All Chapters of Winner Takes All: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
646 Chapters
Chapter 151
To Austin, Urma's and Derek's visit to Heavensgate Residence was merely an interlude.He didn't care about them at all, and he regarded them with disdain.If someone was walking, would they constantly look at the ground to see if they had stepped on any ants?Of course not!The grand scale of the pre-sales of Hydra Gardens was unprecedented, and it took the whole city by storm.In just the first day, all the properties were sold out.Austin had already anticipated that.But now, his objective was to strike the iron while the fire was hot. He would be proceeding with the next pre-sales project.With the one billion dollars on the orchid card, he was abundant in cash flow. He could influence the whole west city slum redevelopment project as well.Because of his injury, he hadn't gone to work in a while. He spent the whole morning getting a rough idea of the company's situation.Then, he spent some time checking his emails. Most of them were congratulatory emails from his peers.
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Chapter 152
"Quit the nonsense."Austin rolled his eyes. He had never expected Cecily to be the new president of Yandell Corp.What did this mean?Didn't Cecily say that she was working?Who would become the president of the top material supplier in the city on their first day of work?Austin scratched his head. When he remembered the support from Yandell, he suddenly had a weird feeling in his heart.Did he… unknowingly… depend on his girlfriend?Matt grinned as he continued, "Well, for lunch today, should I help you invite your girlfriend… I mean, the president of Yandell?"Austin looked at Matt's smile, feeling that something was off.He rolled his eyes. "If you're that free, why don't you help out at the construction site?"Matt shrugged as he quickly left the office.As Austin looked at the document in front of him, he was at a loss.The surprise Cecily had given him was just too huge!After hesitating for a moment, Austin dialed Cecily's number.Cecily answered the call soon en
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Chapter 153
When Austin met Cecily at the lobby of Yandell Corp, Cecily mischievously stuck out her tongue like a young child who had done something wrong."Alright, fine, lunch is on me today."Austin smiled. Reaching up, he lovingly scratched Cecily's nose."But of course. That's your punishment for hiding it from me."He was curious about Cecily's background, but he didn't ask about it. It was the same thing as when Cecily decided against asking about his benefactor.They maintained a silent agreement on these matters.Cecily selected a restaurant to get lunch. After taking their seats, they ordered some food. Then, they chatted as they ate.They had a wonderful time.There weren't any odd or awkward feelings resulting from the revelation of Cecily's identity.However, they were halfway through their meal when a call ruined the atmosphere between them.It was a call from Raquel!Did something happen to Dahlia?Frowning, Austin hastily answered the call."Mr. Campbell, bad news… Waa
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Chapter 154
Of course, all this was before the west city slum redevelopment project started.At that moment, the construction site had high walls all around it, and its entrance was closed.Within the construction site, various building tools and machinery were running as always.A white Porsche 911 arrived in a rush.With a screech, it pulled up in front of the closed entrance.Austin's expression was cold as he looked at the entrance with narrowed eyes.The construction site was running, so it wasn't reasonable for the entrance to be closed!After all, countless material carts had to enter and exit the construction site."Hey, what are you doing, blocking the entrance like that? Are you looking for trouble? Get lost!"A middle-aged man in a supervisor uniform and a safety helmet pointed at Austin as he shouted angrily.Curving his lips into a cold smile, Austin opened the door and got out of the car.The middle-aged man immediately put on a fierce expression. Striding forward, he poin
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Chapter 155
Sand and cement were piled up in a corner of the construction site.The floor was covered in dust.At that moment, a dozen men wearing safety helmets were holding steel pipe shovels in their hands as they gathered around. The shovels in their hands were mercilessly brought down.In the crowd, Aldus and Raquel were huddled together.Aldus stubbornly shielded Raquel with his huge body. When the shovels landed on his back, countless thuds could be heard.Raquel was terrified. She wailed with all her might, but she still gripped the phone in her hand tightly.She knew that the phone was the last resort that could save her and Aldus!The two were in bad shape. Their clothes were tattered, and Raquel's face was bruised as well. There were even traces of blood on the corner of her mouth.As for Aldus, his whole face was covered in blood a long time ago, and blood was still oozing out of the wound on his head. His whole body was gravely injured as well."Aldus… It's all my fault…"Fa
