All Chapters of The CEO’S Acting Girlfriend : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
150 Chapters
As the evening progressed, Henry Tamer left the Metra Hotel with a sense of purpose. The advice of the mysterious man had ignited a spark within him, and whether fueled by lust for wealth or vengeful motives, he was determined to alter the trajectory of his relationship with Avery and reclaim a sense of control over West Tech. The intricate dance between father and son played out against the backdrop of complex emotions and the world of corporate power, had only just begun.As he stepped into the night, Henry knew that the journey to reclaim his role at West Tech would be a strategic one, and he was ready to play his cards wisely.Henry's resentment toward Avery fueled his determination to succeed in this audacious gambit. He couldn't shake the feeling that Avery had not only inherited the company but also inherited the loyalty and respect that should have been rightfully his. It was a twisted game of power dynamics, one that Henry was willing to play, no matter the cost.As he naviga
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Ava sat across from her mother in the tastefully adorned living room, the air laden with a sense of urgency as she unraveled the latest developments in the intricate tale of Avery's life. Her mother, a woman of grace and sophistication, listened intently, her eyes reflecting a mixture of concern and curiosity."Mom," Ava began, her voice tinged with urgency, "there's something else you need to know. Henry Tamer, Avery's half-brother, has somehow secured a position within West Tech Company.”Ava's mother, momentarily taken aback, raised an eyebrow. "Henry? In West Tech? How did that happen?"Ava sighed, her thoughts racing as she tried to piece together the puzzle. "I don't have all the details, but it seems there's more to Henry than meets the eye. Victoria, his mom, and Henry appear to be collaborating on something, and I fear it might not bode well for Avery.”Ava's mother, normally composed, found herself caught in the web of uncertainty. "Collaborating? What could they possibly be
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In the heart of Evans Lane, beneath the sprawling branches of untamed trees, Jen and Mikel found solace in the simplicity of their shabby neighborhood. The overgrown greenery served as a shield, veiling the quaint haven from the bustling city beyond.As the dim moonlight filtered through the tangled leaves, Jen's eyes glimmered with curiosity. She approached Mikel in the small, shabby haven they called home. "Hey, Mikel," she began, her voice carrying the whispers of their hidden sanctuary, "Guess who I spotted at the mall?"Mikel, reclining in the shade of the open yard, raised an eyebrow. "I don't know, Mary. Is she back from her travels?" His stomach growled audibly, betraying his more immediate concern. "You took ages to return, and I'm starving," he added, reaching out to grab Jen playfully.However, Jen, her expression serious, swatted his hands away. "Be serious, Mikel. It's not Mary. I saw Bella – your ex – with someone unexpected."Mikel, a hint of surprise in his eyes, pause
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In her dreams, Bella found solace in Avery's arms, a sanctuary where love eclipsed the shadows cast by the manipulative figures around them. Their connection, strengthened by shared dreams and whispered promises, painted a picture of resilience against the adversities yet to unfold.Avery, too, dreamt of a future where he and Bella faced the challenges hand in hand, their bond unbreakable. The echoes of their shared laughter resonated in his dreams, drowning out the distant whispers of betrayal and deceit.As the night deepened, a subtle shift occurred in the atmosphere. The winds of change whispered through the curtains, carrying with them a sense of foreboding. Unseen forces were aligning, and the schemes that had been set in motion began to tighten their grip.In the heart of the city, Avery and Bella remain lost in the tranquility of their dreams, blissfully unaware of the tempest brewing beyond the walls of their sanctuary. The charade, meticulously orchestrated, awaited its mome
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Avery's decision to surprise Bella with breakfast reflected his attempt to inject a sense of normalcy into their relationship amidst the chaos. However, the challenges transcended the immediate morning routine. The intricacies of love and trust intertwined with the corporate complexities, blurring the lines between personal and professional spheres.The notes left for Bella under the coffee warmer bore unspoken promises, expressions of a commitment that faced the trials of both the heart and the boardroom. As Avery delved into the day's responsibilities, he carried the weight of decisions that would shape not only the fate of West Tech Company but also the trajectory of his evolving connection with Bella.The challenges of that morning were more than mere presentations and corporate maneuvers. They encapsulated the fragility of love in the face of familial discord and the resilience required to navigate both worlds simultaneously. As Avery stepped into the corporate arena, his heart e
