All Chapters of Thirty Days: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
138 Chapters
A surreal sense of déjà vu hits me as I wake to the sound of beeping. I open my eyes to find Taylor staring down at me with tears in his eyes. “Bean?” I gasp, scared of what those tears might mean. “Bean is fine,” Taylor soothes, stroking my hair back off my face. “The doctor should be back any minute, but everyone is confident from the scans and tests that Bean is okay.” I reach up to stroke Taylor’s face, still reluctant to believe that Taylor is actually here with me. I wince at the pain that shoots across my ribs, and Taylor immediately brings his face down to mine in the gentlest of kisses. “How are you here?” I ask. “I thought you weren’t due until tomorrow.” “I wanted to surprise you for your birthday. I’d always planned on being back early,” Taylor says with a little smirk on his face, though the cockiness he would have usually exhibited over his surprise is gone under the circumstances. “And thank fuck I did….Oh my god, Abby, I don’t even want to think about what would ha
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I wake up and for a moment confusion clouds my brain until the memories of last night start filtering back. My whole body aches and I briefly wonder why I can’t seem to move my arm, that is, until I glance down to find Taylor asleep beside me, his head resting in the palm of my hand. My movements wake him, and I see his eyes open slowly. For a moment neither of us says anything. With a soft smile, Taylor strokes the inside of my wrist with his thumb and says, “So what is this all about, hey?” “Baby we’re fate,” I murmur back at him, repeating the words I said when Taylor proposed to me. “I wanted it to be permanent, but apparently they don’t tattoo pregnant chicks, so instead Fred did it in henna for me. I wanted it to be a surprise for you…” I trail off, unsure of how Taylor is going to respond. “It’s beautiful, Abby. I love the design. And I am glad you didn’t just cover your scars up.” I stiffen at his words. “They are a part of you, and if not for them, maybe you and I would n
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The bell on the door announces our arrival, and the moment Bea looks up and sees us standing there, she rushes forward and envelops me in a hug. I hear her sniffing as she tries to hold back the tears. Finally, she looks me in the face, holding it between her hands gently. “Thank god you are all right, Abby,” she exclaims. “Is the little one okay?” “We are both fine, thanks, Bea. The doctor cleared us to leave this morning, so there is no need to worry.” I smile and keep my voice light. Sensing my need to try and retain a degree of normality, Bea clears her throat before ushering me towards one of the sofas, calling out to Emma to bring the birthday girl her latte. Emma gives me a bright smile and thumbs-up, so I sink into the buttery-soft leather while Taylor heads upstairs to take a shower and pack a bag for us. No sooner is Emma placing my steaming coffee in front of me than Andreas comes through with a plate of freshly baked croissants. “Here you go, Abby,” Andreas says as he h
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So far my day has been blissful. We arrived at The Grand well before normal check-in is allowed, but I think the suite was empty and Taylor used his powers of persuasion, so we were shown straight up. I know that I should be used to the luxury that goes hand in hand with dating a multimillionaire, but it still surprises me every time. Granted, it was not like I had an impoverished childhood, but I certainly didn’t spend time in five-star hotels unless it was with my parents and a client was paying. I had barely put my bag down on the bed and had a look at the amazing view of the Brighton seafront when Taylor announced he had booked me into the hotel’s spa for a couple of hours of pampering. I sensed that he wanted me out of the way so that he could catch up on what was happening with Hannah and how she managed to get into the flat when Henry’s team was supposed to have everything covered. I didn’t want to watch the heads roll, so instead, I gratefully made my way downstairs. For th
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Arriving at my parents’ house promptly on the dot of seven, I am overwhelmed by the aromas filtering out of the kitchen. Following a brief round of hugs, we are ushered through to the dining room, which has been set beautifully, candlelight glinting off the silverware and stark-white china and the lovely smell of fresh freesias filling the room with their beautiful aroma. We take our seats and my mum disappears for a moment before returning with a dish that I quickly identify. “Mum, is that…?” I ask quietly. “Nonna’s chicken parma. I know it was your favourite, so I dug through her notebooks and found the recipe,” Mum says proudly. “Your mum has been practising for the last week to get it right,” my dad chuckles. Oh my. After all her hard work, I can’t bring myself to tell Mum that this is the dish that Nonna was making when she dropped dead on the floor from an aneurism. Even after a lot of therapy, I still can’t think about that day without feeling like my world is ending. Today
