All Chapters of The Lycan King's Exiled Mate: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
112 Chapters
Chapter 91 - I did it! I found help!
ElizabethI needed to find help, and not the human kind, but it was clear that I also needed food. Over the next couple of days, the food helped me to regain my strength. It was growing tougher by the day not to tell them where I came from. Who I was and what happened were the questions Mark wanted to know most about. They were kind people, but there was no way I could involve them in any of it.I had been recovering for three days, and I was becoming very impatient about moving on. The first night that they left me alone in my room, I escaped through the window and disappeared into the forest. All I could do was hope that they wouldn’t come and look for me. I was grateful that they didn’t take me to a human hospital. I knew they probably had blood samples and that humans would soon have a lot more questions.It was just far too dangerous to stay one minute longer. As the leaves of the trees slapped against me, I wished I could have told them everything, but I pushed on. I had a long
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Chapter 92 - Taking back the kingdom.
ElizabethI wasn’t nearly prepared for the way the witches were planning to attack. As our castle came into view, they started to descend! I could only hope that my family was still alive. It had been over a week since I left. That vampire female might have decided to kill all of them to punish me for leaving! Within the blink of an eye, we touched the ground and the vampires nearby started writhing in pain.I looked around stunned as the witches used their magic to incapacitate the vampires. And here I thought we were the strongest of all the supernatural creatures!“Show the way girl!” The high priestess’s voice brought me back to the task at hand and I rushed to take them to the dungeons. As we ran, the vampires fell one by one. My mind kept trying to go to the female vampire and I kept forcing myself to think about the task at hand. At one point, the vampires were going to outnumber the witches, and I wasn’t sure if we would be able to get to my family in time!We turned the last
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Chapter 93 - The festival.
Elizabeth“Elizabeth! Hurry up! They are here!” My omega excitedly shouted before disappearing again. It had been a year to the day since the vampires were defeated and the witches were coming to join us for a festival to celebrate. I sighed deeply and followed the people who were excitedly making their way outside. In the square the witches had just landed as we walked out of the castle. Our pack had lost so much that day. So many lives. If you looked at what the town looks like now, you wouldn’t even believe that we were fighting for our lives.“Welcome!” My brother’s voice echoed, and his mate quickly moved beside him to say hello. They had their little one just a couple of weeks ago. The high priestess gushed over the baby before turning her attention to me.“Elizabeth, it is so good to see you again.” She pulled me into her bear hug and I smiled.“Lilly, it’s been far too long.” I smiled as she let me go just a little. “Come, we have prepared rooms for you in the castle.” There w
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Chapter 94 - The human condition.
ElizabethThe festival went off without a hitch, and soon I was standing in the castle courtyard with just a small bag to take with me. I was surprised that my parents agreed that I could go on this trip. Our relationship with the witches was the strongest it had ever been, but I was just surprised. I guessed they wanted me to get out after I had basically been hiding in the territory for a year.I said goodbye quickly, so they wouldn’t notice the tears in my eyes and we left. It was a short flight and before long we were landing. The high priestess’s assistant showed me to the room I would be staying in and I settled in. A young witch I met earlier that week brought me some clothes to put on, and after I was dressed in the most comfortable dress I had ever worn, I met her outside. The witches were already back to work, and the young girl showed me around. I was interested in their gardens, and she left me to help a very old woman. I have to admit she didn’t move like an old woman!“S
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Chapter 95 - A new perspective.
ElizabethHalfway up the mountain, the high priestess sat down on a huge rock underneath a tree. A soft breeze was blowing, cooling us down when, out of nowhere, she pulled a basket from the small pouch she had at her side. Inside were some sandwiches and cool fresh water.“It is really beautiful here.” I looked out at the distance we had come and it was an incredible view.“Yes, it is. I wanted to show you some of the beauty of our land, but if you look over there, you will see that some of the trees are dying.” She pointed at a dark spot in the middle of the forest. “I will be sending a notice to the dwarfs to work on it, but if I don’t let them know, they might not know and the disease might spread to the entire forest.” She frowned. She didn’t have to explain. I got what she was trying to say.“I let the disease spread. I know. I just. It just hurt so much.” I sighed and she nodded. “That is why I’m here. I am trying to heal.”“You won’t heal until you admit that you are in pain.”
