All Chapters of Alpha Xavier's Relentless persuit of his Mate: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
106 Chapters
Overdue Conversation
>I sat on my bed, my heart about to beat out of my chest."What just happened?" I was so confused. What was all that about?I thought he broke up with me because of Claire. Then why did he kiss me? If that could even be qualified as such. I placed my muffin aside, my brain was in overdrive."Xavier!" I whined to myself. Why was he doing this? Did he get kicks out of watching me squirm for him? He wasn't that kind of man, was he? I had barely known him for a few months, but they had made me feel like I knew him for years.I sighed but suddenly got cautious when a double-knock sounded on my door. It was past midnight. Who could it be? I was sure Maisie was asleep and if she needed to see me, she'd use the joined balcony. Could it be Mr. Smith? Maybe he found out that I was sneaking around in the kitchen.I slowly walked to the door.With my hand on the handle, I stilled. What if it was John? I was ready to expect the worst from him."Who is it?" I called out, without openin
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Let The Games Begin
>Xavier stopped in front of us and looked at where Jacob was holding my hand to lead me back through the woods without tripping. His eyes went from Jacob to me and back.Jacob immediately let go of my hand and stuttered an explanation without Xavier having to word it out."Zoe needed fresh air so I offered to walk in the woods before games.""You offered to walk in the woods before games?" Xavier's look was predatory like he was about to pounce on Jaocb and tear him to shreds."Yes, and I asked him to be with me so I wouldn't slip on the mossy roots." I had to cover for the poor secretary.Xavier's eyes found mine and there was a question that I failed to understand. Before either of us could say anything else, Claire walked over in her perfect model-like gait in stilettoes. Who wears stilettoes at eleven in the morning at home? Apparently, Miss Claire Deveroux does. And damn do her legs look gorgeous because of it."Xavier, honey, there you are. Let's start the games al
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Broken Heart and Suspicions
>Claire took her time blindfolding Xavier.Then, she put me, Alyssa, Herself, and Maisie in line. I wanted to refuse but that would've been suspicious, so I stood silently as Xavier started from Maisie. It didn't take him long to recognize her. I don't know how he did it, but I was in no place to question it.Next was Claire and the moment he touched her face, her name escaped his lips. She smiled wide in triumph at being recognized so quickly. I felt another stab in my heart, along with a doubt. Maisie and Jacob wanted me to fight for Xavier but seeing him Claire, I didn't know how was I supposed to compete with their relationship. They had known each other for the most part of their lives. How could the few months that I had would compare to all those years and memories that they had? But then, why did the thought of giving him up hurt so much? Why did I feel like I couldn't breathe if I wasn't around him? Why did I feel like strangling her perfect neck every time she
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True Colors
>My heart skipped a beat.Did she suspect something or did she come to know something? What was I supposed to say to that?"I don't-" I started but she grew furious."Don't lie to me! I can see through your little plan. I won't let it work." She straightened up in pride, "Maybe Xavier played with you while I was gone. But I am here now. He doesn't need his toys anymore.""It's not what you think-" She wouldn't let me speak."Oh, I don't think, I know." She stepped closer, trying to intimidate me, "You think I can't see the way you look at him? The way you touched him while blindfolded?""I didn't know who-" I tried and failed as she glared at me."I said, Don't Lie To Me!" "Claire. There has been a misunderstanding." I raised my hands in surrender. I knew no one was going to come in between us if things started to get ugly. She may be able to defeat me physically, but I wasn't going to go down without a fight. I was a beta's daughter. But I knew, Xavier wouldn't want thi
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Stranded, Not Alone
>It took me a few minutes to gather my bearings and decide that Claire Devereux was indeed right. It hurt but it was the truth. It had been glaring at me from the start. Xavier and I didn't belong with each other, not like Claire and he did. It was better if I just focused on getting my Dad free and making sure that John paid for everything. I marked the spot where I had to reach on the map to find a road that could hopefully provide me with a hitchhiking possibility."I will call Maisie later. She'll apologize to Jacob on my behalf." I told myself as I walked through the winding non-existent paths in the woods. 'Should've brought some water.' I told myself as I panted due to my human-like weaknesses. I loathed how weak I was without a wolf. Why did I not deserve a wolf? Maybe if I had one, I would try and be worthy of Xavier. Be a true Beta.I hated how pathetic I was to love and give up on it. But I never stood a chance in front of Claire Devereux. I sighed and kept
