All Chapters of Sheep in Wolf's Clothing: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
344 Chapters
Chapter 0171
ALPHA KARIM She challenged me. Each time she opened her mouth, she challenged me. The way her hazel orbs glared at me showed no atom of cowardice, and those eyes were so confident that I became dumbfounded at times. No man has challenged me like that, not the werewolves, not my warriors. What wa
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Chapter 0172
“But, that is a little difficult now. The plan was to come back and make Alpha Karim send her away, either intentionally or maltreat her until she cannot bear it any longer, but now she is pregnant with his heir, and he cannot send her away knowing she has his heir. You know how these Alphas are alw
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Chapter 0173
LAIKA I walked toward the stream, trying hard to blink back the tears that threatened to fall. I tried to shove the memories that kept nagging at me, but I could not. He promised me that he would never touch another she-wolf, and even though my logical part tried to remind me that he was not in hi
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Chapter 0174
MORPHEUS She stared at me, stunned. I do not know why her eyes always looked like she was glaring. It was endearing, though. She was a confident and bold woman, and I passed her hostility for hormones. But even her hatred amused me. It drew me to her. Her eyes left my face and flicked over to my
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Chapter 0175
I needed no one to tell me that whoever would be revealed behind that crowd was the Alpha. I expected to see an elderly man with regalia and a crown on his head, but I came face to face with a monstrous younger man with a remarkable look but eyes that burned with fury. I was intimidated for a split
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Chapter 0176
ALPHA KARIM I took in the other man’s features. I have not seen a man half as broad as him in a long time. I was bigger than he was, and yet he was a hybrid. It did not settle well with me, and I kept my wrath in check. I disliked the look of confidence in his eyes, and even without doing anything
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Chapter 0177
LAIKA I opened my eyes to see Karim’s huge figure pacing in the tent. It was dark, and the tent glowed from the light that burned on the lanterns in the room. I sat up and was blank for a few seconds before the memories of what happened came back to me. The stranger in the woods. What did he d
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Chapter 0178
LAIKA I was tired of Morpheus chasing me everywhere around the pack. Jago filled me in on everything that was decided in the council. Alpha Ehis wrote a letter and asked that his other son be accepted in the pack whenever he came. He made a mistake once and did not want his son to suffer for it.
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Chapter 0179
He wrapped a fur around his waist, but his chest was still bare, glaring at me and intensifying the fire between my legs. I looked away from him as quickly as possible. I had seen him naked countless times, but there was something about his stance and the amused expression that had me dwindling my t
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Chapter 0180
ERIKA Nothing is going as planned. I had a feeling that something went wrong with the whole plan. Why would Karim plan to get Laika to fall in love with him? He was supposed to be mad at her and treat her like the trash she was. Why was he letting her still walk this pack freely? Why hasn't he tie
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