All Chapters of Winner Takes All: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
650 Chapters
Chapter 161
Night had fallen, and the city lights were turning on.By the time Austin hurried to Collis Hotel, the parking lot was already filled with luxury cars.With guidance from the waiter, Austin arrived at Vista Room.Two young and burly men in suits and sunglasses stood watch at the entrance of Vista Room.When they saw Austin, they immediately turned around and opened the door to the room.Piano music reached Austin's ears.Rubbing his nose, Austin smiled and said, "The Black Mass Sonata?"The spacious Vista Room felt like another world, for there was a flowing fountain amid rockery. Mist permeated the room.There was even the faint scent of sandalwood in the air.The atmosphere was elegant and exotic.In front of the large table, a bald middle-aged man in a suit and sunglasses was calmly sitting on the main seat.Two young men in the same outfits were standing behind him.Austin looked at the bald middle-aged man. Then, he suddenly laughed. "Mr. Pearson, don't you think that
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Chapter 162
Reginald only managed to come this far because of his cruel and merciless methods.He had used countless shady tactics in all those years of his constant fights with Jacob.At least to Reginald, Jacob was the only person who could compete with him in the real estate industry of this city!But this time, Austin had popped out from nowhere and caused such a ruckus at his construction site.This was a direct confrontation!Even Jacob wouldn't dare to do that!Austin suddenly raised his right hand, stopping Reginald."Mr. Pearson, I'm sorry for breaking your cousin's leg, but the blood from him and your subordinates soiled my suit. Shouldn't you compensate me for that first?"His voice was calm as if he truly cared about that suit.Reginald was a little stunned.Austin was being too arrogant!After a short pause, Reginald suddenly laughed.Then, he lifted his hands and clapped thrice.In an instant, the young men standing behind Reginald and at the entrance gathered around Aus
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Chapter 163
"I-I'll pay… Stop. Just stop it…"Reginald was trembling all over, and he was drenched in sweat as he roared in pain.He was seriously scared now.He was terrified at Austin's cruelty and decisiveness.He had no doubts that if he kept being stubborn, Austin might do something even more outrageous.Austin was crazy!"This wouldn't have happened if you had compensated me sooner." Austin sneered.Then, he removed the knife from Reginald's thigh.Reginald screamed in distress, and his pained cries were heard. "W-Why the hell did you take it out?""Well, I'll just put it back in."Reginald's body turned stiff as he stared dumbfoundedly at the small knife, which had returned to its previous place in his thigh.The fighters were all stunned at the sight.This was inhumane!Austin calmly wiped his bloody hands on Reginald's suit.Then, he said calmly, "Mr. Pearson, I'm not here just to get compensation for my suit. I also have something else to tell you. Raquel is under me, so ke
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Chapter 164
Someone kicked open the door to Vista Room.In an instant, everyone turned their attention to the entrance.Austin was surprised to find that the intruder was none other than Wolf!"Mr. Campbell!"Wolf's expression shifted when he saw the situation in Vista Room. However, instead of stepping forward, he shouted at Reginald."Reginald, Jacob wants me to relay a message. You'll die if you overestimate yourself!"Reginald felt like he had been struck by thunder. The fierce look on his face instantly turned into fear.Austin's words just now had already caused him to waver.Now, Wolf's appearance and words were like cold water splashing onto his fire of rage. His anger was completely gone.He thought, "Damn it… Did I really offend the wrong person this time?"Just when Reginald was hesitating, Austin suddenly reached up and slapped the barrel away from his head. Sneering, he said, "I'm walking out of this door right now. If you want to shoot, go ahead!"With that, he walked outs
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Chapter 165
In just one day, Austin had gone through a roller coaster of events.No matter how strong Austin was, he was tired as well.He soon fell asleep in Wolf's car.When the car arrived at Heavensgate villa, Wolf woke Austin up.Austin went home.Dahlia was watching TV in the living room. When she saw Austin coming back, she walked up to him.Taking the jacket from Austin, she complained, "You're working too hard every single day. Can't you be a little nicer to yourself?""I was just busy at work." Smiling, Austin rubbed his tummy. "Mom, are there leftovers from the dinner Raquel made for you? I haven't had dinner.""No, but I can make some tomato pasta for you."Dahlia smiled as she said.Austin didn't stop her. Since young, his favorite food was the tomato pasta his mother made.Austin hadn't eaten it in a long time, not ever since Dahlia fell ill.Making tomato pasta wasn't too difficult, so it wouldn't worsen Dahlia's current condition.Still, Austin rolled up his sleeves an
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Chapter 166
Derek couldn't bear it any longer. He said in a low voice, "Have you had enough of crying? I tried to stop you, but you refused to listen to me. You just had to make a fuss!"Urma slapped Derek straight away."You useless jerk! I was so ashamed and suffered so much today, but you didn't even speak up for me!"Faced with Urma's reprimands, Derek could only sigh. He didn't dare to talk back.The more Derek backed off, the more Urma wanted to vent her anger.Just then, Harvey came back. His expression instantly shifted when he saw Urma crying."What happened, Mom?"When Urma saw Harvey, she sobbed even louder."Oh, Harv, you're finally back. Your dad and I were bullied…"Harvey felt like he was struck by lightning.In an instant, he flew into a rage. "Who? Who did it? I'll talk to them!"Urma felt more assured when she saw Harvey's reaction.Wailing loudly, she said, "Your dad and I went to Heavensgate Residence today…""Austin? That bastard! Mom, I'll talk to him right now!"
