All Chapters of From One Night To True Love: Chapter 241 - Chapter 250
352 Chapters
Chapter 241 A New Virus
"I don't know what you're talking about, but if you don't leave, don't blame me for being impolite," the instructor declared rudely.Jessica sneered coldly and couldn't help but take a few steps forward. These instructors' faces changed drastically, stepping back in unison.Jessica mocked, "Oh, really? Why don't you tell me how impolite you can be?"She was confident that this group of people wouldn't dare to harm her. After all, Saxon wouldn't allow them to do anything to her. So why should she be afraid of them?The farther she advanced, the more the group retreated.Her gaze grew colder, and the more they acted this way, the deeper her unease grew in her heart. In the end, those individuals sensed that something was off. They coldly snorted and turned to leave. The instructor glanced back at Jessica, his eyes filled with indescribable coldness.The once lively beach became silent, only the sounds of crashing waves could be heard, rapidly and forcefully. Those bodies on the shore, f
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Chapter 242 I Want Marcus
Jessica's face turned pale, her hand gripping Saxon's collar loosely, as she went weak and her mind went blank. All her strength was drained from her, leaving only the word "death"...She never expected it. Jessica seemed to see Marcus and Henry, covered in blood, silently staring at her...Her breathing became rapid, her body convulsing. Extreme fear caused Jessica's pupils to widen to their limit. Her pale lips trembled, as if she were a person stranded in the snow in Antarctica, trembling desperately..."Aha, why so scared? Weren't you strong? Weren't you calm and resilient?" Saxon smiled with a hint of malice, admiring Jessica's fear. His emerald green eyes exuded a sense of resentment.Jessica truly felt that someone could drag another person into the depths of hell. She was now living a life of two extremes, as if struggling in a pool of blood from hell, her despair too painful to bear witness to.Her eyes were bloodshot, her large pupils a vast emptiness, devoid of color.Saxon
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Chapter 243 I Love Him
Each word hit like a thunderbolt. Though she was mentally prepared, Jessica couldn't help but be stunned. Saxon's actions were filled with a sinister and hateful ambiguity, and it all revolved around Marcus.His infatuation with Marcus, Henry had warned her about it before. Saxon had a preference for men and had a sick obsession with corrupting young boys. Uncontrollably, she wondered if his twisted desires were somehow connected to Marcus from more than ten years ago. That was why he... she dared not even complete the thought.Jessica's face turned pale, and she suddenly grew angry. "You're dreaming!"He would never have his way. What a disgusting idea! Why didn't he go after Alston Smith instead of setting his sights on Mr. Marcus? She couldn't contain her fury as waves of shock and fear surged within her.Saxon showed no sign of anger. "Dreaming? But haven't I already gotten you? Originally, this virus was meant to force him to submit, but unexpectedly, you caught my interest. So I
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Chapter 244 Take A Shower
"Why are you just standing there?" Laura asked coldly.Henry shifted his gaze from the swimming pool and realized that she, dressed in fiery red, was now so close to him. Henry felt a sudden sense of dismay."How old are you?" Henry couldn't help but ask.Laura furrowed her brow, clearly annoyed, but she still answered with a specific year and month.Henry felt even more dismayed.Why?Because he discovered that Laura was three months younger than him and almost a head taller. From such a close distance, he had to... look up at her...Henry was greatly discouraged. Under the influence of Mr. Marcus, he was very aware of the subtle differences between boys and girls of the same age. He couldn't accept that someone of the same age was taller than him; he was quite... dissatisfied.In school, he seemed to be taller than those sniffly boys in his class. How was it that he suddenly became short in Laura's presence? Henry darkly concluded that she must have lied about her age."Why are you
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Chapter 245 Why Let Him Out
"What does your bathing have to do with me leaving?" Laura retorted expressionlessly.Henry smiled even more charmingly, "So you want to see me bathe? No wonder you've saved me several times. So, as that boy said, you're attracted to me?"Laura smiled, and Henry suddenly felt that the pool water had become even colder. Every time he woke up to see her, she had a frosty expression or a provocative arrogance. Except for the fleeting smile she showed when introducing herself, he had never seen her smile.Beautiful, but... dangerous, like a rose growing in venom, thrilling yet life-threatening."I say, Stone, are you feeling shy?" Laura's smiling face was truly beautiful, with delicate dimples on both sides of her cheeks. "Take a look at yourself now, is there anything worth looking at? Girls and boys at this age, I look better than you. If I want to look at someone, I'd rather admire myself in the mirror."Dominant and narcissistic, that's Laura.Laura's mental age seemed older than her
