All Chapters of Alpha King's Fake Contract Mate: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
163 Chapters
131 - Regret
“Tsk. What a hassle.” David looked angry with my decision. How stupid of me, to have lost his trust and let him down.The rest of our journey continued not so pleasantly. In the center seat of the carriage, only my baby and I were silent. David, however, decided to move and sit in the front seat, with his subordinate at the wheel.The reason was that he wanted to be more vigilant on this last leg of our journey. Even though I knew he wanted to avoid me.Our fight was my fault, and it made me feel even more lonely. I could only hold my baby who was sleeping peacefully. His breathing could be heard purring in my arms, which for some reason made me jealous.'If only I was as innocent as the baby, maybe I wouldn't have to feel this much pressure and guilt.'______[A few days later][Private residence, David's house][6:00 AM]It was a beam of light that pierced my vision, overriding the alarms in my brain that I set to warn of danger.“Ugh.” My voice sounded hoarse and tired, despite hav
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132 - Regret II
[Hilbert's POV][One day before Lizzbeth left with David]___________“What? What are you saying, Mom? There's no way Lizzbeth intends to run away from me!”I still couldn't believe that my mouth dared to yell at the woman who had raised me so well. More than that, I was even more incredulous because my mother was accusing my mate of bad things.But that old face didn't seem to be playing with her mind. Both her hands clasped me together in a cold sweat. The anger in me was distracted feeling the tremor in her body that was so alarming.I couldn't help but glance at the baby room in front of me. Where Lizzbeth and our baby were. If I couldn't convince myself, then I just needed to make Lizzbeth clarify everything.“Wait, my son! Don't!” My mother's hand prevented me as I was about to open the door to the baby's room.“You can't go there, my son. Lizzbeth doesn't know anything about this yet,” she said with great fear. “If you want to prevent her from running away, we have to do it qui
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133 - I Found You
'Damn it. I knew it. David is involved in all this!' I can't believe I ever trusted him or even defended him.’No wonder Lizzbeth was nowhere to be found. Because, down there, David was helping her escape from this hospital!“Damn it!” I growled. “David is insolent. How dare he mess with me!”This is war. Do I just attack him now? Ah, no. I forgot. He and my mother have already gained control of the Alpha Katthias pack. If I attack her, it's the same as making the pack members think I've betrayed my own decision.If I could still reach the floor height of this hospital, I would have jumped down and chased after them long ago. Forced, I made my head go cold and moved to find my servant.“Hilbert, what's wrong?” My mother greeted me after seeing my angry face. “What's going on? Where's Lizzbeth?”“Mother. Forget about Lizzbeth. We're going after David now,” I growled, not stopping my fast pace. “He's the one who helped Lizzbeth escape. If we go after him now, we can get Lizzbeth back.”
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134 - Kicked Out
[Hilbert's POV finishes here][Back to Lizzbeth's POV]Knock! Knock! Knock!“Lizzbeth. Are you asleep already?”It was the second time I heard someone shaking the door of this room, even though I hadn't locked it at all. The culprit was the owner of the house. A few hours after finishing dinner, David visited my room.Knock! Knock! Knock!The door of my room was knocked again for the third time. The knocking sound, which came from a hesitant hand, did not wake me up. It was because I had been unable to sleep.I just wished I could close my eyes while breastfeeding my baby. Although in the end, only bad thoughts lurked.Creak!Without answering him, I answered the knocking and calling by opening the door for him. Behind him, the house had lost all its lights. Not wanting to make his servants suspicious, David came into my room armed with an oil lamp.“What's going on?” I asked. Judging by the persistence with which he came to see me, it seemed he had something important to talk about.
