All Chapters of Winner Takes All: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
650 Chapters
Chapter 171
In the evening, Austin received a call from Cecily to meet up at Skyhigh Dining.After ending the call, Austin made a few calls before setting out for the date.Still, he felt his heart wrench at the thought of the location Cecily had chosen to meet him.Skyhigh Dining was where they had made their relationship official.Since Cecily had chosen that place, Austin could guess her intentions.By the time Austin arrived at the ground floor of Skyhigh Dining, it was already 7:00 pm.Cecily's Porsche 911 was sitting quietly in the parking lot. By the looks of it, Cecily had arrived a long time ago.Taking a deep breath, Austin walked into the elevator.When the elevator doors opened, soft and relaxing music reached Austin's ears.The dim lights decorated the restaurant beautifully."Mr. Campbell?"The waiter at the entrance stepped forward.Austin nodded."Come with me. Ms. Graham has reserved the whole place tonight."Following the waiter into Skyhigh Dining, Austin spotted C
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Chapter 172
"I don't want you to misunderstand." Austin smiled bitterly.Cecily shook her head. Slightly raising her head, she looked at the ceiling. She took a deep breath and said with a smile, "I didn't misunderstand anything. What could I misunderstand about you?""Susie…" Austin didn't want to drag this out any longer.If things like this were dragged out, it would only make them worse."It's nothing. I'm fine, really."Cecily reached up and wiped the corners of her eyes. Smiling, she gestured at the food. "Come, let's eat. I ordered a lot of food, so you must try it all."Her behavior felt like a sharp blade that pierced Austin's heart ruthlessly.Austin's heart ached for her.Glancing at his watch, he felt that it was about time.Austin dialed Wolf's number. "Bring her here."After ending the call, Austin looked at Cecily earnestly. "Cecily, I never wronged you. I'll explain it properly."Tears instantly welled up in Cecily's eyes. "Please don't explain anything, alright? After t
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Chapter 173
As Austin finished speaking, the teary-eyed Cecily and the stunned Susie both looked at the janitor, who was standing next to Wolf.Looking at Susie, the janitor nodded. "Miss, it's true. That night, this man only sent you to the hotel. Then, he gave me 200 dollars to take care of you."Cecily was in a daze, and for a moment, she couldn't make up her mind.Meanwhile, Susie widened her pretty eyes as she put on a look of disbelief.She thought, "Impossible! That can't be true! I was already in that state that night, but he only sent me to the hotel?"Susie came from a humble background, but fortunately, she was born with good looks. She also knew how to use her good looks to her benefit.So, after she made it into society, she had always had things her way."What about the note? What's up with the note?"Susie's eyes gleamed as if she had grabbed the last straw that would save her life. She grabbed Austin's arm tightly. "If you never did anything, why would you leave that note?"
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Chapter 174
"That's why you cruelly used Susie?" Cecily was slightly hesitant."Yes!"Austin responded decisively, "I'm someone who managed to crawl out of the darkness bit by bit, and I can endure it. I don't know what being young and wild means. I only know that… the winner is king!""Austin…"Cecily's eyes shimmered. At that moment, her thoughts were extremely complicated.Her mind was also in chaos.She didn't know how to continue talking to Austin. The events today had challenged her worldviews too much.Even though the words her father taught her were identical to Austin's, she had never experienced a situation like that before. She couldn't quite accept it.Scratching her hair, Cecily said, "I think I'll go home for now. I need some time to understand this and also to consider our relationship."Austin smiled. He didn't stop her.It was true that the things he said were quite extreme.But he had to make Cecily understand the cause and effect.He didn't want to hide anything rega
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Chapter 175
They had agreed to meet at a restaurant on a floor below Dominion.Austin hurried to the restaurant. When he saw Ezra, he couldn't help but be stunned.At that moment, Ezra looked even older than before. There was also the obvious look of fatigue on his face.Aldus, who was sitting next to Ezra, had a stern look on his face. His eyebrows were tightly knitted together. He must have known something beforehand."Sir."Ezra got up and smiled warmly like he had done in the past."Please sit."Austin helped Ezra to his seat. Then, he asked, "Mr. Lockwood, what exactly happened when you were away?"Ezra smiled bitterly. "It's something that concerns the family. Mr. Walter urgently wanted me to go back."Austin took a sip of the drink as he quietly waited for Ezra to continue."It's because Mr. Walter used Wirtucon Corporation to help you, sir." Ezra sounded tired.Austin raised an eyebrow. He suddenly found it amusing."He's the head of the family, right? Can't he have a say even
