All Chapters of Winner Takes All: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
642 Chapters
Chapter 121
Nancy's eyes were red and filled with tears. She had a dazed look on her face as she dashed toward Hydra Gardens.In the distance, petals rained down on the venue.There were also banners hanging from the three helicopters stationed in the air.Everything felt like an unwelcome flash of lightning that struck her.She could even imagine how happy Austin and Cecily looked as everyone watched them.And all of this…"Mine! It should all be mine!"Sobbing, Nancy said through gritted teeth, "Austin, you jerk! You're a liar! You once said that you loved me, but for Cecily's sake, you used such underhanded methods to divorce me!"Jealousy, hatred, and fury were intertwined in her heart.Nancy was on the brink of breaking down and going crazy."I won't let you have any peace. I will expose your cruel heart in front of the whole city. Austin, you forced me to do this!"Finally, Nancy ran up to the sales office of Hydra Gardens.She could see Austin and Cecily hugging each other, enjo
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Chapter 122
But then, a gentle voice suddenly rang out."I'll deal with it. Don't let this ruin your mood. Wait for me at Skyhigh Dining."Cecily's expression froze. She glanced at Austin, hesitant.In the end, she still chose to leave with Matt.She believed that Austin would be able to handle it well.After watching Cecily leave, Austin slowly walked off the stage.Under the countless gazes and camera lenses, Austin walked past the security guards. Then, he walked up to Nancy, who was already wailing and crouching on the ground. She seemed to be in despair.Austin smiled. "Things are already over between us. Are you trying to ruin my reputation by doing this right now?"Nancy scrambled to her feet. Her eyes were red and tearful. As if in a frenzy, she said through gritted teeth, "Yes, I want to destroy you and your reputation. This is the price you must pay for lying to me!"Rage filled Austin's heart as he looked coldly at Nancy."I'm serious, I can't help your family. What can I do?"
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Chapter 123
Nancy panicked when she saw how decisive and fearless Austin was.She felt helpless. It was as if she was punching a pile of cotton.Countless discussions were focused on her, and the camera flashes threatened to swallow her up.When she came to her senses, she realized that Austin had already disappeared.The Hydra Gardens sales office had opened its doors as well.Buyers rushed into the sales office, and the place was bustling.Meanwhile, Nancy stood where she was, stunned.She was like a clown that no one cared about.…After leaving Hydra Gardens in a cab, Austin headed straight toward Skyhigh Dining.He was disgusted by the Welches' behavior.He was also extremely furious about Nancy's appearance today.His feelings for Nancy had completely died out back when Nancy took away the last portion of money meant to save his mother.If Ezra hadn't shown up, his mother would be lying in a cold coffin by now.So, Austin no longer had any feelings for Nancy and the Welches!T
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Chapter 124
Moreover, Cecily didn't mind Austin's past. The incident with Nancy was already quite unfair to Cecily."You're bringing that up?"Cecily gave Austin a disapproving look. "Why didn't you tell me that you became the boss of Dominion? Did you know? When you got into trouble, I was still overseas, and I was so worried that I couldn't sleep."I rushed back here to help you, but look at you! You became the boss of Dominion without a sound!""Thank you." Austin placed his hand on the back of Cecily's hand. "Thank you for coming to me in my darkest moments."A look of panic appeared on Cecily's pretty face.Sensing the warmth on the back of her hand, she subconsciously tried to take her hand away, but she realized that Austin was quite strong. She couldn't escape his grasp at all."Come on, what are you doing? We're at a restaurant. People are watching.""I'm holding my girlfriend's hand. What's wrong with that?"Austin raised an eyebrow. "You came to me of your accord. I can't let y
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Chapter 125
In the end, Cecily chose not to say it.Austin had given her too many surprises today, which were all huge surprises. So, she doubted whether the surprise she prepared was considered a surprise to Austin at all.Since she wasn't sure about it, she decided to leave it for another time. She didn't want the atmosphere to turn awkward.They had a long path ahead of them, so she would eventually find a time to reveal it.That was what Cecily thought, but she had no idea that Austin had prepared more surprises for her.After the meal, Austin and Cecily left Skyhigh Dining.It was only after Cecily got into the Porsche 911 that she realized something. "There are more surprises?"For her, today had been perfect except for that incident with Nancy.She wouldn't ask anything more of Austin, either, because she knew that Austin had been working very hard on the pre-sales of Hydra Gardens. He must be extremely tired by now.She didn't expect Austin to have more surprises for her."Yes."
