All Chapters of The CEO’S Acting Girlfriend : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
150 Chapters
Jen's POV“She hasn't called you till now, are you sure she is going to pay up?" Jen asked.“ You don't need to worry over petty things like this, she has no choice but to pay up. I mean she knows very well we know her secret, she would go miles to keep silence" Mikel replied determinedly."Call her up and know what's going on with her,” Jen said.Mikel, reasoning Jen's words,picked up his phone " Okay, let me do just that”.****At the station, Bella was whacked out from the vehicle and taken into the station.“What is the case of this young lady you just brought in?" a young lady who was seated at the counter required upon the arrival of Bella.“She is charged with theft and is she going to spend the night in the cell till her case is accessed", the corporal who brought Bella replied.The corporal took Bella into a cell who had just one inmate and locked up. Bella, who hasn't said a word since she was arrested, sat quietly on the bare ground which stinked badly and ignored the silen
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***Luke drove down to see Bella at the station after burying himself in a lot of office work. He drove speedily knowing visiting hour is over by this time . He needed to see Bella before visiting her dad. He didn't know what to say to the poor and knows how lonely Bella feels right now.Arriving at the station, he got down from the car and walked into the building .“Good evening Sir, please can I speak to your head of the officer" Luke enquired..“Sir it's late, why don't you come back tomorrow" the police man replied politely." No, tell him it's Mr. Luke , he will know who I am” Luke said out." Okay, you wait here and I will be back” the police man replied.“ Good evening Mr Luke, how may I be of help to you" the inspector replied on arriving to see Luke.“ Yes please, good evening sir. I am sorry to disturb at this hour, please I need a favor from you," Luke stated with ease.“ Okay please what's that, I could be of help if it's within my means. You know how I can't refuse you a
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"Oh, she should have informed us so we know how to handle the situation but it's alright since you are here" the nurse replied gladly.“Okay, I will wait here awhile, you can go about your activity. I would like to see him if he wakes up" Luke said .“ Okay Sir, would you want to wait here or wait in his room?”." Yes, I won't mind watching him a bit since he's asleep and do you know what worked him up to be asking for Bella”." Okay, I don't know what could have made him worry, he hasn't been that way before. I remember I think he had a strange dream and didn't say what it was. Just come along with me,” she said, leading the way to the room.Luke followed her patiently to Mr Anderson's room. On opening the door he sighted him lying still with no response. Luke looked at his face and could see the worries of a father who longs for his daughter. He nodded appreciatively at the nurse who left the room.“What did he see? That made him frantic and asking for his daughter. Oh God, all th
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“ I called to let you know. I am doing good and I hope you are too. How is the workload going any challenges you might want to discuss or you can easily forward it to my email and I will have a look at it, ”Avery replied." No, there are no issues, I had reviewed the outline for the project Henry is handling since you weren't it and I had asked him to lay his suggestion but it seems he wanted to discuss it with you. So I would mail what I found and the document to you to access it. Aside from that, everything is going on well and Avery, there's something I want to tell you about” Luke said." Okay, do just that and I will let you know what to do, and yes what is it you want to talk about? I hope it doesn't have to revolve around Bella because I wouldn't hear of it " Avery said sternly.“ Uhmmm, it's not about Bella but it's also related to her. I stopped by to see her dad and I found out he had been persistent on seeing her and was screaming frantically. The doctors informed me that i
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Henry's POVHenry is heavily engaged in a deep conversation with Victoria. He had returned from work, freshened up and came down for dinner.“ Mom, what's going on? Seems you made a feast here, so many dishes just for both of us or do we have company tonight?” Henry said bewildered at the scene of lavish meals in large amounts which laid enormously on the table setting an ambiance for a traditional get together or house party.“ No this is for us, and yes I am in a good mood today because I am a step closer to achieving my goals. I made your favorite, so you can have as much as you want and enjoy” Victoria replied enthusiastically." Oh, what did you do again, mom?" Henry asked, eyeing.“Well, just blew the covers away, nothing much" she said sitting down putting a broccoli into her mouth.“I guess you must have conceded to the plan of revealing Bella's theft to Avery and how did he take it?" Henry questioned" Well, he was shocked and hung up and I am yet to know what happened but am
