All Chapters of Sacrificed to the Dragon Prince: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
111 Chapters
Little Family
[Carnelia] I wake to the sound of gentle snoring. The air is dry and crisp, but I am warm. Wrapped around me, Primus is in dragon form, his body protecting me from all sides, secure within a nest of pillows that he must have created while I was asleep. I don’t know how long I rested, but my body feels heavy with the ache of my struggle and the exhaustion of deep sleep. If I close my eyes, I can almost imagine that we are home in Ridgewood Keep, but then I remember the day before, and I know that we are far from home and far from true safety. There is a faint smell of dust and disuse that crinkles the edges of my nose as I inhale deeply. Sneezing, I feel a small shuffle to my right as my dragon protector opens a single eye. Smiling, I place a reassuring hand on his side, smooth
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[Ona] When we finally breathed in the fresh salt air of the West Coast, those of us who remained were tired and famished. Without sustenance, there would be no way for any of them to regain enough strength to transform or even create basic clothing. Nude and starving, they huddled together in the opening of the tunnel. When we left the laboratory three days ago, we had 7 severely injured and about 5 dozen mostly healthy drakes and drakainas. After three days of traveling through the tunnels, we have 42 survivors. We lost 20 souls on the way to freedom. As they dropped, we would say some words and, as the only dragon in full control of her powers, I would incinerate them, leaving behind no trace that they were ever in the tunnel except for a pile of ash.
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Silken Promises
[Eleanora] Primus has disappeared. The rumor is that he has gone insane with the news of the death of his human pet. The one he dared make a princess. When his sister not only shared the news of his beloved's demise, she poisoned his mind, if not his body, with insanity. In a fit of rage, he created his own tomb, one where he now lies trapped somewhere between the surface and eternity. Without a body, I find myself weeping over an empty grave, surrounded by the lovely courtiers who would have made up my queen's court when I officially took my place by his side as his wife. I had declared him mine before the high council, so even though our wedding had not been consummated, the bans have been read, and my body bears the marks of what should have been our wedding tattoos, a mixture of
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[Carnelia] [Dream] I am lying on a large stone terrace in a proper aerie in the top spire of a beautiful castle. It is warm here, the air smelling of tropical flowers. Between the stone pillars, beautiful birds fly within the canopy of a lush, green forest. “They are so beautiful,” a young woman with dark brown skin and a large smile looks down at me and my clutch. I am in dragon form, my body still wrapped tightly around them providing my babies with warmth as they grow a little bit larger. “Eight eggs, such a blessing!” You were one of eight too, you know.”
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Stolen Breath
[Segundus] “My Liege,” two knights bow before me. The one speaking is quivering with fear while the second knight remains prostrated before the throne, his head arms and chest flat against the cold, hard, slate floor. The first knight hesitates. He knows he has to deliver bad news, I can tell by the stink of fear emanating off of him and how his body collapses when he kneels before me, his head tapping the floor.  “Report,” my voice is neutral, my face is blank, but I’m already seething. I am glad my queen is not here to see what will happen next, because I cannot promise I can contain my anger once whatever this worm has to say has come spilling from his lips like rancid food. 
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[Ona] “You cannot kill him yet,” Daax reminds me as he holds me to his chest. His scent is returning to its familiar mix of burnt caramel and sand, and I feel myself easing into his embrace. I had just seen him walk around one of our survivors as if he was a trinket on the ground and I wanted to throttle him so badly that I found it hard to force a smile onto my face as he led me to the captain’s quarters. “I can’t do this, Aegir. I want to see him twitching on the ground.” “I’ll hold him down for you,” Daax agrees. “But we need to know what he is planning. We need to know to keep our people safe.”
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[Primus] No matter what I try, I cannot keep her warm. Carnelia is shivering, her whole body shaking, and I’m not sure what I can do, other than hold her, to help calm her body. She needs food, water, and rest, things she cannot get while we are trapped inside of this secret cavern waiting for the Imperium forces to forget us. Which of course they never will. I send out a thread of thought to my mother through our bands. Through her I get a sense that our babies are safe, which is a relief, but that she is also worried about us, unable to get to us as she is. If Carnelia were just able to transform into her
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Long Live the King
[Segundus] The wailing of the court was loud and seemed to go on forever.  Every dragon on the court was on their knees, tears streaming down their faces. Every human slave lies on the ground in deep prostration. Soon their fate would be upon them, and these moments of utter sadness. Soon they will be lighting the very funeral pyres that they will jump on gratefully in tribute to a lost, irreplaceable soul Because King Maximus Majere, ruler of Luxandra and the surrounding colonies, is dead. [The Night Before]
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[Carnelia] “AHHHH!” I scream in joy as Queen Cressida stomps into the room. “PRIMUS THELONIUS MAJERE!” his mother sounds stern. “Of all the ridiculous places to land, you bring your mate HERE! Are you insane?” “Ah, Mother,” he replies calmly, unphased by the anger of his mother who glows like a vengeful goddess. “I’m glad you found us. I was worried when you didn’t respond. I’ve been trying to contact you for days.” “I was where you should have been, at home in the Celestial Kingdom, making sure your babies were secure. I’ve
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[Ona] As soon as we notice the ship, Daax and race towards the stairs leading to the hold, only to see several Imperium soldiers are already on board. They must have been hiding while we all boarded and got comfortable. Strapped to their belts each one of them has the collars we use to keep a dragon in human form, ready to cuff us all to prepare for transport. “Imperial worms,” I curse under my breath. Any drake who serves in my father’s army is no real drake at all. Especially the ones who have no problem cuffing and containing helpless injured dragons who have done nothing wrong other than exist. As soon as the path is clear, Daax and I make our way into the shadowed corners of
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