All Chapters of Hello,Husband,Goodbye: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
156 Chapters
He inquired, "What's between you and Elijah?!""I happen to be your investor in your company. Why do you ask in such a manner? Elijah and I share a strong friendship and a purely professional relationship. There is nothing more to it!"The words that reached my ears left me in disbelief. I had convinced myself that there was an unspoken connection between them, especially considering how Hannah had been behaving around Elijah. However, if her words were true, then I had clearly misjudged the situation.A sense of relief washed over me, knowing that my suspicions were baseless."I apologize, Hannah. I suppose I was just being overly suspicious," I confessed, feeling a tinge of embarrassment."Don't worry, Samantha. I understand. It must be challenging for you to witness someone you care about in such a state," Hannah responded sympathetically.With a grateful nod, I appreciated her understanding. Once our conversation concluded, I returned to Elijah's room, enveloped in a serene sense
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Still believe
But doubts had begun to seep into my mind. The nagging feeling that Marcus might have been right started to take hold. I knew I had to confront Elijah and seek some answers.I hurried to the hospital where Elijah was recovering from a car accident. Stepping into his room, a rush of emotions overwhelmed me. Seeing him lying there, pale and battered, brought back a flood of memories from our past. It was hard to fathom that this man could betray me.Our eyes met, and I could sense the guilt and fear in his gaze. He tried to speak, but I couldn't bear to face the situation any longer. I fled from the room, unable to confront him.I found solace in the hospital garden, attempting to make sense of the chaos unfolding around me. Caught between my ex-husband and my fiancé, I struggled to determine who to trust. It felt as though I was being pulled in conflicting directions.Lost in my thoughts, I suddenly heard footsteps approaching. I glanced up to find Marcus standing before me, a deep fro
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Still him?
As Marcus exited the room, a sigh of relief escaped me. However, the tension between Elijah and me remained palpable. He faced me, his eyes reflecting hurt and anger."I can't believe you would trust him, after all he's done to you," Elijah snapped, his voice laced with threat.Realizing the need to be cautious with my words, I took a deep breath and attempted to explain."Elijah, he is still the father of my child,"I reasoned."But that doesn't mean I believe in him."Elijah's anger continued to simmer, unable to comprehend why I still cared for Marcus. Yet, I knew it wasn't as straightforward as he thought. I had to acknowledge that Marcus would always have a special place in my heart, despite our tumultuous history."Is that so? By showing faith in him, you're doubting me, Samantha!" he retorted.Elijah's anger was palpable as he confronted me, accusing, "Do you still have feelings for Marcus, Samantha?" Surprised by his sudden outburst, I faced him.Confused, I replied, "What do y
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Elijah's Favor
What is that?" I inquired."He mentioned to avoid conversing with Marcus unless absolutely necessary or about Marco," he informed.I understood the difficulty of the request, but I agreed to honor it for Elijah. I didn't want anything to jeopardize our relationship. Sitting beside him, I felt a pang of guilt. It would be challenging to avoid Marcus, especially since we had a child together.However, I recognized that Elijah's plea stemmed from a place of love and concern. He simply wanted to shield us from any potential conflict. Observing Elijah's anxious expression, I empathized with the hardships he had endured, particularly after his recent accident.I was committed to doing all I could to uplift his spirits."Rest assured, I'll make sure to limit my interactions with Marcus," I assured him, placing a tender kiss on his forehead.Elijah beamed and pulled me nearer. I felt his warmth and love surrounding me."Thank you, Samantha. You have no idea how much this means to me," he conv
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"I’m really sorry but I can’t agree to that,” he responded, his voice barely audible. “Especially now that I’m still recovering in the hospital and I don’t think I’m up for a trip right now.”I could sense the anguish in his eyes and I couldn’t help but feel a pang of guilt. However, our son’s celebration was approaching and I couldn’t imagine Elijah missing out.“Please, sweet heart. Marco has been eagerly anticipating this trip for weeks. It’s just a short weekend getaway, nothing too strenuous,” I pleaded.Elijah’s face turned stern.“Sweet heart, you know I can’t be civil to your ex-husband after what he did to me,” he stated, his voice tinged with resentment.“He accused me of betraying you, and you know that’s not true. How can I face him after that?”As the tension grew stronger between us, I explained to Elijah why I needed him by my side."It's crucial for you to be there, Elijah, to prove that we're content and moving forward. We can't let his accusations get to us," I plead
