All Chapters of Pregnant With Alpha's Genius Twins: Chapter 431 - Chapter 440
582 Chapters
Chapter 0431
And the table…Alvin’s already at it, slavering over what he sees there, and I admit that my mouth falls open when I see it. Everything I could want for breakfast, everything meal I’ve ever enjoyed, is here. I marvel, reaching out and picking up a blueberry muffin that I swear – I swear – is identi
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Chapter 0432
“Come on, Papa!” Ian shouts, grabbing his father’s hand and tugging him out towards the forest. “Ian,” Victor scolds, digging in his feet and refusing to be pulled forward without a plan. “Come on, you know better than this. A good soldier isn’t going into those woods without a plan.”Ian frowns at
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Chapter 0433
Victor follows his pointed finger upwards, looking into the dawn sky. He blinks, surprised at what he sees there. The moon, full and rich, white and pale against the blue sky. Victor’s first reaction is simply to admire it – it’s a beautiful sight, and so rare to see the moon during the day. But…
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Chapter 0434
“Oh my god,” I moan, letting my head fall back against the wooden chair as I slowly chew the last bite of the muffin that I’ve crammed into my mouth. “It is so delicious. I can’t stand it.”“Yeah!” I hear Alvin agree, even though my eyes are pressed shut. “Way better than a stinking granola bar.”I
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Chapter 0435
“I think you,” I say, pointing a finger at the center of his chest. “Are the ultimate sneaky squirrel. Much sneakier than your brother. I always hear him coming.”Alvin laughs at his and the smile on his face warms my heart. I’m sorry to see, though, that after a moment it fades.“What’s still bothe
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Chapter 0436
Victor raises his snout to scent the air, relishing the strength he feels in this form.He and Ian have been running through the woods for what feels like hours, doing nothing but searching for the scents which they know they have to follow. They haven’t found them yet, but neither of them is frustr
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Chapter 0437
Evelyn sits in a comfortable, slightly musty old armchair pulled close to the fire with one arm wrapped around Alvin. With her other hand, she idly breaks one of those delicious muffins into pieces, occasionally raising a chunk to her mouth to chew. Alvin naps peacefully against her chest and Evely
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Chapter 0438
He brings her mouth to his, then, kissing her soundly with an intensity that makes clear everything he learned about himself out in the woods today. No doubts at all. Not a single one. Ian looks up at his parents kissing for a moment and then grimaces. “Ewww,” he murmurs, catching Alvin’s eye. “Y
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Chapter 0439
Victor pulls his face away from me for a moment, still holding him close against him, looking down at me intently. A low growl builds in his chest.And I want him, too, desperately. Want to tear his dirty shirt from his body and throw it to the forest floor – want – “Where,” I hear myself ask, my m
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Chapter 0440
“I don’t know,” I say, shrugging and then mimicking the twin’s little pinging gestures in the air. “The magic brought it.”“Amazing,” he says, shaking his head. “Eat!” I say, giving him a little nudge. “You’ve got to be starving.”“Is it,” he asks, glancing at me. “Is it safe?”I shrug again. “Who
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