All Chapters of The CEO’S Acting Girlfriend : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
150 Chapters
Henry's suspicion grew as he absorbed his mother's words. The revelation that Ava had been snooping around looking for information added a phase of difficulty to the unfolding story. Victoria, with her years of manipulation web, full of influence and power, acknowledged that there might be more to Bella's story than met the eye.Henry is left puzzled as he knows how attached Avery is to Bella now and knows this game of theirs will prove difficult to apprehend. The Tamer mansion ambiance carries a different aura, one filled with hidden motives, whispered conversations, and the perpetual web of secrets fueled by sister desire. Henry is now confronted with the pressing issue at hand and decides to leave Bella's matters to his mom, who is desperate to eradicate her solely and he is left to contemplate the next move in the strategic plan that unfolded within the shadows of the Tamer family ambitions.As the conversation ended, Henry left the room, his thoughts clouded in a shell of ambigui
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“You wish, and I wasn't thinking about anything, so don't delude yourself because nothing is happening now or later ” she replied fiercely but her blushed cheek couldn't hide the thoughts that were on her mind.“Says someone who screamed, I am not ready to do it. And I am sure the neighbors are up with that scream of yours and would be prying into our windows by now and wondering what you aren't ready to do. The big advantage here is that it's a private villa and it's just me and you in here” he laughed seeing the shocked expression on Bella who seemed to believe his words.“Get out of my way, the first thing you do this morning is to tease a poor happy soul. She smiled at his actions.“Yes beautiful one, but before anything else, come here” he held her hands and took her to a cushion stool placed in front of a dressing mirror which excluded luxury settings in one's home, and made her sit on it.Avery took the towel from her hands and gently draped it around her head while giving her
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BELLAI felt a small peck on my cheek and turned to see Avery smiling at me. He had a bouquet in his hands and my mouth opened wide in agape at his sweet gesture. I would have never imagined getting something so sweet from anyone.“Beautiful flowers for a beautiful one like you,” he formed a cheesy quote but my cheeks became red in an instant as I sniffed the flowers over and over.“Do you like it?” He asked and I immediately nodded in response, sniffing the flowers over again and inhaling the good scent.“I think this would be my favorite from now on,” I commented and he let out a hearty laugh placing another kiss on my cheeks.My heart started pounding hard in my chest and it took a while to stop it, getting a grip of myself and I just smiled at him acting like it didn't affect me one bit.“Why are you so flushed?” He asked and I immediately used my hands to cover my cheeks. I became red and just wanted the ground to swallow me out of embarrassment. Did he have to notice me blushin
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HENRY “So do you think that she's just some gold digger who's after his money?” Mom asked and even I was starting to think that it wasn't a bad conclusion.We all knew that he and Ava had something going on until his accident and then Bella came into the picture. We aren't sure if she's just some imposter especially since he identifies her as his girlfriend.“I feel like that girl is up to something. There's no way she'd just come into his life and I know for sure that she's a filthy gold digger,” she commented.My mind wasn't even on that as the only thing that bothered me was how to get past all that was going on in the office. I knew I had Avery by my side and the support of others but Luke was still a problem.“I'm fucked up right now because I feel like Luke isn't going to give up and he's going to continue to pose a threat to me,” I complained to her.She patted me on the back gently. “Then how about we just end his life once and hit all, we don't want anyone to obstruct your
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BELLAI regretted the fact that I asked Avery to invite them because not only did they make it awkward but also added lots of tension to it. Ava wouldn't stop giving me dead glares and Luke and Henry looked like they'd kill each other the best second.The maid started clearing up the table and I stood up to help them using it as an excuse to get out of that environment before they all drove me crazy. I decided to stay in the kitchen till I could catch my breath at least.I sent the maids out and proceeded to do the work myself as an excuse to buy more time and maybe they'd leave before I came out.“There you are,” Luke's voice startled me, almost making me drop a plate but he was quick to help me catch it and I playfully hit his arm.“Ouch,” he winced in pain, acting like it did hurt. When he saw that I wasn't going to care, he raised his hand in surrender.He stayed quiet for a bit just watching me go around the kitchen. “Why don't you tell the maids to do it rather than you? You sho