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Bella, her thoughts entangled in a web of suspicion, replied with a forced assurance, "Yes, everything is fine." Yet, deep down, a seed of doubt had been planted, and she found herself second-guessing the tranquility of her surroundings. Her mind raced as she tried to recall where she might have seen the ominous black car before, but the memory remained elusive.The taxi moved through the city streets, and Bella couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. Her gaze flitted between the passing buildings and the occasional glances at the rearview mirror. The city, with its bustling energy, seemed both familiar and foreign, echoing the complexities of her own life.As the taxi approached the hospital, Bella's thoughts swirled with a mixture of apprehension and determination. The challenges of the day loomed ahead, and she couldn't afford to let the undercurrent of doubt distract her. Stepping out of the taxi, she took a deep breath, determined to face whatever awaited her at Lukewarm
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Bella, touched by her father's words, felt a surge of emotion welling within her. She nodded, fighting back tears, determined to embody the strength he saw in her. As he spoke, Mr. Anderson began to hum a familiar tune—a melody that stirred memories of Bella's childhood.It was a song Bella's mother used to sing while putting her to sleep, a lullaby that had woven itself into the fabric of her early years. The tune, though melancholic, held a comforting sway—a reminder of the love that once enveloped their family.In an effort to lift the heaviness of the moment, Mr. Anderson continued humming, the melody weaving through the hospital room. Bella, recognizing the song, smiled through the tears, appreciating her father's attempt to bring solace.He sang softly, the words a balm to the soul, transporting Bella back to a time when her mother's voice carried the promise of safety and warmth. Encouraged by the familiar melody, Bella joined her father in the song, their voices creating a fra
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Ava's mom, her expression thoughtful, voiced a concern lingering in her mind. "But what if he doesn't recall her and sticks with that Bella girl we know nothing of?"Victoria, playing her part in the intricate dance of deceit, reassured, "No, that won't happen. Avery will remember everything. The issue is that Ava broke up with him just days before the accident, and she left."Understanding the complexity of the situation, Ava's mom questioned Victoria's assurance. "I get that, but you've said Avery will marry Ava. Many people know of this. So why now? It might become a thing of mockery."Victoria, a master of manipulation, calculated her response. "Ava is worried about appearances. She doesn't want to be mocked. But I've assured her everything will fall into place."As Ava's mom fidgeted with the cookies brought in earlier by the maid, she contemplated Victoria's motives. Blinded by a lust for wealth and power, Victoria seemed willing to do anything to achieve her goals. Ava's mom se
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Henry's presentation unfolded with a meticulous blend of confidence and expertise. Each slide seamlessly wove into the next, illustrating a vision for West Tech that was both ambitious and strategic. His words resonated with conviction, painting a picture of innovation, growth, and financial prosperity.As Henry delved into the intricacies of the company's future plans, Avery sat at the head of the table, his eyes fixed on the screen. The tension in the room gradually gave way to an atmosphere of captivation. It was evident that Henry's preparation and dedication to the presentation were not in vain.Avery, who had initially harbored reservations about Henry, found himself pleasantly surprised by the depth of insight and foresight displayed. The strategic initiatives outlined by Henry aligned seamlessly with Avery's vision for West Tech's future. The nuances of market trends, potential challenges, and innovative solutions were artfully articulated, leaving an indelible impression on e
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Bella's POVBella stepped out of the hospital room, her gaze lingering on her father who appeared to be drowsing. She understood that the effect of the preoperative medications might be taking its toll. The anticipated two hours leading up to the surgery were drawing near, and a heavy weight pressed upon her heart.As she walked into the corridor, the sterile scent of the hospital surrounded her. The rhythmic beeping of machines and the distant murmur of conversations created an ambient backdrop. Bella's thoughts were consumed by the impending surgery, a pivotal moment that held the promise of hope but also harbored the shadows of uncertainty.The weight on her shoulders intensified as she wondered about the nature of the surgery. The medical terminology and procedural intricacies seemed like an overwhelming maze. Bella's hands trembled slightly as she made her way to the restroom, her mind grappling with the myriad emotions that enveloped her.Inside the restroom, she stared at her r
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