All Chapters of The Lycan King's Exiled Mate: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
112 Chapters
Chapter 101 - A ceremony to remember.
ElizabethThe time flew by, and it felt as if I just blinked, and I was standing in front of my mirror again, dressed for my mating ceremony. I had lost count of how many times I prayed over the past week for the moon goddess to just bless this day. It was one of the reasons I didn’t want to take too long before having it. I was scared the same thing would happen. I was scared we would be attacked and I would lose Oliver.My white dress flowed around my body while the bodice clung to my body. It was perfect. It was completely different to the one I picked to wear before. It was nothing like the royal ball gowns I always wore for official events. It was very simple in comparison, but this time I felt like myself. My parents showed up minutes before the ceremony and I could see that they were very happy for me.We had straightened out all the possible problems there would be if I moved out of the kingdom and all around me my boxes were packed and ready to leave with me. It was strange t
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Chapter 102 - Unconditional love.
OliverWe had finally come to the moment, and it was overwhelming. Her body had been teasing me so much over the past week that I constantly had trouble getting comfortable in my pants. Now that I finally had her in my arms, all I could think about was marking her and making her mine. My wolf instincts took over completely, and I had to force myself to remember to take it easy. It was her first time. It was going to hurt.ElizabethIt was agonizing to take it slow, but I understood why he was doing it. I had read somewhere that the anticipation was better than the actual act. I guess I will find out soon enough. I could feel his hands shaking just a little as they slipped up my back and slowly slipped my shoulder straps from my shoulders. My night dress fell to the floor the moment Oliver moved away from me.He walked around me and I closed my eyes trying to take it all in. When he stood behind me, I felt him breathing in my scent as he pulled me tightly up against his arousal for a m
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Chapter 103 - The perfect life.
ElizabethI woke up in Oliver’s arms and smiled. My parents always made me feel safe and loved, but it was different to this. I felt so loved and protected that I could very well spend the rest of my life right there. Oliver stirred behind me and I could have sworn I felt his arousal. Seconds later, I smiled. I did feel his arousal, and I wiggled my butt just a little.“That is not a safe thing to do angel.” His voice gave me goosebumps as I burst out laughing. He turned me around in his arms and I smiled. “Good morning, did you sleep well?” He pushed the hair out of my face and kissed me before I could even answer.“Good morning. Yes, very and you?” I traced the line of his shoulder after we finally broke our kiss.“Like a baby.” He grinned before throwing the covers away and jumping out of bed. “But, I’m sure the pack wants to see their new Luna, so get a move on.” He winked but I didn’t move. I wanted to try out my new-found sex appeal and stretched my naked body, noticing the inst
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Chapter 104 - The werecats.
ElizabethOliver and I didn’t go away on honeymoon since there was just too much to do, but it didn’t bother me. I loved being able to finally put my knowledge to the test. We built his parents' garden faster than anticipated and when the entire pack gathered to look at it, I felt pride in my work. In all of them. So many pitched in to plant flowers and grass that it all came together beautifully.Oliver’s mother had tears in her eyes when we revealed the finished product. She had told me a couple of weeks earlier that she saw the gardens at the castle when she was a little girl and had wanted something like that since she was a little girl. I was glad that we could give it to her. I even convinced my family to sponsor some of the flowers right out of the castle garden to round things off and give it that special look.All around the sides there were beautiful flowers with grass divided by walkways and a small fountain in the centre. Oliver built four benches that were placed around t
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Chapter 105 - I am healed. I am happy.
ElizabethOliver and I decided we were going to split up because of this. He would stay behind and protect the pack since we were convinced the werecats would come for our prisoner. I was taking the prisoner to my brother. If the werecats thought they could attack the princess of the Lycan kingdom, they would have to think again! We didn’t waste time and within an hour I was ready to go. Oliver pulled me into his arms and kissed me before resting his forehead on mine.“I know you can protect yourself, but please, please be safe. I won’t survive if something happens to you. Keep your eyes and ears open and don’t, under any circumstances, untie the prisoner.” He sighed deeply and I nodded.“I won’t.” I kissed him before pulling out of his arms.“We will take good care of her, alpha.” My future gamma guard promised and I smiled. Their training had gone well so far, but they weren’t ready to protect me all on their own just yet. My royal guards still had to be there as well. As our group
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Chapter 106 - Good news!
