All Chapters of The CEO’S Acting Girlfriend : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
150 Chapters
Mikel POV“Why hasn't she called back? Does she think I am joking or has something up her sleeve that I don't know about? Jen may be right about her looking for ways to shut me up. I will give her some days to call me back if by the weekend she doesn't return my call. She won't like the next step I will take, but I need to be careful with what I do, "Mikel said consciously." What's keeping my baby up, don't tell me you are thinking of Bella. You want to go back to her right? Oh is it because she now has fame and wealth and you want to go back to being the pretentious boyfriend” Jen asked, eyeing him.“No babe, you are getting it all wrong. I was just occupied with what you said earlier about her taking measures to prevent me from exposing her. Though I know she isn't the type to let fame cloud her mind and judgment, I don't know what she would have become at this moment as everyone does change at one point in time. I wouldn't leave you for her even with her wealth. It's you I want” M
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As Avery made his way down the dimly lit hallway towards the room, his mind buzzed with the weight of recent events. The air around him felt heavy, laden with the echoes of conversations and decisions made in his office earlier. Each step he took seemed to carry him deeper into the labyrinth of his thoughts, where clarity remained elusive amidst the chaos.He knew that peace would only come once he unraveled the tangled threads of his memories, piecing together fragments of the past to make sense of the present. Yet, with each passing moment, the task seemed more daunting, like trying to navigate a maze with no end in sight.Finally reaching the door to the room, Avery paused for a moment, Avery hesitated in the doorway, his hand poised over the doorknob. He took a deep breath, bracing himself for whatever awaited him on the other side. He pressed inside, the soft click of the door falling shut behind him ringing through the silence.Inside, the room was bathed in a soft light, cast by
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But her mother's expression remained stern, her eyes filled with a mixture of disappointment and concern. "Love is not enough, Ava, we need to make sure Avery stays with you if not all our efforts and name will be in the mud" she said softly, her voice tinged with sadness. "You need to start thinking about the consequences of your actions. You need to grow up."With that, her mother turned and left the room, leaving Ava alone with her thoughts. As she sank onto her bed, a sense of unease settled over her, the weight of her mother's words pressing down on her like a leaden blanket. She knows what her stake is on Avery, she needs to keep up being the doting girlfriend who wants him back and secure the wealth for herself and her man.“Hmm, I need to talk to Victoria soon, this game is getting riskier and I need to proceed soon. I did all these for my future and I crash it now”she said firmly.In the silence of her room, Ava knew that she had a choice to make. She could continue down the
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Avery's POVAvery awoke to the soft light filtering through the curtains, casting a gentle glow over the room. As he stirred from his slumber, memories of the previous night came rushing back to him, causing a knot to form in his stomach. The events of the evening had left him unsettled, and the discovery of the necklace only added to his confusion.Turning his gaze to the other side of the bed, Avery saw Bella still fast asleep, her peaceful expression belying the turmoil within him. The necklace, with its delicate chain and intricate initials "A" and "Ava," lay on the nightstand, a silent reminder of the questions that lingered in his mind.Unable to shake off his unease, Avery slipped out of bed and made his way to the restroom to get ready for the day ahead. The warm water cascading over him did little to ease his troubled thoughts, and he found himself lost in contemplation as he dressed.As he emerged from the restroom, towel draped around his shoulders, Avery noticed that Bel
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Frustrated, Avery pushed himself away from his desk and paced the room, his thoughts racing. He knew that he needed to confront Ava about the necklace, to demand answers and put an end to the uncertainty once and for all. But the fear of what he might uncover held him back, keeping him trapped in a cycle of doubt and indecision.Hours passed as Avery wrestled with his inner turmoil, the weight of his unspoken worries pressing down on him like a heavy burden. And as the sun began to set outside his window, casting long shadows across the room, he knew that he couldn't keep his secrets hidden forever. Eventually, the truth would come to light, and he would have to face the consequences, whatever they may be.Back in the kitchen, Bella sat alone at the table, her mind consumed by thoughts of Avery and the mysteries that surrounded him. She knew that he was keeping something from her, something important, and she couldn't shake the feeling that their lives were about to change in ways the
