All Chapters of From One Night To True Love: Chapter 221 - Chapter 230
352 Chapters
Chapter 221 He Was Her Grandfather
Vincent said gently, "Actually, it was only a few days ago that I accidentally overheard Old Mr. Alston mention that you and Mr. Marcus are cousins, and that's when I realized you're Judy's daughter. I didn't know before."Jessica felt a bit relieved when she heard that. She spoke frankly, "I thought you already knew, but were afraid of Alston Smith, so you never showed up."Vincent seemed to anticipate her answer, just smiled, and didn't mind. And Jessica didn't have any ill intentions. She might resent him, but it's not Jessica's style to speak ill towards an elderly person who seemed so kind and hadn't harmed her."Are we cousins then?" Jessica asked, only Vincent had the answer to this question."You and Mr. Marcus don't seem to care about it, right?" Vincent countered."Not caring is one thing, whether or not we are cousins is another. You should know that Marcus and I have a son now, so we naturally don't care about being cousins. But whether we're cousins or not will affect whe
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Chapter 222 Asked Him To Let It Go
"How have you been all these years?" Vincent kindly asked.Jessica smiled calmly without a hint of emotion. Trying to play the sentiment card? Too bad, I stopped falling for that when I was ten years old. "I've been very well. I'm living comfortably now, with a high education, high income, a lovely son, and a man who loves us both."Vincent had heard about her and Mr. Marcus, but back then he never expected she would be his granddaughter. After all, the world is vast, and the chances of meeting relatives again are rare.This young girl is quite intelligent.She speaks without revealing too much.That smile seemed pleasant at first glance, but a bit chilling at the second. She is different from Diana and Judy, stronger, more decisive, and smarter than them.A kind of cleverness that is not overtly sharp, appearing reserved."Mr. Marcus is an exceptionally good man, and you will be happy," Vincent said.Jessica raised an eyebrow and couldn't help but smile. "This is the first time I've
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Chapter 223 Don't Touch Jessica
It was unclear who Herman was directing the statement to.Camellia smiled, "So you're a snitch, huh? Then make it clear. What does your master plan to do? Destroy us or blow us up?"Henry elegantly smirked, "Is Saxon worried if his firepower is sufficient? Is he ready for a fight?"His voice exuded elegance, but it was accompanied by an imposing aura, resembling Camellia by ninety-nine percent.Huh, Saxon wanted to boast about his firepower without even considering his own capabilities. So far, the terrorists haven't even gotten involved in this war. If they do, who knows who will come out on top? Saxon is just way too confident.However, Herman was not someone to be confused in the face of adversity. Since he warned them to leave, Saxon must be planning some action.Just as Herman was about to reply, the door opened, and Duncan walked in. The two identical faces appeared on the screen, immediately letting Camellia and Rose know that Herman's plan to divulge information had failed.Du
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Chapter 224 Blow Up The Ships
"Mr. Marcus, it's Saxon," Panther's voice just fell when a black luxury car screeched to a stop on the dock.Saxon elegantly got out of the car, dressed all in black. His white overcoat billowed eerily in the sea breeze.In the darkness, his emerald green eyes appeared colder than before.Just as Mr. Marcus expected, it was indeed Saxon. He sneered, knowing that Saxon had been the one messing with their arms shipment."What happened to the deal? Why did that old man, William, stand you up?" Saxon smiled with a touch of melancholy, a hint of wickedness, and a dash of satisfaction. Looking at the cargo ships that had already left the port, Saxon's smile became even more sinister. "You can set sail even without anyone negotiating. Aren't you afraid of interception from the navy?"Mr. Marcus crossed his arms and remained silent, creating a black and white contrast. The two figures on the dock each exuded their own aura. It seemed as though everyone could only see the swirling black tornad
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Chapter 225 He Fell Into A Trap
"Inspector Milo, what brings you and this many people here on a case?" Mr. Marcus chuckled lightly. Two military helicopters hovered above the sea, Milo sure made quite a move this time.With encirclement on land, sea, and air, it's a pity. To prevent any issues with the arms trade, Mr. Marcus had no qualms about asking his precious son for the latest explosive program. Only the top terrorists can destroy evidence without a trace, and this system was developed by his son. He wasn't going to let it go to waste.Never expected it to come in handy."This is classified!" Milo said sternly.Mr. Marcus laughed lightly, still graceful in his actions. "Inspector Milo, taking on a big case, yet you haven't asked the mafia godfather why he is here? Seems quite strange and illogical, doesn't it?"Milo raised an eyebrow. And a flash of annoyance passed through Saxon's emerald green eyes.Before Inspector Milo could reply, Mr. Marcus coldly smirked, "Seems like the informant Inspector Milo mention
