All Chapters of The CEO’S Acting Girlfriend : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
150 Chapters
The whole scene bubbled in the mind of Bella, as she felt all these never happened. She knew she couldn't hop out this time, and prayed for this to come to an end. She pondered on her life. As she never imagined this could be her, taking herself down to memory, before meeting Avey.She saw herself as a bait to Avey and wished this never happened. Knowing the game of Luke, she felt battered and empty. “Will I be the bait for his downfall”, she murmured to herself, as she kept her gaze at the mirror on the mirror. In the dilemma of two, as she wanted wealth, at least to have wealth but never wanted to be a partaker.Jessica, a friend of Bella, who couldn't condone the silence, as she walked into her room, unnoticed to Bella. “Hey girl, what bugs your mind”. This time, Bella knows she has spent longer than expected, she gives in to lying as a resort, “hey Jessie, I never knew when you came in”, not rising from her bed. “I do know and this makes me wonder what you could make you be in th
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She hurriedly walk into the office, as she felt she might be late, considering the time she was being delayed in the bid of getting a cab. She walked into the receptionist office and attested her signature for her presence. Knowing fully well how strict my boss could be when it comes to late coming and laziness at work.She walked down to her office as fast as she could. Remembering the files she was editing and submitting this morning. This heightened her movements. In fear of her boss, she got to her office and started doing the needful, she silently prays to meet up the time, “as time waits for no one”, she murmured out as she rushed up the work. Hearing the walking steps of her boss, as she speeds up the more, as the work seems impossible to finish. “Bella”, a voice called, but this time she did not respond, wanting to affirm that it was her name she was calling. “Bella!!!”, the voice called again but this time it was harsher than the first. Sensing this was the voice of her bos
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Bella POVWith a startle, “Nooo" Bella sat up with prickles of tears dripping. After hanging up on a call with Luke, she decided to take a nap to digest the full-blown information delivered to her.“What kind of dream is that? Or is it my thought playing with me?Will I break up with Avery that soon and become enemies? Who is Jessie, I haven't had any friends since I was a kid. Seems I had gotten a job to leverage the moment spent with Avery and take up something to keep me busy but I can't delude myself when I know I love Avery so much and I have fallen so deep. I might as well brace myself for the worst” she said with an air of determination.Getting up, she walks into the restroom to change into something more comfortable with the mindset of paying a visit to her Dad. She feels the danger signs lurking around the air and knows that whatever will happen between her and Avery will have to stand the faith of love.Grabbing her purse, she makes her way to the gate not without instruct
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“I had a strange dream this morning, and it was a heated argument between me and my girlfriend. You know that Bella is my girlfriend but it wasn't Bella I saw in her dream” Avery said with a pause.“Then who did you encounter or whose face did you see?" Dr. Green asked carefully.“I saw Ava's face and remembered the lady I spoke of. The lady who holds a strong claim that she is my girlfriend, not Bella. She claims Bella is an imposter and is out to bootlick me. I had never believed for once about her story but I found it strange that I could have such a dream and the closeness and impact weren't something that had strangeness attached to them. I don't know what to do or who to believe, that's why I decided to call and fix up an appointment. The earlier I understand or get back my memory, the better it will be for everyone. My actions lately might hurt the ones closest to me and don't wish for that” Avery fixed on his thoughts.“Why don't you come around on Friday, that's next tomorrow
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“ I will have to come clean then, so you found out about my affair with Jen. Then, I had nothing to hide, so I called to ask for a ransom from you. You'll have to pay me 10 thousand dollars if not I will expose to your darling boyfriend that you are a fraud” Mikel's laughter echoed through the phone.“Wha what do you mean by that?" Bella answered shakily."I know, you are the fake girlfriend, Jen found out after she had seen you. We went to your apartment and you weren't there, so we asked around and we were told that your poor father is in the hospital and we figured out everything. You will play along or we will have no option but to meet up with Ava, we know she is the ex-girlfriend of Avery, not you. You are hooking to him because he lost his memory and took him as his girlfriend. Bella my dear, don't feel so high. You will need to share the riches you have been enjoying. You don't work again and you are living off comfortably. It's your take on the matter right now. Call me when
