All Chapters of From One Night To True Love: Chapter 271 - Chapter 280
352 Chapters
Chapter 271 Accept Your Fate
"Is your master doing okay?""Shut your mouth, you're not worthy to mention my master." Camellia snapped coldly, her cold eyes piercing, wrist subtly moving as a chilling smile danced on her lips, "Leopard, I'm giving you a chance to prepare out of respect for your age, just don't die too miserably later."Leopard's pale face showed a fierce expression, his eyes that had been silent for years revealing a strong dominance.Being a figure like Camellia and Rose, it was clear that there was a strong killing intent emanating from Leopard.Leopard laughed heartily, his grey hair dancing in the night air, rustling without wind, and startling the birds in the forest, creating a menacing pressure in the eerie night forest."You two are her proud disciples, today I will eliminate you all," Leopard spoke with extreme coldness.Rose sneered, "Why not give it a try?"Camellia suddenly smiled seductively, holstering her silver gun, "After hiding for years, I didn't expect you to seek refuge with t
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Chapter 272 Do You Want To Leave
Meanwhile, in the forest, as soon as Henry and Laura entered the minefield, explosions erupted, and more than ten pursuers burst into laughter.The head of the American branch, with Henry and Laura, didn't even dare to catch their breath. Midway, Laura, weakened by blood loss, slumped to one side. Henry quickly reached out and pulled her into his embrace.Henry's fair face betrayed panic. Since he'd known Laura, she'd always been lively and fiercely strong. He'd never seen her so vulnerable before, and he was nervous.As soon as he held Laura, she regained some consciousness and immediately pushed Henry away. But it was too late. The warmth spread behind Henry's touch, his hands stained with blood...Henry's eyes seemed to glint red, his fingers trembling. Thankfully, it was night, masking his defeated expression. This was Laura's blood...Bloody, thick, and... cold..."Laura, are you okay?" Henry heard his own trembling voice. He forced himself to take deep breaths, trying hard to st
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Chapter 273 The Despairing Cry
"Freeze!" one of the young men shouted.The head of the American branch swiftly put down the two children and pulled them behind him, his eyes sharp and cold. Damn it, after being locked up for years, his guard was significantly lowered."I knew you'd come up here. Do you think your little tricks down there could fool us?" the man sneered.They approached, guns pointed at their heads, coldly laughing. "Orders from the top: you get to live, consider yourselves lucky!""Orders from Leopard?" Laura's eyes were like daggers, exceptionally sharp.The man was furious, lifting his gun to shoot Laura, but Henry sternly intervened, "Stop it! A grown man like you hitting a girl, isn't that embarrassing?""You..." The man, ashamed and angry, lowered his gun.Another man said, "Enough talk, let's get them down."Laura gritted her teeth. They had come this far, so close to success. But in her current state... The head of the American branch... If something went wrong, it would be Henry's life on t
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Chapter 274 He's Blinded
"Spit it out." Camellia looked at the head of the American branch, who, with red eyes, recounted the whole story. Even this tough guy couldn't hold back his tears, and silence fell over the entire cliff.Camellia's heart pounded. This fierce girl, whom she had only seen a few times in her life, had long known that the girl liked Henry. She had just been stubborn not to admit it, but little did she know that by not admitting it, she had admitted it with her actions.She was risking her life for someone she loved.For Henry, she took several bullets and, in the end, she didn't hesitate to sacrifice herself along with the enemy to save Henry's life. Laura probably knew she wouldn't survive, so she...But this scene happening in front of Henry was something no one could have predicted.Her nephew was so lucky to meet such a girl at such a young age. Yet, it was also unfortunate. They were destined to part in this life, and he didn't have the fortune to enjoy a lifetime with Laura.Out on
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Chapter 275 Where's Saxon
Jessica was excited all night and couldn't sleep. The next morning, she woke up early and sat waiting for the sunrise. Maybe it was because of her happy mood that the view of the sea from the second-floor window was extraordinarily beautiful.Breakfast was soon delivered, and as usual, Jessica did her morning exercises before returning to bed for some extra sleep to recharge. Surprisingly, Saxon didn't come to disturb her.After resting for a while, Jessica heard a loud argument in Italian. She woke up groggily and walked to the other bed to see two men arguing loudly in Italian, seeming quite agitated.Both men were Italian, speaking loudly in Italian. They seemed to be hiding and discussing something, behaving as if they were afraid of being discovered, probably discussing how to handle a mistake they made.There weren't usually many people around here, so they spoke loudly. Jessica quietly watched and listened from behind the window but couldn't understand what they were saying, ex
