All Chapters of Winner Takes All: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
642 Chapters
Chapter 131
Even Derek and Harvey were shocked by Urma's actions.Derek subconsciously grabbed Urma. "Are you out of your mind? Haven't we made a fool of ourselves already?"Urma stubbornly shook Derek off, glaring viciously at him.Right after that, she smiled again as she said in a gentle tone, "My dear son-in-law, our family was in the wrong back then. Please have mercy and get back together with Nancy."Please don't abandon my daughter."She spoke humbly, and she was no longer aggressive like she used to be."Abandon?"Nancy mumbled. Her mother's words were like a hot and sharp blade that had cruelly pierced her heart.She was already in shambles, and in that instant, she felt dizzy.What did her mother consider her to be?What did her mother say when she was divorced? Why would her mother say something like that now?The call suddenly ended.The smile on Urma's face disappeared without a trace, and indescribable coldness took its place.Turning around, Urma pinched Derek's arm fi
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Chapter 132
"Nonsense!"Widening her eyes, Urma shouted, "It hasn't been that long since Austin and Nancy got divorced. Austin used to like Nancy so much, and he would listen to everything Nancy said."If Nancy apologizes and asks to get married again, I'm sure Austin will dump that damned Cecily!"Things were chaotic in the family, and the noise of arguments was everywhere.Harvey couldn't bear to watch anymore. Taking a step forward, he said, "Mom, haven't you realized what's going on? Austin got rich so soon."I've already said before that he must have planned the divorce with Nancy. What's the point in begging him now?""Well, do you still want to get married or not?" Urma retorted.Her features were distorted, and her eyes looked extremely fierce. "I don't care if he planned it or not. Either way, we have to at least try."Austin is so rich; we can endure whatever mistreatment comes our way. After Nancy gets married to him again, his money will be ours!"Harvey couldn't say anything
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Chapter 133
"I've been waiting for you!"In the darkness, Aldus grabbed the person by the wrist, but the person didn't panic at all. Instead, he was a little pleasantly surprised.Austin frowned. The place was too dark. Other than the area around the metal cage, everywhere else was pitch black."Who are you?"Aldus let go of the person's right hand. Since the person was already discovered, he wouldn't care whether the person would attack them or not.After all, he was confident enough that he could defeat the person as soon as they made any movements.The figure took a step forward, which was also in the direction of the illumination from the metal cage. The centipede-like scar could be seen in the corner of his eye."Wolf?"Austin was stunned for a moment. Then, he quickly realized what was going on. "Were you trying to attack me just now?"He had mercy on Wolf when they were in the metal cage last time. Judging by Wolf's reaction back then, he didn't think that Wolf would hold a grudge
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Chapter 134
Austin kept a close eye on the small guy.In a tone even he could hardly believe, he said, "From the way he moves, I feel like he's a beast waiting for a chance to strike. He's waiting. He's waiting for the best timing to deal the lethal blow!"Aldus' eyes widened, and the smile on his face was replaced by shock.Back when he was a mercenary, the killings he experienced on the battlefield were even crueler than those in the metal cage.At the same time, he had developed fearsome combat abilities, and Wolf was no match for him.A professional like Wolf had failed to notice this detail, but Austin, who had only fought a real battle once, surprisingly caught on!Even Aldus felt his heart skip a beat when he witnessed Austin's terrifying fighting instinct.Austin had just finished speaking when a furious roar sounded from the metal cage.It came from the small guy, who kept getting beaten."Now!"Almost at the same time, a gleam appeared in Austin's eyes.In the metal cage, the
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Chapter 135
Austin was stunned.He looked at Wolf in surprise. For a moment, he had no idea how he should respond.Lowering his head, Wolf said sincerely, "Mister, please allow me to follow you."Austin smiled bitterly as he shrugged. "I'm here to gain combat experience, not to take in students."He didn't want to look too much into Wolf's identity.But before he came to the underground boxing ring for the first time, Aldus had told him some things about the underground boxing ring.Part of the fighters in the underground boxing ring were just people who liked to fight. Like Austin, they came to the underground boxing ring to gain experience through battle.Another part of the fighters were shady people who could only earn money through fighting in the underground boxing ring.Back then, Austin even asked Aldus which category had the majority.Aldus' reply was something he wouldn't forget anytime soon.Back then, Aldus just smiled and said meaningfully, "Sir, how many hobbyists do you th