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Chapter 96 - Life lessons that changed me for the better.
ElizabethMelony was in charge of processing. She and her team took the plants that were now grown and harvested them. They cleaned them, and finally made the product that would eventually be used by the people who bought it from the witches. Of course, they also made whatever was needed by the witches in their daily lives. I learned how to cut and dry the plants and at the same time I learned how to cut poison out of my life.All the negative thoughts that swam around my own mind that poisoned me against finding true happiness. I had been wrong in the beginning. It wasn’t just Alice who was a fountain of information. All these women were. They weren’t just witches. They had all lived full and happy lives before they came here. But their happiness didn’t end because they didn’t have families. They have just started a new phase of their lives.My last part of my journey was spent with the high priestess. I learned how she took the time to prepare each potion and spell herself. She also
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Chapter 97 - Alpha Oliver.
ElizabethI watched the grown-up world happening in their imaginary one and, although it was upsetting, I could understand why the children were playing that way. In their imaginary world, bad things happened, but they always had a happy ending.When it became clear a couple of weeks after I arrived at home that there wasn’t going to be a project that I could do to better our home, I had no other choice but to accept that my life was what it was. I wasn’t going to accomplish anything ground-breaking. A fact that would have bothered me if I hadn't been so happy. The witches also taught me that sometimes we weren’t meant to be amazing, and that was okay.I just couldn’t go back to sitting around reading every single afternoon. It was a huge let-down. I needed to find something. Anything! I was standing in the library looking out of the enormous windows when movement caught my eye. The warriors were busy with training on the grounds. It had been the first time in a long time that I allow
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Chapter 98 - Misunderstandings and patience.
ElizabethAll the promises I made myself the past couple of weeks went straight out the window the moment I met the very rude Alpha Oliver! I shouldn’t have let it happen, but I did! The man was infuriating! Looking down as if he was better than anyone else! I tried my best to think of all the lessons that the witches taught me, but under his gaze that was just impossible!After dinner, I was relieved to find out that the men would be retreating to my brother’s office and I would have some time away from his gaze. They escorted us to the library and just when I thought I had been rid of him for at least a while, he appeared right behind me! His hot breath made my skin break out in goosebumps all over and I silent swore at my body for betraying me so openly!“Don’t go to bed. We have to talk after I’m done with your brother.” Was he actually ordering me?! I whipped around to say something, but he was out of the door with my brother and left me there gaping like a damn fish out of water
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Chapter 99 - "I accept you as my mate."
OliverHer lips tasted sweeter than I anticipated. She responded, and it pushed my need to touch her through the roof. It took everything I had to release her, so we could both catch our breaths.“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have, but you asked.” I was completely out of my element. I had women before, but I had never been this attracted to any of them! I had never been as rude to someone as I was with her in those first moments we met, but I was just in shock. I knew at that very moment I saw her for the first time that I would give my life to protect her and that was infuriating.To know that there was someone that would be carrying my heart from that moment on. Someone that could hurt me, so deeply, it could kill me if they left. The feelings were overwhelming me and for a moment I took it out on her. I looked at her as she stood in front of me smiling.“You are right. I did ask.” She turned, and we walked on while I stuffed my hands right back into my pockets. If I didn’t, I might just
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Chapter 100 - Tough decisions.
ElizabethOur families had a million questions, which was understandable and laughter rang through the dining room while Oliver and I explained what happened and how we came to our decision. It felt as if accepting each other had opened the channels for communication in such a way that there was absolutely nothing we couldn’t talk about.Just trusting that the moon goddess knew what was best and going with it had freed us both. It basically freed all of us to just talk openly. I had made a life-changing decision after Oliver told me how he felt about his home, and I was excited to inform everyone that I wanted to move to his home. Everything I learned while I was with the witches would finally be put to work.I could finally dig my hands into the dirt again the same way I did back there. My family was happy to hand my current responsibilities to others, and it seemed as if everything was going well until my brother cleared his throat.“There is just one thing I’m concerned about. You
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