All Chapters of Alpha Xavier's Relentless persuit of his Mate: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
94 Chapters
The Deal
>I rolled over in my sleep and found the bed empty beside me.It had been a long while since I had slept this well, but thankfully it couldn’t erase how most of the night had gone.The storm was over.I sat up, covering my naked body with the blanket and looking around groggily.Xavier was not in the room, but his shirt was. I decided to shower first.His bathroom was just as glorious as the rest of his house.I picked up the shirt from the back of a chair where he had probably placed it after tossing it around carelessly last night.It was too big for me so I only did one button under my breasts and left the rest of it to hang off of one of my shoulders. It reached my thigh, enough that I didn’t even wear my underwear, excited for his reaction. I folded the sleeves up so I could use my arms.I brushed my wet hair but left it untied, placing it on one side, accentuating my shaved side. ‘I should really get it tattooed,’ I thought to myself. Kicking myself for not bringin
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New Phase
>I left Xavier’s home in the afternoon. He had work to take care of and I had overstayed my visit. Also, I knew that Aunt Julie would start to get worried. And I had a couple of messages from Maisie asking where I was.After Xavier and I had made the deal about him helping my Dad, I went ahead and blocked John’s number from my phone and on all social media that we used to follow each other. The only way we were going to contact each other was through Xavier, in a formal setting under Werewolf laws. I did not trust him any other way.I returned home to find that Aunt Julie had gone to get some fresh groceries and I was grateful. Because I wanted to get myself dressed up properly before giving her the good news.I chose a beige turtleneck Jumper with a sexy heart cut-out at the perfect place to reveal some skin but not too much that it looks slutty or makes me feel cold. I intended to go to Maisie’s home to deliver the news in person.Even though, we still had paperwork t
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Formal Lunch
>I chose a peach-colored suit with a white lace bra as the top of my attire for the formal lunch that Xavier had invited me to discuss Dad’s case.He sent Jacob to pick me up from my house. I greeted Jacob and asked, “How long have you been working for Xavier, I mean Alpha Councilor Shaw?” I kicked myself for forgetting that our relationship was probably secret. After all, we had not made anything official.“It’s okay, you can call him whatever you want in front of me. I won't tell on you.” He winked sweetly and answered my question, “Since I received my wolf, a decade ago. My brother is his Beta. You might think nepotism got me my job but Alpha doesn’t do favors to anyone.”“I know that, Jacob. I don’t doubt that you earn your job every day.” I smiled at him from the passenger seat.“Your case must be very special.” He commented and I asked confused, “Why would you say that?”“Because the restaurant that I am bringing you to, is one of those rare places that Alpha used t
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Awkward Conversations
>When I had asked Zoe to join me for a formal lunch, I had promised myself that I would keep my personal and work life separate.But then she had showed up looking so formal and gorgeous. I was amazed at her dressing sense, she always looked like she had a professional designer and stylist dress her up.She loved showing off her undercut and always had her hair on the opposite side, accentuating the haircut. She was different, she knew it and made sure that no one forgot it. Not that anyone who had met her even once could easily forget someone like her.I kept blaming Spike for everything I did that I had not done for any woman except Claire, my only true love. So, stubbornly I kept believing that it was Spike that made me want to get up to greet her or pull her chair or flirt with her.I had started to imagine a lot of different ways this lunch could go but not the one that actually happened.Alyssa had called out with John on her arm and as much as I loved my sister,
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More Threats and New Troubles
>Once the dessert was over, I paid for everyone, and Zoe was quick to say her goodbyes. I offered to drop her home as I had some business in her pack. We walked towards my car and were about to get inside when I patted my pockets and said, “I forgot my phone on the table, I think. I’ll be right back.”I left as she stood looking around the gorgeous white winter scenery and still was the prettiest thing there.When I returned five minutes later, Zoe was gone. John stood waiting with his hands in his pockets as Alyssa had found some old school friends and was chatting with them.I looked for Zoe but John told offhandedly, “If you are looking for your client, Alpha. She left with your secretary. Said something about regretting the lunch. Such a weird girl, that one. Where did you even find her?” My blood boiled at the way he referred to her. I may not be ready to mate her but I would be damned if I let anyone disrespect her.But before I could put him in his place, Alys