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AVERYAva's words shook me but I didn't want Bella to get publicly humiliated so I just asked her to leave instead. She spared me one last glance, angrily grabbed her bag, and walked out to leave.Luke and Bella came running to me but I just shunned them especially since I needed some time alone. I needed some time to myself and to think things straight.“I can explain, she's just lying to you,” Bella tried explaining but I wasn't in the mood to listen to what she had to say.“I need some time alone to myself,” I told her. She was about to say something but Luke was quick to stop her, grabbing her by the shoulders.I felt a pinch of jealousy but immediately shrugged it off as nothing. “We should let him think, he'd come back around later on," he told her.She felt hesitant at first but slowly nodded in response and made way for me to leave. I turned away from them and immediately made my way to the poolside. It was the best place for me to think after all.Everything Ava and Luke said
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BELLAHe locked his lips with mine and I felt butterflies taking their place in my stomach making my breath hitch and I felt like I was on cloud nine. His hands went behind my waist pulling me in deeper and I had to admit that it was the first time that he's ever kissed me so passionately.He didn't stop, taking my loss loose into his mouth making me moan a little. He was such a good kisser k was just trying to match up with his pace.His hands snuck behind my back trying to untie my bikini but I was quick to stop him before things could go farther. He looked up at me with a perplexed look and I was completely flushed and feeling embarrassed.“What happened? Do you not want it?” He asked, showing so much concern. The sound of his voice made my stomach churn and I was starting to feel really bad, knowing he doesn't deserve this.I didn't plan for it to go this way but now it was becoming something that I can't even stop anymore. He tried kissing me again but I took a few steps backward
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AVERY“Why are you always doing this? You're acting so entitled that I'm fed up with your character,” I lamented.She didn't show any remorse, rather she just scoffed loudly, ignoring all of my complaints and this was one issue that I had with her.She never gave any attention or listening ear to whatever I was saying and it was starting to get on my nerves making me think that she never regards anything that I say.“You know what? I'm fed up with you too. I don't want to have to deal with this crap and your standards are not good enough for me.”She was saying that to me after everything that I had done for her career. I scoffed loudly, accepting the outcome of the argument and knowing where it was going to land.“You want to break up with me? Is that what you're trying to say?” I demanded to know but she just looked away, acting like I wasn't even there.Anger submerged through me and I felt raged by her attitude. “Are you going to answer me or do you want to know the outcome of tes
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LUKEI arrived early at the office mostly because I needed to get some work done. It wasn't like me to arrive before eight am but I wanted to get it over with so that I could leave early.I was about to enter my office when I saw a reflection of someone that looked like Henry and I wasn't surprised that it turned out to be Henry.He's probably trying to impress Avery and the rest by arriving early to work. I just shook my head and wanted to walk past my office until I heard something that sounded very suspicious.“Yes, I've tried looking for it but it's nowhere to be seen,” he complained.I immediately looked for where to hide so that he wouldn't notice that I had arrived or someone was nearby. What could he possibly be looking for? Maybe a file that he lost.What the fuck am I even doing? I'm creating excuses for him?I cringed at the idea but also couldn't deny that it could be true. I wanted to shrug off the idea and go back to my office rather than eavesdropping on him. I have a b
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As Luke walked to his office, his mind ran in different directions as to what could lead to the sudden question from Avery.What could have made Avery ask such a question? He must have been recalling his memories and this moment is ticking to set off soon. “I must inform Bella about this, so she gets prepared for the worst” he mutters lightly.Not seeing Henry who came out of his office to grab a coffee, he strolled briskly to his office and sat down. The cold sensation from the giant AC couldn't cool down the heat of thoughts burning through him at that moment.He took his phone and placed a call to Bella. She didn't pick up after two rings and he resolved she must be busy and will call back.He drifts away looking dazed at the screen of his TV when he jerks back as his phone ringing tone rings aloud. Looking at the phone, he sees Bella as the caller.“Hello, Henry, good day, sorry I was not close to my phone when you called but I called back as soon as I saw the missed calls. Did an
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