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As the cab disappeared into the distance, the young man revived the car and sealed off following behind Bella's cab.Bella sat in the cab, unaware of the eyes that were now following her every move. She was lost in her thoughts, consumed by guilt and regret. She knew that what she had done was wrong, but she couldn't go back now. All she could do was try to make things right, somehow.Hours passed as the cab wound its way through the city streets. Bella had long since lost track of where they were going, her mind too clouded with worry to pay attention. It wasn't until the middle-aged driver spoke up that she realized they had reached their destination."Miss, we're here," he said, his voice pulling Bella back to reality."Oh," Bella stammered, her heart sinking as she looked out the window. She was standing in front of a tall building with a glowing sign that read "Watchlet Store."With a heavy heart, Bella paid the driver and stepped out of the cab. She watched as it drove away, dis
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Bella's heart raced as she clung desperately to the bag, her fingers trembling with fear and determination. She knew that whatever was inside, it was precious enough for Mikel to send this man after her. She couldn't let it go, couldn't risk losing everything she had worked so hard for."Leave the bag," the man growled, his voice low and menacing. "Let go, girl, or you'll regret it."But Bella shook her head defiantly, her grip on the bag tightening even as the man struggled to pry it from her hands."No," she cried, her voice hoarse with emotion. "No, I won't. You can't make me."The man's eyes narrowed, his frustration mounting as Bella refused to give in. He tugged harder on the bag, his muscles straining with the effort, but still, Bella held fast.Desperation clawed at Bella's chest as she searched for a way out of this nightmare. She glanced around wildly, hoping to catch sight of someone, anyone, who could help her in this moment of need. But the street was deserted, the only s
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The enormity of Mikel's demands had initially seemed like a lifeline, a way to escape the suffocating grasp of her financial troubles. But now, as she sat surrounded by the remnants of her shattered dreams, Bella couldn't help but feel a gnawing sense of regret.The contract with Luke had promised her a way out, a chance to pay her dad's bill, start afresh, and leave her troubles behind. But now, it seemed like nothing more than a cruel trick, a mirage of hope in an otherwise desolate landscape.And then there was Avery, the one person who had always been there for her, no matter what. Bella couldn't bear to think about the pain she had caused him, the betrayal of his trust weighing heavily on her conscience.And now they were gone, stolen away by an unknown man whom she knows not of. Bella's heart ached at the thought of their loss, a tangible reminder of her failure and her descent into darkness.With a heavy heart, Bella broke down into tears, the weight of her despair crashing ove
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that moment of turmoil and desperation, Bella knew she had to find a way out of this nightmare. She racked her brain, trying to come up with a solution to gather the large sum of money Mikel demanded in such a short period of time.The clock was ticking, and the weight of the impending deadline hung heavy in the air. With a racing heart and a mind clouded with fear, Bella knew she had to act fast to save herself from the web of deceit and danger closing in around her.As she stood in the dimly lit kitchen, a grieved lady burdened with secrets and lies, Bella knew that the road ahead would be fraught with challenges and sacrifices. But deep down, a glimmer of determination flickered in her eyes, a silent promise to fight against the odds and emerge stronger than before.Henry's POVVictoria hesitated for a moment before dialing Henry's number. She knew he was at work, but the urgency of the situation left her with no choice. As the phone rang, her anxiety grew with each passing second.
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Tamers mansion“Who is there? '' Victoria made for the door on hearing the doorbell ringing continuously.Victoria dressed in a casual, free flare gown posing an aura of a daring rich lady walked to the door.“What are you doing here? Why didnt call on your arrival? Why show up in person? Victoria asked on seeing the posing figure at the door.“Sorry ma'am, I felt I should come up with the jewelry directly. Am sorry boss”the young scared of the fury ignited by the daring woman apologized.“Let me have it, and quickly leave before someone sees you. You don't know the issue you might bring on us if we are seen together right in my home.“Okay boss. Here is the part I could make away with but am pretty sure I made more than what's left with her. I believe the jewelry meant so much to her because she struggled fiercely with me for it,”he said, handing the bag to Victoria and walking off.“Await my call”Victoria said, closing the door.Looking around her and seeing no presence, she hurried
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