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Chapter 276 He Missed Her So Much
Wide-eyed with horror, Jessica watched their still bodies. She stood up abruptly and ran towards the forest. After running a few steps, she saw Mr. Marcus emerge from behind a tree, his face smiling. Jessica's eyes instantly reddened.It had been twelve days since they last met. He had lost weight, and his tall figure looked even more slender. In his black clothes, his thinness was apparent. There was a hint of worldly wisdom in his eyes, overshadowing his elegance. Seeing him, Jessica's eyes welled up."Honey...""Jessica, you've become quite ugly," Marcus tutted softly, extending his hand gently towards her.Jessica smiled brightly and ran towards him, but she dared not touch his hand, no matter how excited she was.Keeping her distance had become deeply ingrained in her."You've become quite ugly too."Marcus suddenly grabbed her and pulled her into his arms.The familiar scent enveloped her. At first, she sighed, then she trembled violently and struggled fiercely.Marcus restraine
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Chapter 277 I'll Get You Out of Here
"You scared?" Mr. Marcus softened his voice, his tenderness evident. She'd been alone on the island for over ten days, and seeing her so skinny made him realize she'd suffered quite a bit. Yet, he couldn't take her away immediately.It was natural for her to be afraid.Shaking her head, Jessica smiled lightly. She wasn't afraid. With Mr. Marcus by her side, she felt invincible. She wanted to tell him that, but the words stuck in her throat.Yes, she was scared. Not for herself, but for how her presence might affect Mr. Marcus. If he ended up in Saxon's hands...Jessica shuddered at the thought. She couldn't bear to imagine what might happen. She didn't want him to suffer because of her, to be trapped on this island with her."Tell the truth, or lie?" Jessica flashed her trademark smile. Marcus pursed his lips but didn't speak. She smiled. "Marcus, as long as you protect yourself, I have nothing to fear."Mr. Marcus looked deeply at Jessica. At that moment, everything seemed to stand s
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Chapter 278 Crazy Idea
Jessica and Marcus soaked in the hot spring for a while before coming ashore. The young men who had searched this area wouldn't be back for a short while, so for the time being, it was relatively safe. Mr. Marcus wasn't someone to be taken lightly, naturally he could sense any movement. After soaking in the hot spring for a while, Jessica felt dizzy from the steam. She lay in the sun for a while before feeling better.Mr. Marcus took out a mini folding telescope and opened it. The helipad was right below."You're crazy with this idea," Jessica said. After sunbathing for a while, her clothes were almost dry. Feeling energetic, she followed his gaze downwards. They had climbed up a small cliff and were halfway up the mountain. From above, they could see the buildings below clearly.Mr. Marcus scoped out the terrain and chuckled lightly. "You think it's impossible?"Jessica nodded honestly, "My room has a window facing the helipad, the defense there is very tight, you couldn't possibly s
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Chapter 279 Her Only God
Before Jessica could ask what he meant, the forest they had just passed through was suddenly engulfed in flames. The fire, initially small, spread rapidly due to the wind direction. Soon, the entire forest was ablaze.Several incendiary bombs were thrown simultaneously into various parts of the forest. The booming sound echoed as the fire blazed even more fiercely.At the foot of the mountain, chaos ensued. The forest fire almost covered the entire back of the mountain, and with the wind blowing in that direction, it could spread across the entire island.Jessica could feel the ferocity of the blaze after just a few moments—it was like a wildfire."Are you planning to burn the whole island?" Jessica asked incredulously. It was too extreme. There were only a few of them; how could they start such a huge fire?"What's wrong with that?" Mr. Marcus sneered.On the island, chaos erupted. Due to the wind direction, the fire quickly spread like wildfire, engulfing the entire forest in flames
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Chapter 280 You Can't Escape
"I always thought my world was simple, never imagined I'd experience life and death like this," Jessica said with a nervous laugh, trying to ease her tension. "When I'm old, I can brag to my son, 'Hey, your mom's life has been quite the adventure.'"Mr. Marcus smiled, freeing up a hand to gently pat Jessica's shoulder, slightly calming her anxious heart. His woman had always been so courageous; most ordinary women would have been trembling in such a situation.From the back hill to the airstrip, buildings were being destroyed left and right, screams filled the air, and flames raged wildly. Amid the chaos, Jessica saw machine gun fire spraying everywhere. Few women could remain as calm and fearless as Jessica in such a situation."It's like a movie scene," Jessica chuckled. She used to find scenes of action movie heroes bombing terrorists from planes so cool and inspiring, but now that she was experiencing it herself, she realized they were just ordinary people. Such scenes were really
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