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Chapter 126
But where did Austin get that much money?He bought Dominion, redeveloped the west city slums, and even bought a villa!But Cecily soon suppressed the doubts in her mind.Austin said before that he had received help from someone else.But Austin didn't want to tell her, and she couldn't ask too much about these things. If she asked too many questions, she would eventually ask about that benefactor.After a pause, Cecily said with doubt, "Silly, you're so rich now, so why didn't you get a car for yourself?"Austin's expression froze.He had only experienced a change in his identity within the past month or so. He didn't intend on getting a car at all in the past.When he began to entertain the idea, he was forced to get busy.The only time he felt like buying a car was when he picked Cecily up from the airport. Cecily even got ahead of him.Austin smiled teasingly as he blinked. "Because you bought a car already. Can't I depend on you this once?""Come on, you must be kidding
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Chapter 127
If Cecily directly asked Austin how much money he had, she would be inquiring about Austin's privacy.With Cecily's upbringing, she couldn't do something that rude.Austin had given her so many surprises today. It felt like continuous hammering on her head, so she couldn't endure it anymore.Be it purchasing Dominion, redeveloping the west city slums, or buying the villa in front of her, every one of those tasks required money in the hundreds of millions.Even if Austin received help, his benefactor couldn't possibly have showered money on him, right?If so, then the benefactor wouldn't be just helping Austin, they would be like a father giving his son all the money his son wanted!Of course, Cecily felt that this didn't make sense at all.Austin stopped. Looking at the shocked Cecily, he smiled gently. "It's not much. After the continuous transactions, there's not much money left in the card."With that, he took out the orchid card from his pocket. After making earnest calcula
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Chapter 128
Austin was willing to spend any amount of money if it meant that his mother could get a wonderful environment for her to recuperate.Because of Austin's request, the soft furnishing design in the villa wasn't too extravagant or grand. It leaned more to the cozy and comfortable side.To Austin, this place was home. So, a home should have cozy and comfortable vibes instead of the luxury and extravagance that were used to show off.After Austin entered the villa and saw the renovation style, he put on a satisfied smile.Warm tones complemented each other, and the furniture looked comfortable and convenient. Everything was put together perfectly, and there was nothing to complain about as always.So, as soon as anyone walked in, they would feel relaxed in both body and mind."Austin, this renovation style is amazing." Cecily praised, "It feels like home."Austin smiled. "Well, then… Welcome home, lady of the house."Cecily's pretty face turned red as she said, "Come on, stop joking
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Chapter 129
As the sun set, Austin and Cecily slowly got closer to each other. The rays of the setting sun covered them.The scene looked just like a painting.Just then, an extremely out-of-place voice rang out."Should I… leave for now?"The wonderful moment was instantly ruined by that voice.Cecily trembled as if she were a startled little deer. She was so shocked that she leaped to her feet. Then, with a reddened face, she lowered her head and hurried back to the swing.After she sat down, her breaths were still hasty, and she didn't dare look in the direction of the voice.This was… so awkward.Austin frowned. A little upset, he turned around to look at Aldus, who was standing at the staircase.Austin had explored the villa for so long just now, but he never found Aldus anywhere.Why did Aldus appear right now?"What do you think?" Austin returned the question.Aldus scratched his head awkwardly. Then, he said meekly, "You guys continue, then. I'll step away for a bit."With tha
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Chapter 130
Austin's expression shifted as he put on a stubborn smile. "I train because I want to get better. I don't do it just to compete with Taylor. He's not worth all that hard work I'm putting in."His words were firm, and he exuded a proud and disdainful air.When Aldus saw that, his eyes widened. After a second of hesitation, he nodded. "Alright."…Meanwhile, Nancy headed toward her home dejectedly.Her eyes were already swollen from crying, and she had also run out of tears.At that moment, she had completely broken down.She never thought that the ruckus she had planned to ruin Austin's reputation had turned her into a public enemy because of a sentence Austin said."Why was I the one in the wrong? What's wrong with me taking the 200 thousand dollars from his mother to help my brother?"He schemed against me on purpose, and I was the real victim here. Why are you all blaming me like that?"As Nancy walked home, the bitter feeling haunted her heart.It was getting dark.She h
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