All Chapters of Pregnant With Alpha's Genius Twins: Chapter 451 - Chapter 460
582 Chapters
Chapter 0451
“Oh!” I shout, my voice falsely appalled – “a hottie! He thinks he’s a hottie now, everyone!” “Who are you talking to,” he murmurs then, still laughing, close enough to the falls now that they pound just behind him, enveloping us in the mist. “No one can hear you but me.”“The magic,” I murmur back
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Chapter 0452
I murmur my mate’s name as I pull him close, feeling his growl reverberate in his chest as I hold him against me. Suddenly I can’t get him near enough to me, wanting to feel every inch of his skin pressed against mine. Victor apparently feels the same, clutching me with one arm as he spreads the fin
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Chapter 0453
And without another word, he lowers his mouth to press his tongue languidly against that precise spot at the peak of my thighs, giving my ass another reverberating smack as he does so. My head falls back, my mouth open, at the sudden intensity of the dual sensations. The sharp sting of his hand comb
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Chapter 0454
“Fuck, Evelyn,” Victor groans, burying his head against my shoulder as I press him to me, my hips bucking against the length of him inside of me. “Fuck.” And then he’s moving faster, thrusting into me with a feral demand, my own hips matching his every pulse. I clutch my legs around him, leaning my
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Chapter 0455
“Hey,” I whisper, raising a gentle hand to his face. “Time to wake up, handsome.”Victor goes still for a second and then frowns, not opening his eyes. “No,” he decides, bruskly turning his head away. “No. More sleep. Never getting up.”I laugh a little and rest my chin on his chest, smiling up at h
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Chapter 0456
“Mama!” Alvin cries again, tucking himself tight against me as one of my arms goes around him. Ian almost knocks us both over as he comes to my side, shouting “mom!” as he slams into me in his eagerness to hug my shoulders. Alvin snuggles against me, his eyes pressed closed in happiness, but Ian loo
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Chapter 0457
“And then,” Ian says, hopping down from Victors arms and coming to wrap his arms around my leg while I use a knife to cut a warm loaf of crusty bread, “we heard a rooster crowing, and we knew it was time to get up. Because you would be coming home.”“Really?” I ask, looking down at him. “That’s weir
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Chapter 0458
We troupe out of the cabin about an hour later, headed west through the pines towards where we sense we last made camp. I look over my shoulder one last time at the run-down little cabin sitting alone in the woods, mouthing a little thank-you to it. It’s truly given us so much - fed and protected us
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Chapter 0459
“Sure,” I consider, shrugging. “I just…don’t want it to put undue pressure on them. I don’t want them to think they have some kind of destiny to fulfill, just because of some kind of astral design.”“But what if they do have a destiny to fulfill?” he probes, not really contradicting me, just wonderi
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Chapter 0460
We get to work, then, all of us. The boys gather firewood while I check our supplies in the tent. They went untouched by wildlife by some continued magic with which the forest blessed us. I gather some dried meats and granola bars to supplement the forest’s gifts and head back to the fire circle whe
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