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“Then that's trouble for us, Luke loves Avery so much and can't stand to see him hurt. It would be best to tackle his war tool that's Bella. He put her there, so he can hinder our plans with Ava. No, we take her out and Avery will know of their facade and distrust them" Victoria smirks.“That won't be a bad idea, when Luke is confronted with his betrayal. He won't be around to snoop his nose where he is not needed and I can do what I plan on doing. That will work , I need to give Dad a call”Henry rises from his chair and walks inside the exquisite decorated villa.“I'll need to watch her every move. Am sure she will give herself away at some point and it will be to my advantage" Victoria said, smirking as she raised the glass of champagne to drink.Mikel's POV“What did she say? Am sure she didn't see that coming” Jen laughed out.“Hm, you were about your instinct. She found out about us and left. Am sure one thing led to another and she became the girlfriend to that CEO. She thinks w
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“Okay dad, I will call to check up on you. It seems I won't win against you two grown up men" Bella said with an air of .The hospital ambiance carried the pouring out of concern and love from visiting ones. Bella and Avery waved goodbye to her dad and walked hands in hands out.“ Avery isn't that Luke? Bella, drawing Avery notice to a figure head sticking out from a vehicle.“Luke, do you have a crush, which we don't know? Who are you visiting over here with a bouquet of roses? Avery asked, eyeing him as he approached them.“Luke, have you finally found a girl? Who is she? Bella asked excitedly, obviously teasing Luke.“I know what you two are waiting to hear. . But let me shock you, I came to visit my childhood friend's aunt. She fell sick and he is currently out of the country, so I came to visit her on his behalf. She is like a mother to me,”Luke replied.“Okay, we saw you with a bouquet and thought you came over to see your girl but I was wondering if it was a nurse or a patient”
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"Good," his dad said firmly. "Remember, Henry, we're in this together. We'll get through it, no matter what."With those words of encouragement ringing in his ears, Henry ended the call and turned his attention back to the daunting challenge that lay ahead. He knew that the stakes were high, but failure was not an option. He would do whatever it took to ensure the success of the Avery case, even if it meant sacrificing everything he held dear.Avery's and Bella POVBella walked into the house, feeling the weight of the day slowly lifting off her shoulders. As she climbed the stairs to the bathroom, she called out to Avery, who she knew must be inside."Avery, Avery, are you there?" she called out, her voice echoing through the hallway.Avery's voice floated back to her from behind the closed door. "Yeah, I'm here. Just got out of the shower. What's up?"Bella hesitated for a moment, suddenly feeling a rush of nerves at the thought of seeing Avery half-naked. But she pushed the feeling
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Bella carefully balanced the steaming plates of food as she made her way to the dining table. The aroma of the meal filled the air, making her stomach growl with anticipation. She called out to Avery, who was busy on a call, his brow furrowed in concentration."Avery, dinner's ready," Bella said softly, trying not to interrupt his conversation too much.Avery turned to acknowledge her with a nod, raising his hand to signal that he needed a minute. Bella placed the plates on the table and sat down, her gaze drifting to Avery as he continued his conversation with his partner. She couldn't help but admire the way he handled himself, his voice calm and confident as he discussed business matters.Minutes passed, feeling like an eternity to Bella as she sat there, watching Avery. Eventually, he hung up the call and walked over to the dining table, a concerned furrow still etched on his brow."Oh my, I must have kept her waiting for long," Avery said to himself as he noticed Bella dozing off
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Ava walked into the dimly lit hotel room, her heart racing with anticipation. She called out to the figure seated in the faint corner, her voice filled with a mixture of excitement and trepidation."Babe," she called out softly, her eyes searching the shadows for any sign of movement.The figure stirred, and Ava's heart skipped a beat as she finally caught sight of him. He sat hunched over, his hands wrapped around a glass of whiskey, his features obscured by the darkness of the room."Babe, how's it going with the billionaire guy?" the figure asked, his voice low and gruff.Ava took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves as she approached him. "No, baby, he hasn't recalled his memories yet," she replied, her voice tinged with frustration. "And to make matters worse, he's with that fake girl who claims to be his girlfriend."The figure let out a frustrated sigh, his grip tightening on the glass in his hand. "You need to get back with him, Ava," he insisted, his voice urgent. "We n
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