All Chapters of Sacrificed to the Dragon Prince: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
111 Chapters
[Primus] The dust on the southern plains swirls in the noonday sun. This is the third dust storm this week, and the people of Solace are desperately needing relief. Dragons are not well-liked in this part of the western shore. They are too close to the original territory of the Sun Dragon Kingdom and remember the wars too well. Many of their families were sacrificed in that war, casualties in a battle that wasn't theirs, convinced that they were fighting against a common enemy because they were fed the propaganda that "sun dragons are too dangerous to live."The more I learn about the world outside of court, the more I realize how much we dragons lie to ourselves and others to justify our greed and selfishness.
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[Carnelia] A small flutter of love shining through my ring reminds me that Primus is still with me, even if he is far away. Stroking my belly, which has grown hard and round as it stretches to protect my babies and keep them warm. I wish I could tell him how big our eggs are growing, or how close I am to "going broody." We are preparing a nest for me in the bedroom, and I'm learning to sleep in dragon form, something I will need to do as a new mother protecting her clutch. I want to tell him everything Ona and I have learned this week, about how I can control my shift, and how she even thinks that I might be able to take the form of other dragon types. I am excited to show off our babies and my new abilities, and excited to show him how much we are all changing.
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Sibling Rivalry
[Segundus] When Primus didn’t return at the end of the season as expected, Father sent me out in search of him. He is needed at court immediately to fulfill his duties and represent our fine nation. We have guests coming. And Father was expecting him last week. But of course, Primus was far too busy breaking tradition to be bothered with following the request of his father and king. Based on recent reports, he and his pet have gotten married, and then he made it worse by declaring her a princess. Livestock cannot rule by your side. You wouldn't crown a pig. Why on earth would you crown a human? And Father kn
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Hide and Seek
[Carnelia] I was surprised to see a ship arrive just before lunch. Ona had only left this morning, and while I’m sure she must have told her friends to check in on me, I thought she said not to expect them for a couple of days. Curious, I stand on the beach watching it approach. As it grows closer, I become giddy at the prospect of meeting some of Ona’s friends. She has told me so many amazing tales of the adventures she has had on the high seas, that I'm excited to have some of those adventures myself someday. Maybe when I’m not round with eggs or nesting with lots of little dragons. Thinking about Primus and how hungry we are for each other, I wonder how long it will be until I am full again with another clutch.
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[Ona] I cannot feel him. It is almost like he isn't there at all. I've been searching the coast for two days now and no sign of him has been there. On the day that I arrived at the coast, there was a blip of fear from Carnelia, but it quickly faded. Whatever happened, she must have calmed down or found her way into the shelter. So few people know about the shelter that I am sure it will be safe. Only those of us who had some part in the making of the shelter knew: Primus, who formed the cave itself and put in the first door; Tritus, who found a way to keep the sea wall back and also made the mechanical doors at the end; and me. That tunnel has been used to free so many, to keep so many safe, that I am certain Carnelia is safe. If things were to go badly before I got home, my little brother Tritus would make sure she got to safety. He's been an extremely loyal companion ever since his daughter disappeared five years ago. I've been helping him track down where she may have been taken
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[Tritus] Ona arrived an hour ago. I knew she would eventually. Not that she can change anything, it is already too late. It is too late for all of us. "How could you do it," she screams at me, so angry that even her hair is engulfed in red-hot flames. "Didn't you notice something was different about her?" "I didn't pay much attention, to be honest," I lie. I can't let her know that I gave that girl up seeing what was obvious before my eyes. Something impossible. Somehow that human girl was carrying a clutch. Primus' heirs.
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Castle Keep
[Primus] The first indication that I am no longer on the Emerald Coast is the lack of ocean. The ocean is a palatable thing, it adds a texture to the air, a sound, a taste. No matter where I am on the coast, I can always hear the sea. The sound of waves hitting the sandy beach and jutting rocks is a soothing balm in the background of my life. I feel lost without the sound. There is nothing like being along the coast, which is one of the reasons I have spent so much of my adult life living there. The second indication I have is the temperature. Wherever I am, the heat is so intense, that my body is both boiling and dry, like a chicken roasted inside a brick oven. It is a dry heat, the kind that you find high in the mountains or desert plains. This means I am inland, nowhere near a
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Sideways Thinking
[Segundus] I was working in my lab when the packages from the coast arrived. Excited that my wait was over, I paused in my examination of my latest acquisition, a sun dragon child with an unusual mutation, putting her back into stasis and throwing off my bloody apron before rushing to the stables. I opened the first package immediately. Primus. I dust off the viewing window, on the curved coffin of metal, and peer in to see his sleeping face, twisted in the pain of an unending nightmare. He won't remember any of this when he awakens, but that doesn't reduce the satisfaction of seeing the mighty Crown Prince Primus Ma
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Ona on Edge
[Ona] I have not forgiven Tritus. I’m not sure if I ever will, even if I can understand his motives. But his sneaky inventiveness does come in handy sometimes. “So explain to me again how this works?” I am sitting inside a long, slender glass carriage of sorts, riding on top of a set of metal “rails” that line the bottom of an old Sun Dragon trade tunnel. These old tunnels are circular, made of stone, and lead to almost every kingdom in the northern continent. Tritus hadn’t told me about this before because he had been trying to convince first our father, and now Primus, to go along with his plan for a high-sp
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[Eleanora] He is everything and more that I have ever wanted in a husband. Not just because he is handsome and regal, beautiful beyond words, his celestial parentage shining through with his pearlescent skin and vibrant eyes. Nor is it because of his status, although being High Queen of the United Dragon Kingdoms of Luxandra does have a nice sound to it. Primus Majere is perfect because of his noble bearing, intellect, and honor. He could have done anything to his brother, had him strung from the rafters if it suited him. But he didn’t. He gave him grace. He honored him as a potential heir to the throne. And then I heard three words that shattered that illusion. His human wife.
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