ElizabethMy family hadn’t prepared to stay very long, which meant that when the werecats didn’t attack two days later, they had to return to the castle. The men seemed to agree that the werecats were playing the long game. They somehow knew the royal family was visiting and either they weren’t ready to attack yet, or they perhaps didn’t want to take them on.It infuriated me to live in this kind of limbo. I hated trying to guess what my enemy was up to. I hated having enemies. If we had done something to them, I could understand, but we hadn’t. They were just being greedy. I sighed as we said goodbye to my family and watched them disappear into the forest. It was nice having them there, but life had to go on.We would all still be living in a constant state of wondering when we were going to be attacked. Oliver was convinced the werecats were trying to lull us into a false sense of security. He was sure they were going to attack as soon as they thought we had forgotten about them. Wh
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Chapter 107 - Life goes on.
ElizabethOur celebrations didn’t last long, as soon as Oliver realized that we were under threat. His face instantly turned from happy to worried and I sighed deeply. This was definitely going to affect my life in far worse ways than I had anticipated.“You can’t work on the gardens in your condition. What if we are attacked? How are you going to get to safety in time.” He was talking to me, but it looked more like he was talking to himself as he started to pace back and forth.“Oliver, seriously? I’m pregnant. I’m not an invalid. I’m not even showing yet, for goodness’s sake! I am not going to spend the next couple of months in bed hiding from the world. I won’t do it!” I glared at him. He stopped pacing and sighed deeply as he looked at me.“But you are carrying precious cargo …” He started and when he tried to put his hands on my hips, I pushed him away.“Yes, I am. Cargo that will require exercise and healthy food. Not to mention fresh air. If you want this baby to be born health
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Chapter 108 - A Luna ... Not a Queen!
ElizabethI had always thought losing Jason was the worst thing I could have gone through, but as I sat there waiting to find out if Oliver had survived the attack, I realized that it wasn’t. If I lost Oliver, I wouldn’t survive. I would appear strong for the pack. I would carry on and raise our pup, but my heart would be broken forever and there would be no healing it this time. It was a scary thing to realize, but it was the truth.Oliver wasn’t just my mate. He was my best friend. The one I relied on. Literally, my other half. Losing him would be like losing my most important limb. I would be able to adjust and move on and live, but something would always be missing. My eyes shot up, and my brain froze the moment we heard someone touching the door handle.“Elizabeth, it’s me. It’s safe. You can come out.” Oliver’s voice caused a collective sigh of relief in the room and I rushed to open the door. Rushing into his arms as soon as I saw him. I breathed in his scent and he smelled of
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Chapter 109 - A good life.
ElizabethSadly, I was very wrong. The werecats were planning war. They wanted our territory and nothing was going to stop them. Our son was born in the midst of all of it and I had a hard time convincing Oliver not to send me back home! He wanted me and our son to be safely tucked away in the castle while they fought the werecats! Who the hell did he think he was mated with?!As soon as my body allowed, I was right there by his side fighting for our people. The war didn’t last very long though. We won fairly quickly thanks to the Royal Army standing behind us. I didn’t realize how incredibly proud I was of myself and of our people until I stood on the porch of our new pack house looking out at our people.Everyone looked tired, and I could feel the sadness in the air. We haven’t just fought a war. We built our new pack house while fighting! Oliver wanted to keep the people busy who had to stay behind. He listened when I told him that life had to continue while we were off fighting fo
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Chapter 110 - Cheeseburgers!
ElizabethOur children grew and with them our pack and also our little village. My projects that seemed huge when I started them now seemed small, and we had to expand our vegetable garden sooner than planned. We quickly became the second-largest trading post in our region. It wasn’t surprising when we got word that the werecats wanted to talk.A young new alpha had been appointed. She had taken over from her father and had very different views to him. I was pleasantly surprised to meet the young woman. She was strong and confident but not overbearing like most males in her position. She negotiated a very good trade deal between our pack and hers and people who used to be enemies quickly became good friends.It was a time for peace in our world. I knew war would come again someday, but for now we were all living in peace. We were trading and even started a student exchange. After visiting the witches, I really wanted my children to experience something similar when the time was right.
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