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Chapter 226 You Can't Escape
When Jessica woke up in a daze, two days had passed. She woke up in pain, a sharp and unbearable pain in her lower abdomen, rolling on the bed while clutching her agonizing stomach...Crying in pain, her petite body curled up, suffering...First, the severe pain in her lower abdomen, followed by the feeling of countless needles piercing her every limb and organ, attacking her from all directions, making it inescapable. Veins bulged on Jessica's neck from the intense struggle to endure.The veins on the sun also stood out, Jessica's head tilted back, her golden hair scattered, and she let out a piercing scream, "Ouch..."The pain surged like tidal waves, like a blizzard after an avalanche, Jessica couldn't help but scream, trying to lessen the anguish raging within her body. But it was futile, the pain remained just as strong, like a steel knife hacking at her bones, a piercing pain that penetrated her core, almost pushing her to the limit.The excruciating pain in every limb and organ
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Chapter 227 His Target Was Marcus
"So, it's really you!" Jessica sneered, her fists clenched. She had no strength to resist Saxon now. The whole island was like a prison, trapping her. It would be wise not to act tough."Your resilience is impressive. I thought you wouldn't wake up until tomorrow," Saxon smiled gently. In the sunlight, his face was as fair as jade, and his emerald eyes shone like pearls. If one didn't know he was a mafia godfather, they would never suspect him of being so ruthless.Jessica didn't want to show weakness in front of him, but she knew her current situation was terrible. She had a pale face, weak and powerless, like a fish waiting to be slaughtered on a chopping board."Is that so? I'm sorry to disappoint you," Jessica sneered, wiping the cold sweat from her forehead. "You put in so much effort, why? With such a large island, who are you trying to attract?"His target was Marcus!She had always known that, and with a sudden sense of fear, Jessica tried to stand up. Unfortunately, she had w
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Chapter 228 She Hates Her Powerlessness
There seemed to be no surprise. This was Saxon's nature, wasn't it? From a long time ago, he had never concealed his desires and lust toward her. Jessica grew angrier but felt powerless to resist.She always believed that no matter what kind of environment one is in, as long as they don't give up, even the worst situation will have a glimmer of hope. As long as she works hard and has enough courage.That's how she has always lived. But now she realizes that there are times when she is powerless, when she feels helpless and at the mercy of others.Saxon..."Why are you trembling so much?" Saxon chuckled lightly, with a hint of satisfaction in his voice. Jessica's fear seemed to please him, and he enjoyed seeing it. "You used to be so strong, right? What are you afraid of? Why are you shaking? Show some of that courage you used to have, I'm looking forward to it."Jessica bit her lip tightly. She refused to be humiliated by anyone. She had to suppress her urge to slap Saxon. But just th
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Chapter 229 Greater Suffering Awaited Her
Jessica was pushed to the edge of humiliation and death by Saxon, almost collapsing. She tasted the metallic taste of blood on her lips as she bit down hard to endure.She was not afraid of the sexual torment, but she feared Saxon's psychological and emotional oppression.It's like when a person knows they are about to die, standing at the edge of a cliff. They would rather jump off and meet a quick end, shattering their bones, than be forced to linger on the edge of that cliff. And then they are told that beneath the cliff awaits even greater and more painful torment, and they are reminded of all the things they still cherish in the world. That is a kind of psychological oppression.He forces you to face the certainty of death, but denies you the relief of a swift end.If she had a knife right now, she wouldn't hesitate to stab it into Saxon's chest, letting his blood stain her face, even if it meant carrying the guilt of taking a life.But she couldn't do anything now, except live u
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Chapter 230 There Was No Escape
Just as Jessica was about to lose consciousness, Saxon violently threw her aside. Jessica fell onto the sandy beach, her blood-stained body contrasting sharply against the pristine white sand. The air rushed back, causing Jessica to cough uncontrollably...Lying on the ground, she took deep breaths, with grains of sand invading her nose and throat. The sand caused a sharp tingling sensation in her nose, while her throat scraped against it, causing intense pain. Her eyes stung as tears streamed uncontrollably...It was a natural reaction, but Jessica couldn't stop herself from crying. The suppressed emotions burst out all at once. She wept...She couldn't distinguish whether it was caused by the sand or if she had wanted to cry all along...The coughing continued... now accompanied by hoarse sobs.Her heart felt heavy... a feeling that couldn't be expressed in words, only summed up as a simple word... pain.Suddenly, she felt a strong pulling force as Saxon grabbed her wrist and forcef
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