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Knight in Shining Armor
>"Maybe it's better if we split up. We can cover more ground." Maisie suggested and I agreed."You take left, I'll take right." I nodded and we both rushed in opposite directions.I was hoping to find them before Claire said or did something irreversible. I knew she was prone to overreactions when it came to things that mattered to her.I still remember what she had done to the poor kid in school who had found her misplaced favorite pen and had refused to return it. Poor girl never spoke or did anything else in school except sit obediently in class and do classwork. Even as a young teen, even without her wolf. She had always been vicious like that.The same had been repeated when we went to college. Only it was worse because she had her wolf. Not that she needed her wolf to ruin someone psychologically. It was something that I had once admired in her. How cold she was towards her enemies. Dad had called her an asset to the pack. He was proud when I had wished to choose
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Thing We Do For Love
>After the way he blamed me for almost being murdered, I refused to say another word to him as we trekked back to the Hill House.I wanted to tell him why I was there in the first place. I wanted to show him how unfair his trust in Claire was. I wanted him to know that he won and I had given up on us. But the way he defended her while blaming me, made everything pointless. Why did he save me if I was such a liability? Or maybe he would've done the same for anyone in that situation. I guess we would never know. I imagined what my wolf would say to me in this situation if I had one. I had heard that the wolves share a part of our psyche, are versions of ourselves, and are our only friends in tough times. Would my wolf blame me for letting myself cornered too?As we exited the woods, I was behind Xavier and nobody saw me at first.Claire rushed to him and hugged him tightly, "Xavy, where were you? I won! I found the treasure. Wanna know what it is?"But as they parted she n
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Witches and Wolves
>I walked into my room and took off the bloody shirt. I quickly washed some blood off of my hands and face before stepping out of the bathroom and seeing the three people whom I had called."Alpha, what exactly happened out there?" Micheal asked professionally while Jacob handed me another shirt to wear."I would like to know that too." I replied, barely holding in my anger."Should I call the Delta and ask where the border patrol was?" Micheal offered."You do that." I ordered and then looked at Claire.She looked as perfect as I had last seen her a few hours ago."Jacob, ask Mr. Smith to make sure that the Devereux house security measures are all in line.Once we were alone I asked, "How are you?" She looked tense but my question eased her instantly."I'm fine now that I know you are alright." She stepped closer, pressed a hand to my chest, and looked up at me with her beautiful eyes. Eyes that, once, I could stare at them forever and not get tired.But now, I was wo
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>I had been in my room for the rest of the day. Maisie was with me."Why didn't you tell me any of this before?" She massaged her temples.I had told her everything. The whole truth from the start. I was in a vulnerable state and when she started asking questions, I broke. I needed someone to trust. Besides Dad, she was the only one I had. I told her about Xavier, my contract with him to save Dad, and to gather evidence to put John in front of the Werewolf Council. He had to pay for his sins."What was I supposed to say? And honestly, I was hoping for it all to be over sooner. And I definitely didn't expect for Claire to return." I shrugged."Well, better late than never." She looked at me determined."What do you mean?" I asked confused."I mean, I am with you. All in. You are right. John needs to pay and I will help you however I can." She was the reason I had stayed sane for as long as I had.Her conviction made me smile in irony as I asked, "And what do you have in mi
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Turn of Events
>A helpless tear slipped from my eye as John tried to force the kiss on me. He was taller, stronger, and with his wolf, unbeatable.But I was not going to go down without a fight. I let him think he had won and as his lips touched my cheek, his grip loosened slightly, I brought my hands to his face and scratched at his eyes as hard as I could.He cursed and let me go, just as we heard Jacob call from the other side of the door, "Zoe, you have a minute?""Bitch." John whispered not wanting Jacob to know of his presence and immediately opened the door to the balcony before jumping out."Zoe?" Jacob called as I tried to get myself under control."Coming." I replied.I opened the door and he immediately noticed my appearance."May I come in?" He asked politely and I let him."Was John here?" Was his first question as soon as I closed the door. It was pointless to lie to him. His wolf must've already sniffed out the fresh scent. So, I nodded, hugging myself."Alpha knew it was
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