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Chapter 246 First Time To Ask For Help
Laura led Henry to the shore. They didn't encounter many people, only blooming white roses. Henry searched his mind for information, but he couldn't recall this island covered in white roses.There were many beach umbrellas and lounge chairs on the sand. Laura sat down, and Henry didn't hesitate to sit on the other side. Laura was meticulous in her thoughts, perhaps due to being in this environment for a long time.It's only safe to talk here, without the risk of being overheard."Stony, why did Henry send you here?" Laura asked.Yesterday, Herman came to the island to inquire about his situation. Laura didn't hide anything, but Herman didn't react much. He didn't even look at him, just left before saying, "Keep him intact."Laura pondered in secret for a while. Did he mean his injuries should heal, or that he should always remain unharmed?Even if a nuclear war broke out and billions of lives were lost, Herman would remain indifferent. Yet he had deliberately come here, asking her to
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Chapter 247 Beg Me
Jessica suffered from the virus, experiencing two attacks every day. The pain was almost unbearable. She felt her body weakening, and at its worst, she would lose consciousness due to the high fever. Her body's immune system was destroyed by the virus.Several times, she could almost see the vivid scene of the King of Hell beckoning her.Maybe in less than a month, she would be six feet under.Death wasn't terrifying, but she loved too deeply in this life. She had many regrets, so she felt reluctant. She endured wave after wave of pain with perseverance, struggling and lingering in hell.Having had enough of her miserable state, Saxon injected her with an experimental drug. The needle pierced her veins, the icy coldness reaching her heart. Jessica had never felt so uncomfortable. The needle almost pierced her heart.She didn't know what it was, and she couldn't resist it. In those few days, when her body was in pain and she had no energy, after being injected with the drug, her nerves
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Chapter 248 She Caused His Death
David violently and fiercely slammed his head against the wall, blood splattered everywhere. He was covered in blood and slumped weakly on the ground, a demonic red pool surrounding him, as the blood slowly overflowed from his head...It almost created a river, and the child's body withered like autumn leaves...Jessica watched helplessly as he died in such a gruesome way right before her eyes. Her eyes turned bloodshot, almost tearing apart. Saxon seemed a little surprised by the child's determination as he raised an eyebrow...Jessica instantly went insane..."No..." Her mournful scream echoed through the lush sky.At the seaside, Jessica held David in her arms, sitting there in a blank and dumbfounded state. Her eyes were terrifyingly empty, tears falling drop by drop. Saxon had beaten her so badly that her internal organs had shifted, yet she still hadn't cried. However, she couldn't help but care about this fragile little life.She begged Saxon for a long time to let her hold Da
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Chapter 249 Enjoyed The time With Her
On another island, the summer breeze blew, and Camellia became more obedient. She rarely provoked Herman anymore. She started to take the ladylike route, trying not to think about her brother Marcus's situation. Camellia felt that she was leading a relatively comfortable life.Herman was a mysterious person, not showing his emotions easily. However, he showed some genuine emotions to Camellia. He would get angry; he would shout and smash cups and tables. Camellia enjoyed teasing him. Since it was inevitable that she was a prisoner, and a head-on collision was a deadlock, she tried taking a different approach and going down an irreversible path. It was never Camellia's style to give in without putting up a fight. She liked multiple challenges.She didn't like being still, but Herman preferred tranquility. Camellia would never do as he wished. He guarded her tightly, knowing that no matter how he tied her down, Camellia would find a way to break free. So, Herman simply locked her in an
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Chapter 250 Walk Hand in Hand
Camellia laughed, a magnificent smile displayed on her face. She kept her eyes closed and said nothing. Herman, you're really capable of going to such extremes. If that's what you want, then go even further. As if sensing her thoughts, Herman increased the pressure of his grip, as if his eyes dancing with the devil. He truly wanted to strangle her like that.If she died, he would be free.No need to worry about anyone, no need to agonize, no need to be consumed by fiery feelings. Herman, still Herman. Everything was like a fleeting dream, the melody ended, and the people dispersed. It was as if she had come and gone in his dream.Fury, intensifying, the storm swirling, a demon took hold in Herman's heart.Camellia, Camellia! When he first saw her, she cautiously explored the room, a side profile displaying a hint of pride and dominance. He pondered in secret, that there aren't many women with such courage. But upon seeing her again, she abandoned her dominance and smiled charmingly. H
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