All Chapters of From One Night To True Love: Chapter 261 - Chapter 270
352 Chapters
Chapter 261 The Devastating Truth
Jessica's face instantly turned pale, for several minutes, she seemed dazed, then she snapped out of it, anger surged through her, rushing towards Saxon wanting to fight him, but Saxon controlled her hands, twisting them back, Jessica suddenly heard the sound of her own bones breaking.So painful...Cold sweat broke out on her forehead, so painful."Saxon..." Jessica gasped for breath, struggling against the intense pain, her demeanor somewhat frantic. "You'll get what's coming to you..."Her body ached, but her heart ached even more. Compared to the dark days she witnessed Marcus endure in Australia, she felt more angry and humiliated. This devil, she cursed him to hell!Jessica had never wished more fervently to be Camellia or Rose, to have their formidable skills, to be able to knock Saxon down with one move. She wished she could gather ten, a hundred men to fuck him, to let him taste this bitterness.She hated this level of vulnerability.So much pain, overwhelming her. Jessica wa
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Chapter 262 The Lunatic
"Aren't you always curious about what happened eighteen years ago?" Saxon laughed heartily, his expression turning grim. Ignoring Jessica's screams, he continued, "Little did I know, I underestimated him. After they left, it was just me. He was about to become a broken doll, but he surprised me by pulling out a knife from under the bed. Haha, he was clever. After that incident, he started to guard against me. He endured for seven days before making a move. Unfortunately, I wasn't meant to die. Instead, he ended up killing his own mother. You see, even fate is on my side. What can you do to me?""You're insane!" Jessica curled up in a corner, thinking Saxon had gone mad.Only a madman would do such things. She couldn't understand Saxon at all."Yeah, maybe I am insane. I wanted him so badly, I was going crazy." Saxon chuckled.Jessica couldn't express how she felt right now. Her heart felt like it was on fire, burning, painful, like needles piercing through it..."You're dreaming. You'
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Chapter 263 You Finally Came
Her head was pounding. It was already afternoon outside, the sun at its hottest. Jessica couldn't sleep, so she left the villa.The man and woman from last night were still following her. She didn't mind. It only confirmed her suspicion that Mr. Marcus was indeed coming. Otherwise, why would Saxon be so vigilant?This realization excited her. She eagerly awaited his arrival, perhaps he was on his way.But her excitement faded a bit. The magnetic beams and missiles from last night left a strong impression. Even if Mr. Marcus came, could he evade them? This island had the most advanced modern weapons.It wouldn't be easy for him to break in.Jessica looked at the azure sky, feeling a heaviness in her heart. Two scorching glares were always on her back, making her restless. She wanted to command them to leave, but she held back.She understood the importance of not making enemies. Provoking them would only lead to her own loss.Her body felt sore, but basking in the sun felt good. The ha
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Chapter 264 Seeing Her Was More Important
The waves roared, crashing against the rocks, the sound was clear.Jessica listened intently.It was hot inside the quilt. She sniffled uncomfortably because of the fever and the stuffiness. The temperature inside the quilt was high, and the heat seemed to rise. Her forehead felt even hotter.She slowly peeked out from under the covers.She didn't dare to look at the ventilation duct on the ceiling, only at the curtains. In the darkness, those eyes were terrifyingly bright. After the excitement cooled, Jessica slowly regained her sanity.She knew Mr. Marcus hadn't left; he was still in the room, so close she could feel his presence. But because of the cameras, nobody dared to move. Her heart sank; she realized she had spoken too briefly earlier, barely conveying any information to him.Jessica pondered in the dark about how to tell him about the virus on her body. She had to hurry; he hadn't left yet, and her rushed words earlier probably weren't remembered at all. Suddenly, she cried
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Chapter 265 Go to The Nearest Island
"Good boy, find the nearest inhabited island," Camellia said. A helicopter couldn't land so blatantly on the island. They could only hire a yacht to get to the nearest inhabited island.Herman cheerfully agreed, puckering his pink lips. "Then, let's have a kiss, wifey."Camellia felt like kicking him into the sea. This man, who was honest but also sly, had taken advantage of her so many times. But considering that Herman still had significant utility at the moment - he could fight and kill, and had vast knowledge and abilities - kissing him didn't feel that bad.She gave Herman a firm kiss on the lips, making him beam. "Honey, you're so good to me."He got to work, and Camellia's lips twitched. She turned around to see Laura looking at her coldly.Camellia smiled slyly, "Little Laura, you must be Rose's little sister. Both of you are so cold."Laura looked at her. "Why did Herman turn out like this?""On my honor, I have no idea," Camellia said innocently, her face full of purity. Nat
