All Chapters of Alpha Xavier's Relentless persuit of his Mate: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
103 Chapters
Mundane Memories I
>As the two waited for their food, Zoe's phone started ringing. She saw it was Maisie and attended the call,"Girl, please tell me what I heard happened tonight at Blood Cresent didn't happen." Maisie sounded worried."Depends on what you heard." Zoe replied in a tired tone. "Z. Where are you? I'm coming to get you." Zoe could hear shuffling coming from Maisie's side."Please don't. I'm fine. I'll come over in the morning." Zoe closed her eyes and sighed."Are you back at Silver Moon?" Maisie asked."Yes. But don't come over. I'll see you tomorrow. And Mj, don't worry." Zoe didn't wait for an answer and cut the call."How is your phone not blowing up after the stunt you just pulled?" Zoe asked Xavier casually."I threw it away." He replied in the same nonchalant tone."What?" "I said, -""I heard.""Then?""Then, why would you do that? It's your phone. The Alpha Councilor's phone. Excluding the recent events, which you might need to explain to a few people. That phone mu
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Mundane Memories II
>By the time, their food was over, Xavier and Zoe had been laughing so hard that their cheeks hurt."I can't believe he would do that." Zoe wiped a tear from her eye and tried to stop laughing."You bet he did and then he had the audacity to blame it on me." Xavier smiled back freely."No!" She widened her eyes and leaned in, "Then, what did the Dean do?""Nothing. What could he do to the Alpha's son?" Xavier was proud of his carefree college days before he took on Alphadom.Suddenly soft music sounded through the diner. The couple turned to look at the source and found Martha tweaking a large old-fashioned jukebox. She winked at the couple and mouthed, 'Enjoy' before going back to cleaning up the kitchen and leaving them alone."What do you say?" Xavier suddenly asked holding out his hand. His coat and waistcoat had been discarded while eating and laughing earlier. His tie was loose and his sleeves were folded to elbows. The top button of his shirt was undone. Zoe looked
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Truth or Trap
>I had contemplated going straight to my loft or cabin to allow things to blow over before returning. But with Father back, it was better to face the consequences of my actions than to let him stew in it and for things to get worse. The whole ride back, I had been imagining every possible scenario and method to protect Zoe, while also making sure that my Alpha title did not get questioned. I had never been the impulsive one. But now that I had taken that road with Zoe, there was no going back. I did not regret standing up for her. But in hindsight, I could have done it differently.I had barely parked my car when the butler rushed to my car and spoke in urgency, "Master Shaw ordered to send you to his study the moment you returned. He has been in there since you left.""Thanks, Alfred." I nodded in gratitude. I could see how the poor guy was shaking in his boots. My Father's anger had that effect. I had been on the receiving end of it far too many times. So, I knew
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Tying loose ends
>Jacob and Luca, my secretary and my Beta were already in my office when I entered.I locked the door and went straight to my desk as they awaited what I had called them for."Jake, remember the camera I asked you to install in Father's study before he came?" I asked.He nodded."It's working, yes?" I asked.He nodded again."Where is its feed?" I asked."At my tab, Alpha." He replied."It's set to automatically save, yes?" I asked."As ordered. Yes, Alpha." He clicked at the tab in his hands and showed the live video from my Father's study room where he had wrecked the room after I had left and then made a call that could clearly be heard through the camera's microphone."Take everything that can be used against him and save it to at least three backups. I know my Father did not return of his own accord. He hated this house. He hated most of us. He has a plan. Find his reason for coming back and make sure he doesn't sense you sniffing." I ordered."Yes, Alpha." Jacob
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Getting Things in Order
>I knocked on the door and Claire opened the door. Her face lit up when she noticed who had knocked on her door."I have been waiting for you." She softly said and let me in."Claire, you know what you mean to me, right?" I wanted to get straight to the point but I knew that she would never take it well. So, I started with what I knew she loved to hear."Of course, Xavier. And you mean so much more to me, too." She stepped closer and looked up at me."You know you are one of the most important people in my life, yes?" I held her hand in mine despite Spike's growls in my head. He and I were going to have a conversation later because he needed to accept my decisions or we would live the rest of our super-long lives at odds with each other.She nodded as her smile widened and I resumed, "And you know that you have always been irreplaceable in my life. From the moment we met to our years in school and college. ""I know, love. And you are the most important person in my li
