All Chapters of Sheep in Wolf's Clothing: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
344 Chapters
Chapter 0161
"I am Laika, your mate." "What?" That was when Jago and some elders of my pack came in. I glared at them as they approached, staring at me in askance. "What is happening here? Who is this woman beside me, and what is she talking about?" Jago moved closer. "You do not remember your Lu
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Chapter 0162
LAIKA I could not sleep. A lot was going on in my mind, and I knew I needed to talk to Karim. I could pretend I am not hurt, but I know what I am going through. I do not know when my life will get better and remain like that forever. This was when I was supposed to enjoy my life with my mat
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Chapter 0163
"I do not know what happened to you, but I know you are not the Karim I used to know. Karim can demean no one, mate or no mate..." My words trailed off when he closed the gap between us faster than I had expected and grabbed my throat, pushing me back until my butt hit the mahogany table in the tent
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Chapter 0164
LAIKA I hate you... You are a weak Omega... I cannot believe this... I hate you! I jerked up from the bedroll, panting. Sekani was already seated beside me, staring at me. I sighed deeply and looked around the tent. The early morning sun streamed in from the open window. "
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Chapter 0165
ALPHA KARIM "Go again!" I yelled at the warriors. They started another round of pushups. I signaled Jago to come to me. He walked up, and I tossed Erika's letter to him. He read the letter, and his face crumpled after a while. "This is not how it happened, Alpha Karim. Erika w
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Chapter 0166
Jago coughed and sputtered the drink. I watched him with disgust and looked around and found Madam Lena watching me from the corner. I could not take it any longer. I stood and stomped toward her. She cowered as I approached. "Why do you keep staring at me like that?" I demanded in a gruff v
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Chapter 0167
LAIKA "He is here," Sekani announced once he walked into the tent. A pit grew in my stomach as I sat up. Somehow, I wished it were Karim who was looking for me. "Who is here?" "Alpha Karim. He has come to take you home." I had to restrict the smile that tugged at my li
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Chapter 0168
"Put me down!" I yelled and hit his back, but it felt like I was only hitting a dead piece of wood. I had forgotten how strong his body was. This moment would have been filled with my happy giggles at another time and place. I remember when Karim did this to me in the past. Whenever I proved
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Chapter 0169
LAIKA The pack was unusually quiet, and no one was walking around. I was surprised to see it that way because everyone was in the pack this morning when I left to hunt. I walked into my tent and saw Karim's wolf sprawled on the ground in the pool of his blood. I shrieked and rushed over to him, wo
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Chapter 0170
I smiled. "I told you not to use that title; it means nothing now." We broke away from each other. "I can't help it. You deserve the honor." We play-fought with our swords as we spoke. "You do not look bright this morning. Did you see something you didn't like?" "I had a terrible dream. I do not
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