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Guest List
I glanced at Marcus, sensing the tension between us. Despite sitting at opposite ends of the couch, the unspoken emotions lingered in the air. It was clear that we both felt it, but for the sake of our son's happiness, we chose to push it aside.As we discussed our son's upcoming birthday plans, my mind wandered to the past, to the hurt and betrayal. Elijah's affair with Hannah still haunted me, but I knew I had to focus on the present. With a forced smile, I agreed to Marcus' suggestions."Sounds like a wonderful idea," I replied, trying to mask my inner turmoil. However, Marcus saw through my facade."Samantha, are you really okay? You seem distant," he inquired, his eyes filled with concern.I inhaled deeply, forcing a smile onto my face. "I'm alright. Just a bit exhausted," I fibbed. I didn't want to burden him with my own troubles.However, Marcus remained unconvinced. "I know you too well, Samantha. Something is troubling you. Please, don't shut Elijah out. I understand it's dif
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Her Strength
I understand that I need to put my ego and pride aside because Marco's happiness on his birthday is what truly matters.As he quickly jotted down the names of his friends, Marcus and I continued to finalize the party plans. We were determined to make Marco's birthday celebration absolutely perfect. "Mom, Dad, I finished!" Marco exclaimed, rushing back to us with his list in hand."Well done, champ," Marcus commended him, tousling his hair affectionately."Let me see," I said, taking the list from him. "Ah, these are all your school buddies, right?""Yes, and I also want to invite Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins from next door," Marco chimed in, pointing to the names at the end of the list."What a thoughtful idea, Marco,"I replied, beaming with pride. "They're wonderful neighbors, and I'm sure they'd be thrilled to join in the fun at your party."Marco's excitement was contagious as he bounced around the room, exclaiming, 'Woohoo!' This party was definitely going to be one for the books!After
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As we wandered hand in hand, the park unfolded its wonders before us. The vibrant colors of the flowers and the lush greenery created a mesmerizing scene. Laughter filled the air, lifting our spirits with its carefree melody. The scent of fresh grass and blooming roses enveloped us, awakening our senses.Marco and I found ourselves at the playground, greeted by swings and slides beckoning us to play. With childlike glee, we took turns on the swings, feeling the wind dance around us. The feeling of weightlessness brought back memories of carefree days, filling us with happiness.Moving on to the slide, we eagerly climbed up, hearts racing with anticipation. From the top, the world seemed to open up before us, inviting us to explore its wonders."Ready for an adventure,mom?" Marco asked mischievously."Absolutely," I whispered, excitement bubbling within me.As we played, I couldn't help but marvel at how much he had grown and how swiftly time was slipping away."Mommy, can we go on the
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I flashed a grateful smile at Marcus. "Thank you, Marcus. That really means a lot to me."We both stood in silence, watching Marco play in the living room. Marcus had always been an amazing father to his son, and I appreciated his help in co-parenting. Dealing with Elijah's constant drama and accusations had been tough, but Marcus' support made it a bit more bearable.Throughout the day, I couldn't shake off the anger and frustration towards Elijah. How could he accuse me of something so terrible? I had loved him wholeheartedly, only to be betrayed. And now, he was trying to tarnish my reputation and friendship with Marcus.Despite all this, I refused to let Elijah's actions affect me. My focus was on being the best mother I could be for Marco. He was my top priority, and I wouldn't let anyone, especially Elijah, come between us.Days went by, and things seemed to calm down. I hadn't heard from Elijah, and I hoped he had moved on. However, one evening, there was a knock on my door. I
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Sudden resignation
As Marco dashed off to join his friends, a surge of pride and happiness washed over me. It was bittersweet to see him growing up so quickly, moments like these were ones I wished could last forever.Suddenly, my phone rang, breaking my reverie. Glancing at the caller ID, my heart dropped when I saw it was the company calling. I had a sinking feeling that this call wouldn't bring good news."Hello?" I answered tentatively."Hello, Ms. Samantha. This is Sarah, your secretary. I apologize for disturbing you on your day off, but I have some urgent information to share," Sarah's voice was filled with tension and concern."What is it, Sarah?" I inquired, my mind racing with the potential problems that could have arisen at work.I was taken aback by the news Sarah delivered. Elijah, my fiancé, had decided to resign and focus on his own business ventures. The nerve of him to leave my company after everything we had been through. He was a valuable employee, and now he was just walking away.Ta
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