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Chapter 156
When Aldus and Raquel heard the familiar voice, their eyes lit up.The hook-nosed man and the dozen men turned around in shock at the same time, looking in the direction of the voice.In his suit, Austin slowly walked toward them from afar.His expression was cold, and his gaze was stern.He walked right past the crowd as his gaze fell upon Aldus and Raquel, who were lying awkwardly on the pile of sand.Fury gradually welled within him."M-Mr. Campbell…"The hook-nosed man rubbed his palms together as he put on a pleasing smile.He walked toward Austin, saying, "I'm the vice manager of this construction site. My name is Magnus Pearson, and I'm Reginald Pearson's cousin—""Hah!"Austin sneered in disdain. He breezed right past Magnus, ignoring the dozens of men as he walked up to Aldus and Raquel.After crouching down, he didn't ask them what exactly happened.Instead, he looked exasperatedly at Aldus, who was covered in blood and injuries.He complained, "Look at you. You'
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Chapter 157
Magnus and the others felt their throats tightening up when they heard Austin's cold voice.How could a lone man be brave enough to provoke a dozen men?He must be joking!"Fighters in suits, huh? Alright, since you don't plan on playing nice, I'm going hard on you too!"Magnus' expression was ferocious. Gritting his teeth, he waved his hand. "Beat him up! I'll take responsibility for the consequences!"In that instant, the dozen men dashed up to Austin with the shovels in their hands.Meanwhile, Magnus retreated to the back of the crowd.Austin sneered. There was a cold gleam in his eyes as he rushed toward Magnus, who was backing away.He wasn't someone who was easily bullied. He had tolerated the Welches for three years because he loved Nancy.But out there, if he was still a man prone to getting bullied, he wouldn't have become the vice president of Dominion in a mere three years.Thanks to the spartan training he had a while back, Austin's physique was far superior to th
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Chapter 158
"Mr. Campbell…"Raquel went pale in the face.She had never seen this side of Austin, but she felt fearful.Those were a dozen merciless men who were also armed. Even if she was in her prime before she retired from the military, she wouldn't dare to tackle that situation!"He'll be fine. Now go."A deep voice sounded in Raquel's ears.Before Raquel came to her senses, she felt a large hand taking her left hand."Aldus…"Raquel gazed at Aldus, stunned. She was in a daze as she followed Aldus outside.The two weren't too fast, and they followed Austin closely.Some people tried to go around Austin to attack Raquel and Aldus, but Austin blocked all of them and defeated them without exception!The fierce fight soon caught the attention of the workers at the construction site, and they gathered around to watch.When the workers saw Austin sweep through a dozen men alone, they were so shocked that their jaws dropped.Was this something a human being could do?Magnus got his pos
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Chapter 159
At Legacy Hospital, Aldus was sent to the emergency room.The doctor had also dressed Austin's and Raquel's wounds.Then, Austin and Raquel sat outside the emergency room.Raquel was extremely worried, and her expression betrayed her feelings.Meanwhile, Austin closed his eyes as he sat there, his left hand gently fiddling with the gauze wrapped around his right fingers.After a half-hour wait, Aldus was finally brought out.Raquel was relieved when she saw that, and she let out a long sigh.Austin also stopped fiddling with the gauze as he opened his eyes.After settling Aldus in the ward, Austin left some instructions before turning around and leaving.Throughout the process, he never once asked about the details at the construction site."I'm fine. Please tell sir everything." Smiling, Aldus comforted the startled Raquel.He knew that Raquel was worried that Austin might fire her because of what happened that day.With Raquel's current situation, she couldn't afford to l
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Chapter 160
Rubbing his nose, Austin busied himself with work.Since Reginald had asked to meet him, of course, he would be there. His suit was ruined because of the fight, so he had to ask Reginald to compensate for it.As for the other aspects, he wasn't worried about them.Even though Dominion was at the height of its power right now, there was indeed a slight gap between Dominion and Regal Properties.However, it was only a matter of time before Dominion surpassed Regal.If Austin was truly worried about it, he wouldn't have taken action right away at the construction site of Horizon Haven.As for the scheme tonight, Austin had already made preparations to deal with Reginald's tactics.If someone dared to mess with his people, he would destroy them no matter who they were!Not long after that, Jacob's call came in.Austin smiled as he answered the call."Do you need help, Austin?"As soon as the call went through, Jacob skipped the formalities and went straight to the point."You h
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