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I am standing outside of Bread & Cake, ready to walk in and get this party started. I am wearing the Valentino dress and boots that Taylor gave me for my birthday, my newly cut and coloured hair has been styled into an awesome faux hawk and the girls at the beauty bar in the hotel worked their magic with my make-up, so, all in all, I am feeling very glam. My body is still humming from the orgasms Taylor gave me earlier. When I finally emerged from the bathroom, fully dressed, Taylor’s jaw nearly dropped on the floor. Seeing Taylor all dressed up in his charcoal-grey slacks, a fitted black shirt with its arms rolled up, and muted silver tie had me damp in seconds, and when he started circling me like a predatory lion, I felt ready to combust. I can still feel the electrifying touch of his fingers as they traced the tops of my stockings before making their way up to my wet pussy. Orgasm number one came as he finger-fucked me hard and fast, just how I like it. Number two came when he dr
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Midnight has been and gone, and as I lie in Taylor’s arms, I reflect on the night’s success. By the time all the guests left, it was fair to say that everyone was exhausted but elated. I can’t even begin to imagine how I would have ever done this without the amazing people around me. I know there is still so much unresolved; I have yet to make my official statement about Hannah’s attack, we are still unclear about what Richard is planning, and the idea of returning to my own home fills me with dread. But I push it all out of my mind, determined that for tonight at least, nothing is going to ruin my good mood. Tomorrow will probably be a different story. “Taylor?” I murmur, taking a chance to voice something I had been thinking about for the last couple of days. “Mmm?” “I was thinking about wedding dates…” I say, my heart beating in my chest. “I was thinking about how there has been a lot of change in the last few months, and I was kind of thinking that I would very much like to be
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“Though justice be thy plea, consider this,That, in the course of justice, none of usShould see salvation: we do pray for mercy;And that same prayer doth teach us all to renderThe deeds of mercy.”William ShakespeareThe Merchant of Venice, Act 4, Scene 1PROLOGUEI open my eyes and am immediately assaulted by a rogue swarm of butterflies in my stomach. A lazy grin stretches across my face and I can’t help but let out a sigh of contentment. Despite the crazy circus in my belly, I have never been happier. The day I have been working towards all month has finally arrived; my wedding day.I throw back the covers and make my way across to the window, pulling back the heavy damask curtains before letting out a gasp. The scene outside the window is that of a world blanketed in a thick cover of snow. Where there once were cars parked alongside the green that leads down towards the Promenade, now there are just indiscernible lumps. The forecast had predicted snow, but I can’t remember th
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My mind is drifting as I sit in Bloomsbury waiting for Michelle to arrive at a gorgeous little place I found called Bea’s. We are having afternoon tea and my mouth is watering already at the sight of the ginormous meringues that are loaded onto an equally enormous plate. I am thinking about the ten perfect days we spent in Mexico on the Yucatan Peninsula and I let out a sigh as I remember the aquamarine waters and the pristine white beaches. If I think hard enough, I can almost feel the sun on my pale skin. A fierce kick in my ribs brings me back to the present and I wince, rubbing the spot to ease the pain. Come on Bean, I think to myself, give me a break. She has been kicking me black and blue the last month and I have started to wonder if maybe the scans were wrong and we are having a boy instead. My latte arrives at the table just as Michelle arrives in a flurry of apologies for being late. “So what were you thinking of, lovely? You had the dreamiest look on your face…” Michelle
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I am still huddled on the sofa in Taylor’s office while everyone deals with the fallout of the package. Needless to say, Taylor had looked at me like I was crazy when I flew into the room, shaking and barely coherent. But the moment I told him to call Henry he flew into action and now, hours later, we are still excluded from the apartment while Henry has searched the building from top to bottom. The fact that there was no postmark means that the package was brought into the building and even more worrying, is the fact that Taylor never collected it from the mailroom where our personal mail is usually left. Which means that whoever delivered the parcel brought it right up to the apartment, somehow bypassing all the extra security that Taylor had installed only a few months ago. To say Taylor is livid is the understatement of the century. “You okay, Abs?” Taylor asks softly from the doorway and I wonder how long he has been standing there. Dark shadows are etched under his eyes and e
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