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135 - His Attack
[The Morning][David’s Mansion]Boom! Clang! Clang!I blinked my eyes when I heard the noise outside the mansion, I don't know what was going on out there, or I don't know what David was doing with his servant to make such a disturbing noise first in the morning like today.Moreover, my baby is still quite feverish, he needs a good rest to recover soon. “Why is it so noisy, what's going on?” Slowly, I stepped closer to the window of the mansion room I was staying in, intending to find the answer to my question.I quickly pulled back the window curtain that was the barrier between my current position and the outside, impatience making my hands move quickly to do so.My eyes did not stop staring outside without blinking, impatient to know what was happening out there at this early hour.Ah, it wasn't that early because the sun had already started shining and the sky was already quite bright.But what a surprise it was when I managed to open the curtains and found David's army trying to
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136 - Her Alpha is Back
“Lizzbeth!” From a distance, I could hear a fairly loud shouting voice back there.After turning around, I could see the figure of Hilbert who had just called out to me.The alpha seemed to be trying to break free from the confines of Hilbert's soldiers who were attacking him, David moved nimbly here and there to avoid attack after attack by Hillbert's soldiers.I could also see how the long swords were swung here and there to hit David's body, but it turned out that David was so good at dodging attack after attack made by the soldiers that he was completely unharmed.“It turns out David is quite good at martial arts, he can move that nimbly to avoid attack after attack by Hillbert's soldiers trying to hurt him!”“Shit, what was I thinking?! As an Alpha and leader, David should have such great abilities so that he can protect his other men!” I said to myself.I couldn't say a word as I watched what David was doing back there, hoping that the fight wouldn't make the other soldiers co
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137 - Miscomprehension
The horse-drawn carriage you were riding on continued to leave David's mansion which was starting to become invisible to the eye, I was quite relieved afterward because I thought we had managed to escape Hillbert's pursuit.But who would have thought, it turns out that Hillbert was already chasing the horse-drawn carriage you were riding behind there.“Hey, please hurry up and run the carriage faster! Hilbert is already behind us!” I screamed. I was panicking at this point, unable to think why Hillbert could have chased me and Hillbert so far. Even the carriage he was riding was going faster than the carriage I was riding with David, I could tell, Hilbert seemed so eager to catch us at the moment.“I can't do this carriage any faster, just calm down,” He said that, but the one who need to calm down is him. “Lets think about your baby’s condition first. if I do this carriage any faster than this, the wind that is too hard on his body is not very good! Especially now that Crystal is s
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138 - Between Two Alphas
Damn it. Nothing good ever comes from these endless fights.Comfort of course does not only depend on me, but also on my baby. The arguments of two mouths trying to justify their respective egos, should not be thrown in front of a baby. Who is sick, even more so?My anger is uncontrollable when it comes to Hilbert. And what was I supposed to do? If he already thought my and David's affair was a reality, then no one else could stop his thoughts.It was this misunderstanding that became the deadly bane of our relationship, over the years. Hilbert had a bad habit of judging people by what he wanted.And my bad habit was that I would rather run away than correct the misunderstanding.We were both equally guilty in this situation. It's just that I'm too tired to contribute anything more. I just wanted to leave, that's all.“Hey.”A voice I recognized, called out to me from behind. Turning his back on the chaotic fire that destroyed our carriage, David was walking towards me.In front of me
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139 - Between Two Alphas II
“I said let go! David or even Hilbert could use my help right now! I have to help him!” I screamed again. Trying to struggle, even though my strength was no match for hers.“I'm sorry, ma'am. This is a request from Master David himself. You can blame me later. But, I must make sure you leave here.” That person, who was pulling my hand at this moment, turned out to be one of David's servants.My eyes watered even more at the puff of smoke that I had been in. David ... Even when he was in a riot, he still managed to help me.'But ... What if he also intends to kill David? Ah, it's only natural. If my friend suddenly came and wanted to kill me, it would be natural for me to want to kill him as well. David, too, must have had such thoughts.' I thought.But on second thought Hilbert's life will be taken shortly after I leave here, strangling my neck very tightly. I clutched my chest, feeling an imaginary pain that I had never experienced before.David had sacrificed everything he had for m
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140 - New Scandal
Haha. What a fool you are, Lizzbeth.You're the one who ran away from him, and you're the one who can't leave him. David's power isn't worth your time right now. He only saved someone who can't even forget his past.“Ngggg~”“Oh, my baby. Please forgive your mother. Just hold on and we'll see the doctor, hm? Your mom promised to take care of you after this.” I looked at my baby who woke up from the surge of this canoe.That's right. What luxury do I have to think of someone else's safety? My baby, dying here.I need to forget about Hilbert and start focusing on my baby. She's the only one I have. He's the only one who...Test...“Huh? Why am I crying?” My tears, fell on my baby's cheeks until his eyes opened wide, looking at me in confusion.“Ah. Forgive your mother, my baby. I'm sorry.” I hurriedly wiped away my tears, along with the drops that soaked my baby's cheeks.But, it seemed like my back couldn't be lied to. My tears had stopped, but the sobs were still flowing, making my bo
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