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Chapter 136
"As for Hellspawn, he seems to live up to his name. It's like he's a demon from hell, and every strike from him threatens to kill."He fought ten continuous battles in the underground boxing ring, and he won every single one. Three died, six were gravely injured, and one ended up in a vegetative state."Austin couldn't help but take in a sharp breath when he heard Hellspawn's record.Putting aside his 100% win rate, just the outcomes alone were terrifying to hear.Austin had heard from Aldus that even though the battles in the underground boxing ring were gory, the death rate was quite low. As Wolf had said, the veteran fighters would choose to let their opponents live.Just now, the small guy had kicked Hippo to death. Everyone present had fallen silent because it was just too shocking.After taking a deep breath, Austin looked at Aldus warily. "Aldus, why did you arrange for me to go up against a grim reaper?"Aldus smiled. "It's only when you're on the brink of death that you
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Chapter 137
In the darkness, deafening shouts could be heard.No one cared about the situation inside the metal cage.They only cared about the bloody scene of flesh being hit and the bets they had placed on the fighters.Many people had deep impressions of Austin in his white mask.After all, Austin was the reason they had lost money in the battle last time.Outside the metal cage, Aldus frowned deeply as he asked in a low voice, "Wolf, does this underground boxing ring not have any restrictions?""Restrictions?" Wolf was stunned.Aldus replied, "Weapons!"Wolf felt like he had been struck by lightning as he looked disbelievingly at Hellspawn in the metal cage.Wolf didn't doubt Aldus' words at all, for Aldus' capabilities were the best evidence to support his words.But… where was the weapon?Meanwhile, in the metal cage, Austin tried to move his left arm.Even though Hellspawn didn't break his arm, after his bones were cracked, his left arm would be in agonizing pain with every slig
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Chapter 138
Due to his surroundings and the completely unequal fighting conditions, no matter how hard Austin tried to suppress it, he couldn't calm his emotions."Calm down… You have to calm down…"In his heart, Austin kept telling himself that. He even wounded his tongue with his teeth.He had done the same thing last time, but now, it had no effect at all.Because of the cracked bone in his left arm and the wound on his chest, he couldn't regain his calm.Hellspawn stood where he was, letting out that odd and ear-piercing chuckle of his.He wasn't in a hurry to strike.When demons were going to kill someone, they would force the person to the brink of insanity before dealing the final blow."Mr. Aldus, aren't you going to stop the fight?"Wolf was no fool. Before this, he had wondered where Hellspawn's weapon was, but now, the wound on Austin's chest had already proved Aldus' words.Austin was fighting with his bare hands, but Hellspawn was armed.In the metal cage, this battle was s
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Chapter 139
There were the deafening shouts, the blinding lights, and the threat of death.But at that moment, Austin was calmer than he had ever been before.He stood where he was, unmoving as he stared at Hellspawn opposite him.He wasn't a pampered brat. He had experienced much more than normal people of his age had.He was a fleeting moment away from death.He wished he were dead, but he had to wait for ages.Fear of death was a common instinct, but after experiencing true hell, anyone would have the courage to face death."Impossible. How can this be? He shouldn't be in this condition…"Hellspawn was deeply troubled. He was used to forcing his opponents into a corner before dealing the last blow. It satisfied his sense of superiority as the winner.But now, Austin's reaction was completely out of his expectations.With a flick of his right hand, the cold dagger sprung out of his ring once again."Die!"As he growled through gritted teeth, Hellspawn dashed right toward Austin.He
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Chapter 140
Austin smiled self-mockingly."Have you seen a four-year-old braving the winds and the snow, when everyone was gathering for Christmas, to knock on doors to beg for money to help save his mother?"In the end, as the people mocked him and called him a 'mutt,' they gave him a little money, and he finally managed to save his mother."Have you seen a mother with graying hair in her 30s, enduring intense mistreatment, mockery, and beatings for decades just to raise her child?"Austin slowly turned around. His eyes were already red.He smiled as he looked at the stunned Aldus. "I've seen one… for more than 20 years!"Aldus hesitated, and he wanted to say something.But then, Austin rubbed his face and calmed down. "I know that you crawled your way out of a pile of corpses, but you don't know the difference between death and wishing you were dead."You wanted me to walk out of hell, but you have no idea that I was trapped in a hell where I wished I were dead for more than 20 years."
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