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Chapter 167
The next morning, after completing his basic physical training, Austin hurried to the company.Wolf was already waiting at the entrance of Dominion Properties.Austin told Matt to arrange a job for Wolf. As for the identity problem, Austin had to help Wolf with it.Wolf didn't mind which job he was assigned to. After all, his real goal was to follow Austin. The things he did definitely had nothing to do with real estate.After hesitating for a moment, Wolf asked Matt if he could join the security team.Matt thought for a moment. Then, he nodded in agreement.Still, Austin had personally recommended Wolf, so Matt gave Wolf a position as the security team leader.…Because of the popular pre-sales of Hydra Gardens, it would be a breeze when the other areas were opened for pre-sales later on.Hence, Austin was much less stressed.Now, he only had to do his job and slowly complete the pre-sales. The funds they had earned would be enough to push Dominion into the top rankings of t
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Chapter 168
"Wolf!"The other security guards immediately stepped forward to support Wolf.To the security guards, Wolf was the leader who appeared from nowhere. But they knew that Austin had personally recommended Wolf, so they didn't have any complaints.The punch instantly caused the atmosphere to turn tense.At the same time, the onlookers shouted in surprise as well."He's too arrogant. Does he think that he owns this place or something?""Hey, didn't you hear what he said? He's the brother-in-law of Dominion's Mr. Campbell, haha… Seriously?"Everyone knows about Mr. Campbell's divorce, and he even showed off his love for his new girlfriend during the Hydra Gardens pre-sales."The Welches' reputation is already ruined, but he's here to disgrace himself even more."Someone else said, "Right, I watched the news too. The Welches are so shameless! This guy is in his 20s, right? He's like one of those immature teenagers!"As Harvey listened to the discussions of the people around him, hi
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Chapter 169
Wolf and Matt returned to Austin's office. They told Austin how they dealt with the problem.When Austin heard that, he only gave a calm response before telling Wolf and Matt to leave.While Wolf was giving his report, Austin's phone rang with continuous notifications from WhatsApp.After Wolf and Matt left, Austin finally took his phone and navigated to WhatsApp.When he read the messages, his eyes widened, and his expression shifted.Fury boiled inside him.The messages Susie sent were like burning hot knives that stabbed his heart.He was furious!Austin slammed his palm on the office desk.The employees outside the office were startled when they heard the thunderous noise.What happened?The employees all thought of Austin as a calm and collected man.From when he became the vice president till he took over Dominion, he had never lost his cool like this!Even when he bought Dominion and was scammed by Brock so badly that everyone thought Dominion was going to go bankru
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Chapter 170
Austin said coldly, "You'll pay the price for this. It's too late for regrets now!"After ending the call, Austin called the bank right away.Since Susie wanted to attack his weak point, it was only natural that he responded in kind!Meanwhile, in a café near Yandell Corp, Susie tossed her phone onto the couch and lay face down on the table as she sobbed.She was crying so hard that the people around her looked at her curiously. But no one stepped forward.She thought, "Why? Why would you treat me like this? What did I do wrong?"She felt extremely miserable, and her body kept trembling as she cried."Is it so wrong to pursue what I want? There are tons of people like me out there, so why am I the only one who has to be in this situation? I've already given you my body, so why won't you appreciate it?"The string of questions and angry interrogations were slowly voiced out as Susie sobbed.When the people around her heard that, they pitied her. They shook their heads and sighe
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