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Trick or Treat
[TRIGGER WARNING = This Chapter has a mention of miscarried pregnancy.]>From the moment I had been dropped at my house. My thoughts and feelings were at odds. I was confused, upset, and weirdly calm.Instead of walking inside, I had waited for Xavier to leave and then I had rushed to the woods. The only place where there were no threats, or exes, or love, or frauds, or odd jobs that made me feel like a nobody.I ran and it helped me calm my nerves. I didn't want to think about what was next but I had no choice. Maisie had tried her best to get me a job at that catering company and it had turned out to be more problems. Now, I had no idea if I was even going to get paid at all. And I definitely wasn't going to keep the job. The manager was already breathing down my neck and the rest of the staff members hated that I was not from their pack.I returned home breathless and greeted Aunt Julie, who was overjoyed to see me back. She instantly got worried because I hadn't tol
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Invited with Purpose
>"Girl, I'm still not sure about this. Like, at all." Maisie had been driving me to the Blood Cresent and she hadn't stopped about what a wrong decision it was to accept Claire's invite, since the moment I had told her a few days ago."You think I do? MJ, I know what a wrong decision it is. But, as I have said it a million times now, the lesser of the two evils.-""-Lesser of the two evils. I know." She mimicked me."Exactly. Would you rather she show up with all her drama to Silver Moon and paint a bigger target on my back? So that I lose any minuscule chance that I might still have to pay Xavier's fee? I would think not." I gave the same argument."So, we are clear. We know it is a trap. Right?" She glanced at me momentarily before keeping her focus on the road."Of course. Whichever world would Claire Devereux apologize to me, this is not it." I sighed. I knew my luck and it was sure not overturned in one night."I just wish we had any idea of what we are walking into.
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Esclating things
>Claire was expecting tears. I believe wanted to crush any hope that any woman would ever have for snatching her man.So, when I simply accepted the fake apology and turned, Claire felt like she was the one who had gotten played despite it being her plan. She was about to go off on me when Xavier entered.Apparently, he hadn't been at the party and had just arrived.He stopped in his tracks when he saw both of us in the living room."I invited Zoe." Claire perked up immediately and walked over to her man, hooking her arm with his, she pulled him away.I stared at them for a moment, before trying to pull myself together. I walked outside to find Maisie. It was time to leave.Before I could find her, one of Claire's friends found me, "Is it true? That you couldn't afford a branded bikini and had to wear these rags?" She looked me up and down.Another of her friends joined and started, "How about you get me a margarita? You are a waitress after all, no?"Oh, how I wished to
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>My lungs burned as I tried to breathe.I coughed and it hurt. There was a distant sound of someone calling my name. Was someone holding me?I tried to open my eyes and get some oxygen in my lungs. What happened?I looked up and saw Xavier's steel greys looking into mine. He looked worried. Where did he come from? Why was he worried? I tried to look around and noticed Maisie was sitting next to me."It's okay. You are okay. Alpha Shaw saved you." Maisie was saying.Save me from what?And then I realized how dripping wet I was. Xavier's hair still had droplets dripping as well. My jumpsuit felt restrictive to move or breathe in as it clung to my body. Thankfully, it was not see-through."Oh, Goddess! Zoe, you slipped and fell into the pool. So lucky that my Xavier was here to save you." I heard Claire as she came into view. She had discarded the satin cardigan that she had been wearing to cover up her revealing bikini. Her face did not betray a single emotion that she had
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Parting Lovers
>I knew going to Claire's was going to blow up in my face. But I had no idea how bad things would go and how quickly out of hand too.Now, Maisie was gone. Xavier had taken Claire to hospital and despite everything, I was praying, hoping, that she was okay. Jacob had gone with them. I was alone in Claire's home, surrounded by all the pool party/engagement party guests of Blood Cresent. Everyone who thought I was a slut and a gold digger."I know you did this." The dark-skinned girl from earlier raised her accusing finger at me as she walked inside and saw me still there.I knew replying would make it worse and there was no way I could protect myself from so many wolves who loved Claire. So, I stayed silent."I saw Claire drinking from the glass that you planted on the table for her." She was glaring at me as more people joined her."Say something, Slut." One of them shouted, "No apology or regret?""So, apart from being a whore by trade, and a gold-digger, you are also a
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