All Chapters of His Promise: The Mafia's Babies: Chapter 491 - Chapter 500
666 Chapters
Chapter 0491
“I have to take this one. I’m sorry.” Beau whispered, embarrassed.“You don’t really love me, do you?” Christian heard Isobel’s voice. He got chills throughout his body just by hearing that tone and was suddenly a bit more grateful for Serena, who only gave him a hard time whenever he deserved it.“
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Chapter 0492
ChristianUnlike Christian’s expectations, the drive to the hospital was as quiet as it could be, with the only sound being Siena’s babbling.“So, how did you like the family?” Christian asked but felt stupid right after. It almost sounded as ‘the weather is nice today’, but he couldn’t take the sil
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Chapter 0493
Christian felt guilty for leaving his brother in the dark about everything and couldn’t believe he had to tell him about Dario over the phone, but he did everything for a reason. He wanted his brother to focus on Dana and his three children. All he wanted was for at least one of them to live a happy
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Chapter 0494
“Who is that?” Gigi asked while she pointed her finger at Dario. Christian picked her up, while Gigi didn’t hesitate and placed her hand on Dario’s cheek.“He is pretty and he looks like a prince!”“He’s not a prince, he’s your uncle.” Gio correctly her. Christian observed Dario and noticed how over
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Chapter 0495
“Thanks,” Christian smiled. “I appreciate that.”“You do, don’t you?” Dario chuckled. “By the way, what’s the thing about you sending Serena to Panama tomorrow?”“We need to look for the key, and I don’t want her to get involved,” Christian explained. “Uncle Berto has been quiet, a little bit too qu
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Chapter 0496
“Serena, you need to relax,” Carmen told me. “Siena is with her dad. She’s not with some stranger—just breathe and wait until he gets here.”“I can’t!” I pouted. It had been hours, and Christian wasn’t responding to any of my calls or texts. He didn’t even give me an update about Siena, and it was f
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Chapter 0497
“Why are you guys so weird?” I asked while I walked after them with Siena in my arms. “You’re the one being weird.” Christian spoke.We walked into the living room, where Carmen stood as still as a statue with her hands behind her back and stared from Christian to Dario. “She gets nervous around men
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Chapter 0498
It was the middle of the night, and my peaceful sleep got got interrupted by the sound of moving boxes. I turned around and looked at the clock beside me to look at time.3 AMWhat was Christian up to?Just as I was about to jump up to ask him what he was doing, I thought about the surprise he had p
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Chapter 0499
“When I saw her in that basement, I felt guilty, and I swear I only wanted to help, and I didn’t want to hurt you, but somehow I did,” Christian spoke. “I’m sorry, I don’t know if I even have the right to apologize—but I’m sorry.”“Are you drunk? Are you drinking again?” I interrupted him. All of th
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Chapter 0500
“I’ll have to discuss that with my family, but that’s not a stupid idea,” Christian spoke. At least he agreed. How good could it be for the family if Dario and Christian would just get along for the rest of their lives? That would also mean that Christian didn’t have to do every little thing on his
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