All Chapters of Hello,Husband,Goodbye: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
156 Chapters
Suddenly, the tranquility of the room was shattered by the thunderous sound of footsteps echoing from above. My eyes instinctively darted upwards, only to witness the sight of my son Marco hurtling down the staircase, his face beaming with delight."Mommy!" he exclaimed, rushing towards me and leaping onto my lap. "I've missed you! Can we have some fun?"His infectious enthusiasm brought a smile to my face, but I couldn't help but notice the tinge of disappointment in his expression when he noticed Elijah sitting beside me on the couch."What's the matter, sweetheart?" I inquired, gently running my fingers through his curly brown locks. "Would you like to play with Daddy Elijah?" I suggested, my smile unwavering.Marco's frown deepened as he cast another glance at Elijah. "I don't want to play with him," he responded, his voice filled with a rare seriousness.His words caught me off guard. Marco had always been warm and accepting of Elijah, even displaying a genuine fondness for him.
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Not his father
As I entered the living room, a wave of panic washed over me when I witnessed Elijah towering over Marco, his voice booming with fury.My poor son sat on the couch, trembling with fear and uncertainty, his innocent eyes reflecting a mix of terror and bewilderment.My blood boiled as I approached them, ready to defend my son."What is happening here?" I demanded, trying to maintain a calm tone despite the rage bubbling inside me. Elijah turned to me, his expression softening as he noticed the anger in my eyes."I apologize, Sweetheart," he said, his voice lowering."I just got frustrated with Marco. He left his toys scattered all over the kitchen, and I nearly tripped on them."His explanation was meant to justify his actions, but it only fueled my anger."So, just because he left some toys on the floor, you think it's acceptable to yell at him like that?" I shot back, my voice escalating.Looking into Marco's tear-filled eyes, I realized that this wasn't the first time Elijah had lost
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Alone together
Days went by and Elijah assured me that he would make it up to Marco. However, Marcus and I still hadn't addressed the incident that occurred last time. I had accused him of brainwashing Marco, but before anything else, I had asked Betty to take care of Marco while I was at work.As the clock struck 1pm, I found myself sitting in my office, staring at my computer screen, attempting to concentrate on the never-ending stream of emails flooding my inbox. But my mind kept wandering back to Elijah, my fiancé and business partner, who had dropped a bombshell on me earlier in the day."Hey, Sweetheart," Elijah said, entering my office with a serious expression on his face. "Can we talk for a minute?"I turned towards him, giving a nod and motioning for him to take a seat. "What's on your mind?"Elijah took a deep breath before speaking. "I have to go on a business trip next week. It's a sudden development, but it's incredibly important. I need to finalize a deal with our company's biggest in
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Who is she?
"Hey there, this is Hannah. May I ask who I'm speaking with?""Hannah? Who are you?"I asked.I couldn't believe what I had just heard. My heart was racing and my mind was filled with so many questions. Who was Hannah? Why has Elijah’s phone? And most importantly, was Elijah cheating on me?I tried to push the thoughts away, reminding myself that I had made a mistake with Marcus. I had no right to accuse Elijah of anything. I knew him better than that. But still, the doubts lingered in my mind.As she immediately ended the call, I looked over at Marcus who was sitting across from me. He raised an eyebrow, clearly curious about who had called. I simply said it was Elijah and that I needed to talk to a client. I quickly said goodbye and hung up, my mind still reeling from the woman’s voice.I immediately called my secretary and asked her to explain to our client that I would be a little late for our meeting. I needed some time to clear my head and figure out what was going on.I decided
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Big mistake
The following day, I woke up bright and early and asked Betty to look after Marco while I headed to the office. I have a busy day ahead, especially with the new campaign launch.As I settled into my office, Elijah walked in and we greeted each other with a kiss."How's your day going, my love?" he inquired, with a smile."Not too exhausting," I responded."Good for you. Anyway, we need to talk about our wedding plan, sweetheart" Elijah said."It's too early, sweet heart. you know there's a lot of things we need to work out in the company,"I replied. "But we need to start planning, my love. We need to continue to plan before. Time is flying by," Elijah insisted, his excitement evident in his voice.I paused for a moment, considering his words. "I believe we should focus more on the company right now, especially with the high competition we're facing," I suggested.To my surprise, Elijah's forehead furrowed and he spoke words that I never expected to hear from him."Maybe you don't wa
