Jewelry Association, and his relationship with Kent was not too bad, nor too good.As he had only recently ventured into the jewelry industry, and his time as a member was short, he didn't have any prior acquaintance with Kent and the others. After all, different industries were like separate worlds.Even after joining the Jewelry Association, Mr. Marcus had shallow relationships with the other members, except for exchanging information with Derrick.Kent's sudden invitation made Mr. Marcus well aware of the purpose. He had been commanding from home these days and was eager to get out and stretch his legs.Kent and Alston Smith were of the same age, but Kent looked much older tha
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Chapter 219 His Weakness
Mr. Marcus sneered, finding it amusing that Saxon still dared to be defiant at this point. Mr. Marcus didn't think Saxon had any tricks up his sleeve to save Noblefull Group. How could he rebuild the collapsed Noblefull Group within two days?"Noblefull Group is crumbling, Alston Smith is ruined. I don't think he can bounce back and be as vibrant as before. If I were more ruthless, he would spend his life in jail. I doubt if his weakened body can withstand much longer. I want him to live and witness my revenge. As for you, Saxon, after Alston Smith falls, you're next!" Mr. Marcus's eyes were filled with hatred, equal to or even greater than his disdain for Alston Smith.But Saxon had mighty connections within the mafia. It wouldn't be easy to bring him down. So he had first brought down Alston Smith.Mr. Marcus had endured years of torture and humiliation, and he would never allow Alston Smith to roam freely."Mr. Marcus, you always achieve what you set out to do, but in this matter,
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Chapter 220 Meeting With Vincent
"Can't you discuss it over the phone?" Jessica instinctively didn't want to get involved with anyone from the Smith family. It was said that this old butler had been with Alston Smith since a very young age, and they had a relationship of decades. He was extremely loyal to Alston Smith. "Let's meet in person. I have something very important to discuss and I want to talk to you face-to-face." Jessica felt puzzled, not knowing what business the butler of the Smith family could have with her. Apart from Alston Smith being hospitalized, she didn't have much to say to him. Mr. Marcus asked, "Who is it?" "The butler of the Smith family. He wants to talk to me about something," Jessica honestly replied, not hiding anything. They happened to be at a red light, so Mr. Marcus stopped the car, snatched Jessica's phone, and said in a deep voice, "Uncle, it's me, Marcus. Whatever you want to discuss with her, if it's about my father, don't bother." Although Mr. Marcus' voice was cold, his ton
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