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New Jobs
The next morning I woke up fresh and early, ready to visit a few places where I had seen signs about hiring new people. I went from place to place, all day. I was overqualified for some and underqualified for others. I needed more experience for some jobs and some were just not going to pay enough for me to save any worthwhile money. Overall, it was not going as well as I had hoped it would. By the time evening rolled in, I was feeling quite hopeless.I walked into what looked like my final stop for the day. It was a huge hotel and restaurant in need of more serving staff. It was fairly new and was still short on staff. At this point, even a bartending job wouldn’t be bad.I smiled at the receptionist and before he could judge me, immediately said, “Hi, I saw the ad for hiring serving staff. I hope you guys are still hiring.”He looked me up and down and nodded before picking up the landline and calling someone. I waited as he talked and placed the phone back before finally addressi
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The Protector
>My new client, Angelina, was an adorable girl of seventeen from another pack. She was in our territory with her friend, whose elder sister was pregnant.Angelina and I decided to meet at a small cafe to discuss the details of the event. Her friend was also there to make sure that her sister’s surprise baby shower was perfect. As it turned out Angelina’s friend belonged to an elder’s family and was willing to pay a lot for the event to be memorable in a good way. I thanked Maisie in my heart and promised myself to treat her with her favorite foods when I got paid.The meeting had gone smoothly. Thankfully, the young girl from my pack did not keep up with the news and either had no idea about my Dad’s scandal or didn’t care.I still decided to stay away from their home and elder’s eyes as much as I can. I needed this commission and I didn’t want anyone to take it from me simply because they believed in the fake embezzlement case against my Dad.We settled on an indoor eve
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You Are Fired!
>Once in a grand office with polished woodwork, carpeted floors, and a wall-sized window with a perfect view of the territory with the skyline.He was still fuming when Miss Williamson walked in nervously and closed the door behind her, her skirt somehow higher than normal and a button undone on her neckline.“Alpha Councilor. Sir, I will personally see to it that this rude employee doesn't ever get to see another restaurant in this or any territory. She is a new hire and started yesterday. It must’ve been a case of misjudgment by the hiring crew.” She blamed me blatantly for the entire catastrophe that had happened.My jaw dropped and my eyes widened in shock. I was the victim. I was being manhandled and she dared turn it around on me?Xavier’s nose flared at her words as he looked at her sharply, scaring her speechless for a second.He leaned back at the table and crossed his arms, raising a brow, “I thought, you as a manager, were responsible for all the new hires. Wh
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Heart to Heart
>I was furious when I saw the way Zoe was getting treated. I had no idea who the kids were, but they had no right to come to my restaurant and treat my mate like that.Spike had taken over immediately and beaten those kids to a crisp. I am pretty sure I was going to kill the one who had her in her lap if she hadn’t stopped me.One look and I knew who I was going to fire for letting this happen at all.Once in my rarely used office, Williamson had started spewing nonsense oblivious to the fact that she was digging her own grave. I had let her go on and I was proud that Zoe had stood up for herself. I was not sure how long things had been this awful for the employees of my establishment but I was glad that I was not too late,Seeing Zoe in a waitress uniform had surprised me. I was under the impression that she was the ex-Beta’s daughter and an event manager. What was she doing starting a job in my restaurant?Before I could ask her anything, she had asked about my well-
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New Job Old Clients
>I had talked to Maisie and Aunt Julie when I returned home. I had told them everything and we had reached the conclusion that it was not right to keep working in the restaurant. I was technically Xavier’s client and even though I was sleeping with him, only we knew that fact and it was better to stay that way.So, I was going to have to let go of that job, even though it had a great pay package, and look for somewhere else.Luckily I didn’t have to look very hard.I had gone to meet Angelina and her friend to further discuss the details of the event and somehow the topic of me looking for odd jobs was brought up.Angelina had excitedly offered, “My brother has a partner here who owns a massive boutique. I can drop by with you and introduce you to the manager. She is very sweet and knows me. I can’t promise a job but we can try. I’m sure the package would be nice.”I had to agree even though I was not sure if I should be taking any favors from people I didn’t even know.
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