All Chapters of Pregnant With Alpha's Genius Twins: Chapter 421 - Chapter 430
582 Chapters
Chapter 0421
“Yeah,” Ian says, a little rueful, still rubbing his injured backside. “We didn’t want you to freak out. Like you’re doing. Right now.”“That’s it.” I say, standing up sharply, somehow managing to balance my plate of food in my hand and not spill it all over the floor. “Family meeting. In the tent.
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Chapter 0422
Alvin folds his hands in his lap, shrugging one shoulder. “Ever since we were very little –““Since we can remember, I guess,” Ian picks up, miming his brother’s action.“We’ve always been able to see the magic. To notice it, when others don’t,” Alvin finishes. Both boys look apologetically Victor a
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Chapter 0423
“But now,” Alvin says, looking at us in disgust. “You guys are like, gross.”“What?” Victor says, baffled and frankly a little offended. “We’re gross?”“Yeah,” Ian says, looking between us with his nose wrinkled. “We didn’t want to tell you, because we didn’t want to hurt your feelings – and because
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Chapter 0424
The next morning, Victor and I make short work of packing up the tent. We send the boys off with a little H20 test kit to see if they can find fresh water, and they come back with a couple of bottles full. We quickly set the water to boil over the rekindled fire and then re-bottle it, slipping it in
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Chapter 0425
“That’s enough,” I say, looking confusedly between the two. They never fight. I then lean down to pry Ian’s hand away from his eye, inspecting the damage. No harm done, just irritation. “Alvin, apologize. Ian, accept it. Let’s all move on.”Honestly, I just don’t have the energy to deal with that to
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Chapter 0426
“Are you serious, Evelyn?” he sputters, his eyes going wide. “After all of this? All that we’ve been through?”“What?” I snap in response, shaking my head so that my hair falls back over my shoulder. “Is it not a legitimate question?” “No, Evelyn!” He says, his voice raising in anger. “It’s absolut
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Chapter 0427
My eyes fill with tears then, and I come up with nothing. He’s right, of course – we are beyond all of this – we’ve had these talks. And if we do die here – And god damnit, but I’m determined to live – but – If we do die. He’s right. I want to go with my arms around him, full of the knowledge that
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Chapter 0428
It’s a subdued night that evening by the fire. The ghosts don’t bother us, or perhaps they’re not here to bother us – perhaps they live in a different part of the forest. But either way, the four of us are alone as we sit by the fire, eating our little dinner in silence. The boys glance between us,
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Chapter 0429
But tonight – damn, but it’s a vivid dream. The dream world around me, for all purposes, looks precisely like the tent which I had set up only a few hours before. Except, it’s light with a bright golden light, like noon sun. And filled with fog, like we’re sitting in clouds.Not a breath of me is fr
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Chapter 0430
“Come on, mama,” Alvin says, tugging at my hand and leading me towards the broken-down old house.“Alvin,” I hiss, pulling him back. “We can’t go in there – it’s a ruin –“He frowns at me, confused. “Mama,” he says, “the forest brought us to this house. Don’t you think it wants us to go in?”I screw
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