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Chapter 176
In Austin's memories, for as long as he could remember, his mother rarely had time to rest. She was always working at least two jobs at the same time, and she worked tirelessly day and night.Ezra smiled bitterly. "Sir… When your father left back then, his huge properties were taken away by the Campbells. But he did leave a part of his wealth to you and your mother…"Austin couldn't help but be stunned when he heard Ezra's meaningful tone.Suddenly, a gleam appeared in his eyes. "My mother?"Ezra put on a mysterious smile when he saw the changes in Austin's expression.Austin's thoughts turned complicated in an instant.He thought, "How could this be? There must be a reason for this!"Soon, he suppressed the messy thoughts in his mind.His top priority was to figure out what exactly Dorothy did!Austin asked, "What exactly did Mrs. Campbell Senior do?""She was extra concerned because of your birth, sir."Ezra's expression was a little dark. "So, when she heard that Wirtucon
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Chapter 177
Austin was elated when he heard the changes in Cecily's tone.Perhaps there would be a chance to rescue their relationship tonight!Austin agreed to it without hesitation.After enduring the whole afternoon, Austin clocked out as early as possible. Then, he rushed to Skyhigh Dining.It was the place where Cecily had asked to meet him.Soon, Cecily's figure appeared at the entrance of Skyhigh Dining.Austin's eyes lit up as he got up and waved. "Cecily."Cecily smiled as she strode toward Austin. "Didn't we agree to meet at 7:00 pm?""I wanted to come over and wait for you."Smiling, Austin said, "You came early too.""I also wanted to come here early to wait for you." Cecily's face was full of smiles. She was no longer cold like she had been in their few previous meetings.Austin felt more assured when he saw that.After ordering the food, they began to chat.Because of the happy atmosphere, Austin felt like they had gone back in time to when Cecily had just returned to th
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Chapter 178
Smiling, Austin walked over to them."Austin, you're back so late again. Have you had dinner?" Dahlia was complaining, but her eyes were filled with pity.Austin noticed that his mother's eyes were a little red. By the looks of it, she had cried just now."Yes, I had dinner outside with Cecily." Austin didn't ask her about it.It was the first time the two met after Ezra came.It made sense that they would talk about the past, and Dahlia's eyes would redden because of it."Where's Cecily?"Dahlia glanced behind Austin. Then, she pretended to be disappointed as she said, "She's a nice woman. Why didn't you bring her home at night?"Austin was stunned for a moment. Then, when he came to his senses, he rolled his eyes. "Mom, I didn't think you'd have such thoughts."The other four laughed when they heard that.Austin laughed as well.They sat together and chatted for a while.Then, Austin went back to his room first.He lay on the bed. He didn't feel sleepy at all as he gazed
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Chapter 179
At 8:00 pm, Austin hurried toward Emerald Retreat, which was located outside the city.The place was one of Jacob's properties and also the venue for their meeting this time. It was also a famous private club in the city.Austin had to admit that Jacob truly was quite powerful in this city!However, for the sake of safety, Austin brought Wolf with him.Reginald was Jacob's rival. They had competed with each other for so many years, but there had never been a clear winner. This was proof enough of Reginald's capability.If Reginald wanted to cause a ruckus at the dining table, Jacob might not be able to stop him!The cab pulled up at the entrance of Emerald Retreat.Austin and Wolf got out of the car. Then, they walked into the place right away."Mr. Campbell, is there really a chance to patch things up between you and Reginald?"Wolf knew about the reason for their trip this time. As a follower, he knew that he shouldn't ask too much about it, so he suppressed his questions th
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Chapter 180
Wolf frowned as he looked at the screen as well. He was puzzled."Mr. Campbell, is something the matter?""They're rich!"Austin added seriously, "They're filthy rich!"Wolf was still confused.Lifting his hand, Austin pointed at the partition screen. His face was red as he said, "It's made of rosewood, and it's probably at least a few hundred years old. It's an antique in itself."As for the painting on it, if I'm not mistaken, it must be Monet's 'Water Lilies'. It's a very valuable treasure!"When Austin was speaking passionately, he clicked his tongue. "But it was placed here to suffice as a partition screen!"Wolf's eyes widened in shock. "Isn't that too much of a waste?"Austin didn't say anything. Taking a deep breath, he suppressed the shock in his heart as he stared at the "Water Lilies" on the partition screen.He was quite well-versed in antiques. After all, he was working in the real estate industry. He had dealt with many people, and he couldn't afford to mess up.
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