All Chapters of His Promise: The Mafia's Babies: Chapter 481 - Chapter 490
666 Chapters
Chapter 0481
“Okay, well—we all need to double our efforts because uncle Berto will blow up the fucking place. Both the warehouse and the club.” Christian spoke, irritated. The idea of it pissed him off, and I understood his feelings. The people working there were all people with families and their lives were al
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Chapter 0482
Christian held my hand as we made our way out of the room. He almost squeezed the blood out of my me, but I couldn’t blame him. Luca was scary and dangerous and good at playing mind games.Johnny held Luca’s hand like a dad guiding his little boy and held him tightly. “Christian, Serena!” Luca sudde
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Chapter 0483
“It’s not as if he’s that fond of you either, so it’s okay,” Christian chuckled. He pulled Isobel into a hug before he looked down at her belly. “Yes, I know.” Isobel pouted.She rolled her eyes before he could say anything. “I look terrible.”“What?” Christian frowned. “I wasn’t going to say anythi
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Chapter 0484
Dario gave me a teasing smile and was probably testing my reaction to see whether I would get jealous, but why would I? He was just a friend.“So, you’re enjoying your day, I suppose?” I smiled. Dario released Isobel’s hand to hold mine instead. “I am, and it’s all because of you.” He winked. I supp
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Chapter 0485
I let out a yawn and rubbed my eyes before I sat up straight to see whatever Christian was doing. It was early in the morning, and as always, he was pulling weird stuff again.“Hey, pervert!” I yelled at him and threw a pillow to his back. Christian froze up and looked at me with guilty eyes.“Give
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Chapter 0486
“A few days?” I spoke, surprised. “Wow, she’s quick.”“True.” Christian shrugged. Sometimes I wished I had the opportunities to go back in time so I could celebrate my youth as she did. “So are we staying here, or are we leaving?” I asked him. “Because I’m sure my parents don’t want the party to be
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Chapter 0487
“Yes!” Carmen rolled her eyes. “Of course he’s my age—you’re worse than dad!”“You know what, Christian.” Beau sighed. “Maybe I might join and supervise this party after all.”“How about you, Luke?” I changed the subject to help Carmen out of this situation. “Do you have anyone you like? A girlfrien
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Chapter 0488
Christian“So when is that cousin of yours coming?” Beau asked as the two waited in front of the mall. “He’ll be here soon,” Christian stated. At least, that what he was expecting.“He stood you up.” Beau chuckled while he pushed Siena’s stroller back and forth. “No, he didn’t, stop it.” Christian r
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Chapter 0489
“Because...” Christian spoke. “I’m not going to explain that to you. Once your babies get here, you’ll understand why I can’t do that.”Beau was just about to answer but was interrupted by Dario. “Hi, Christian...and Beau,” He awkwardly greeted him. Christian showed him a welcoming smile and placed
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Chapter 0490
“That’s fine.” The woman smiled. “Did you have something in mind? Does she needs a bikini or a one-pi—““She’s pretty, so anything will do,” Christian spoke in a hurry. Also, he had enough of it and was ready to move on to their next destination, the hospital to visit Gio.“Okay? And what color does
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