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Desperate fiancé
As I groggily woke up, still clad in my pajamas with my hair in disarray, I never expected to have any company. Yet, there they were, chatting and laughing like long-lost friends."Hey, Elijah, what brings you here?" I asked, attempting to conceal my surprise.He turned towards me, a smile gracing his face. "I came to apologize, my dear.""I'm sorry for what I said last night. It was uncalled for, and I deeply regret it," he continued, his eyes filled with sincerity.His words melted my heart. I could see the truth in his eyes, and I couldn't help but soften towards him."Don't worry, Elijah. I forgive you," I replied, offering him a small smile.Relief washed over him, and then he introduced the man sitting beside him. "Sweetheart, I'd like you to meet our new wedding planner, Mr. Benitez."I glanced at the man and greeted him with a polite smile. He seemed pleasant enough, but I couldn't shake off the uneasiness that arose from this sudden wedding planning. It felt as if he was over
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Those Questions
Marco glanced up at me, his deep, soulful eyes meeting mine. He simply nodded and returned his attention to his painting. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment at his lack of excitement. I had expected him to leap for joy or at least show some enthusiasm. But it seemed I had misjudged the situation."Is something bothering you, sweetheart?" I gently inquired, hoping to coax him into opening up.Marco hesitated for a moment before finally finding his voice. "Mommy, I don't want another daddy."His words caught me off guard. I never anticipated him expressing such sentiments. "What do you mean, darling? Elijah won't be your father, he'll just be your stepfather."Marco shook his head, his expression resolute. "But I don't want any stepfather. Daddy Marcus is my only father."Tears welled up in my eyes as I grappled with the impact of our divorce on Marco. I never wanted him to be affected in this way. "Marco, you know how much I love you and your father. Getting married to
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Time together
As I sat in the passenger seat of Elijah's car, the exhaustion from the long day at work weighed heavily on me. We had just attended a company event together, and what was supposed to be a fun evening turned out to be quite stressful. All I wanted now was to kick off my heels and unwind.Breaking the silence in the car, Elijah turned to me and asked, "How was your day, love?"Letting out a sigh, I replied, "You know how these events can be. Long and draining."Elijah chuckled, his eyes filled with admiration. "But you looked absolutely stunning tonight. I'm sure everyone was captivated by you."His compliment made me blush, and I couldn't help but smile. "Stop it, you're making me blush."Reaching over, Elijah gently squeezed my hand. "I can't help but be in awe of my beautiful fiancée."Feeling grateful for his love and support, I smiled at him. However, a pang of guilt washed over me as I thought about the mistake I had made with Marcus. Every time I looked at Elijah, the guilt weig
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Marco's happiness
As we ventured into the next exhibit, where the captivating bird show was about to begin, I couldn't help but notice a remarkable change in Marcus. He had shed his inhibitions and was wholeheartedly embracing the experience. With enthusiasm, he eagerly pointed out various animals to Marco, sharing intriguing facts about each one. In that moment, it felt as though we had been transported back to a time when our family was filled with happiness and unity. It evoked a sense of nostalgia for the cherished memories we had before our marriage took a tumultuous turn."Mommy, that was absolutely amazing!" Marco exclaimed, his face beaming with delight."Yes, my dear," I replied, a genuine smile gracing my lips."Perhaps, after this, we can head to the lion king," Marcus suggested, his voice filled with anticipation.As we arrived at the lion enclosure, I couldn't believe how much fun I was having with Marcus. We were laughing, cracking jokes, and playfully teasing each other, which was a star
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As I read the message, my jaw dropped in shock. How could my fiancé ask another woman out to dinner when I clearly mentioned I needed some rest? And why Hannah of all people?I swiftly typed a response, my hands trembling with frustration. "Why are you planning to dine with Hannah? I thought we agreed on a peaceful evening at home." I pressed send and eagerly awaited Elijah's reply.My phone buzzed once more after a few seconds."I understand you're exhausted, but Hannah is a valued client. Strengthening our professional relationship with her is important. I assure you, it's purely business."I didn't want to come off as a possessive and insecure partner. I truly wanted to believe in Elijah and his loyalty.With a forced smile, I assured him, "Alright, I trust you. Enjoy your meal."Setting my phone aside, I couldn't help but dwell on the situation. Why did Elijah have to invite Hannah? Couldn't he have picked a male friend instead? Despite my uneasiness, I tried to push those thought
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