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Chapter 266 It Was Him
Herman's face was really too conspicuous. Camellia did a little something to his face, turning a stunning beauty into an ordinary-looking geek, except for those purple eyes, clear and captivating, truly beautiful.The two of them were flirting and teasing each other at the island market, one calling the other "wifey" with an adorable innocence, while the other teased back in a charming and flirtatious manner. As they moved with the crowd, making their way through the market, they split up to shop separately since they had limited time, each taking charge of a section.Camellia handled two people, while Herman took care of three. Rose and Laura waited by the seaside, and before long, they returned, clean and quick. They worked together quite well.They all boarded the yacht directly, landing from a blind spot on the island and hiding the yacht behind rocks to avoid drawing attention. The back mountain of the island was quite a distance from the front, with sheer cliffs on the other sid
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Chapter 267 Capture Them Alive
Laura was the youngest, so Camellia had her stay with the computer to receive messages.As soon as it got dark, Camellia, Herman, and Rose split up. They quickly took down over a dozen hidden sentries. Assassination was a job they had been doing for years, so they were very familiar with it. They didn't alert anyone. Camellia even silently climbed the high tower and killed four guards, propping their bodies against the pillars to maintain the appearance of guards still on duty.In just half an hour, they had dealt with over fifty people. It was dinner time, and people were less vigilant. Unfortunately, someone happened to encounter the bodies while using the restroom, immediately triggering the alarm. Suddenly, all the young men on the island rushed out.The old man sharply directed everyone to begin a thorough search. Without hesitation, Camellia and Rose decided to open fire, turning the covert operation into an open battle.Laura watched nervously from the woods; there were too man
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Chapter 268 I'm Fine
The eight men seemed very interested in the gunfire and explosions outside, eager to join the battle. They were discussing and speculating who dared to invade Death Island.Death Island. A fitting name.Laura sneered and looked up at the sharp chandeliers on the ceiling. With a swift motion, she fired her silver gun at the ceiling, startling the young men. As they looked up, rifles and pistols at the ready, Laura seized the moment and fired eight shots in rapid succession.As the chandeliers crashed down, so did the eight young men.Efficient and fierce adaptation.If Laura had confronted them head-on, she would have been killed. But she cleverly utilized everything available in the room to deal the maximum blow to her opponents. As the chandeliers fell, everyone's first instinct was to look up.That split-second distraction was all she needed to kill.The men and women imprisoned inside rushed excitedly to the iron bars, their faces filled with hope, thinking they were being rescued.
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Chapter 269 Her Determination
Laura glanced back in silence, Henry had already sensed her thoughts, but didn't say anything. Maybe he, to some extent, also had similar thoughts. In times of crisis, most people think of themselves and their loved ones. People like them don't waste their thoughts on insignificant people."Are you really one of us?" The head of the American branch asked hesitantly. He had almost believed in Laura and Henry. If he was insignificant, he wouldn't have been locked up here, let alone tortured for so long by that old man.Laura gave him an unhappy look, "Believe what you want, don't ask if you don't. Haven't you seen Stone's wounds?"A big man being silenced by a small girl did cause some embarrassment. Laura was assertive and focused only on Henry, ignoring everyone else."Are you in pain?" Laura knew Henry was in bad shape, so she deliberately slowed down. A glimpse just now revealed many wounds, old and new, spread across his body."I can handle it." Henry had sweat on his face but held
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Chapter 270 The Traitor
These wolfhounds seemed to pick up on the tense atmosphere in the forest, lacking their initial vigor and sounding somewhat distressed, their howls jarring in the quiet night.Suddenly, the young men followed the direction of the wolfhounds, ready for battle at any moment.Camellia, hiding in the trees, smirked. She led them in here. Let's see if they'll be lucky enough to make it out alive.The silk dart flew straight and hit the tree trunk, Camellia looped the iron ring around it and slid past with the silk dart. At the same time, the silver gun shot eight times in a row, instantly killing twelve wolfhounds.This silver gun was given to her by Herman as compensation. Originally Herman's gun, but he lost hers. Camellia was furious and demanded compensation from Herman. Now Herman listened to Camellia's every word, so whatever she said went. Thus, this gun, the top-ranked silver gun, ended up in her hands.This gun was extremely deadly, and coupled with Camellia's prowess as the Gun K
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