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“ I will talk to him personally, you just keep a watch on Avery while he is there and report back" Henry hung up and sat motionless for a while , his mind deciphering the whereabouts of Avery and what led him there.The whereabouts of Avery has deepened his suspicion of the trip being more than a business trip. He picks up his fork and continues eating absentmindedly and sees that his mother is yet back and she is taking long. He picks his food and chews slowly, absorbing all taste and nutrients. He knows there are hidden twists and plots to the game and the game will go tougher and harder.He focuses on his meal and decides to see how the games evolved.Mikel's POV“How can her number be unreachable? '' It's been more than 12 hours and I can't seem to reach her. What game is she playing?”Mikel furious with being unable to reach Bella.“ Calm down, shouting will do you no good. I had asked you to be more fierce but you felt like you had the games in your hand, now what? She is not pic
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“ I think you know what I have in mind, yeah you do. So why waste time on it, let's go" Jen said giggling.Mikel grabbed her and took her off to her feet while she giggled happily. The mood was set for a romantic and lustful era in their desires not engrossed in the affairs of the outside world.Bella's POVBella looks around her surroundings and believes it's not a dream anymore. The good old days are over and she has a new one to embark on solely. Since her arrival, she hasn't said a word to her fellow inmate who didn't seem surprised by her attitude.Bella who had accepted the inmate's offer to lay on the bed, then shiver on the cold stinking floor at night, Bella layed faced to the world engrossed deep in thought . Her own thoughts building up her realm where she reminisces of the case with Avery and what could become of her eventually. She recalls the brief discussion she had with Luke on his visit and knew at this point, Avery discovering his memory would be a fatal move for th
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“Alright mom, I have heard you. I will go get my cardigan so as to not catch cold”Ava replied grunting on her way.Ava strolled lazily to her room to fetch her cardigan and came out not seeing her mom. She heaved a sigh of relief and walked out. Getting into her car, she drove off speedily disappearing into the mist that had begun forming in the early hours of the morning.Glancing out of the terrace, looking at Ava's car drive off, she shakes her head silently muttering “She will be the end of yourself, I must have been to free with her. She isn't interested in paving the way for her future, there is a strange girl living under the same roof with Avery and here she is acting nonchalant to it, living a wild free life. I just hope it doesn't come crashing all back on her.Ava clouded with her inner desires, smirking delightfully as she drove steadily in high hopes to see her lover. “ I can't believe I have to pretend to be sweet whenever I am around him like I even love him. What marv
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“Alright Mom, I have heard you. I will go get my cardigan to not catch cold” Ava replied grunting on her way.Ava strolled lazily to her room to fetch her cardigan and came out not seeing her mom. She heaved a sigh of relief and walked out. Getting into her car, she drove off speedily disappearing into the mist that had begun forming in the early hours of the morning.Glancing out of the terrace, looking at Ava's car drive off, she shakes her head silently muttering “She will be the end of yourself, I must have been too free with her. She isn't interested in paving the way for her future, there is a strange girl living under the same roof with Avery and here she is acting nonchalant to it, living a wild free life. I just hope it doesn't come crashing back on her.Ava was clouded with her inner desires, smirking delightfully as she drove steadily in high hopes of seeing her lover. “ I can't believe I have to pretend to be sweet whenever I am around him like I even love him. What amazes
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“ Are you sure, Mister? So Loli can go to the park but mom won't let me. So how will I go? She asked with her tiny voice full of curiosity.“There you are, little miss, and who are you?" A lady's voice asked, breaking the blissful moments and taking Loli from. Luke's laps hastily.Turning to face Luke fully, she asked again? Who are you and what are you doing with my daughter” she asked with a fierce tone, her eyes full of concern searching for answers." Mommy, mommy, it's my new friend. Don't shout at him Mommy, we were waiting for you to come. You took so long, '' Loli replied, glad to see her mom. She didn't understand what the tension was about just smiling and inputting short words." Sorry baby, mom is here now. Okay? She said, patting her lightly and pecking her forehead affectionately.Luke, who stood abruptly at the sudden intervention from the lady, had not a chance to say a word and kept staring at them.Finding his voice he said politely “Good morning Mrs. I didn't mean t
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