Semua Bab Hello,Husband,Goodbye: Bab 111 - Bab 120
156 Bab
How rude he is!
My jaw dropped in disbelief. How could he be so oblivious to the gravity of the situation? With a forced smile, I mustered all the strength I had to maintain my composure."Well, well, well, look who decided to grace us with their presence," I said, my voice laced with sarcasm."What brings you here, Elijah? And why on earth are you in such a sorry state?" He stumbled towards me, his words slurring together."Oh, Samantha, my dear. It's been too long," he mumbled.I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his audacity."You do remember that we broke up, right? Or did that conveniently slip your mind?" I retorted.His laughter filled the air, but it was empty, devoid of any genuine emotion."Come on, sweetheart. Let's have some fun. I miss you," he slurred, his eyes glazed over.My heart raced with anger and disbelief. This was the same person who had betrayed me, and now he had the audacity to use me for his own pleasure?Not a chance. I was not about to let him get away with it."No, Elija
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Ex obsession
I informed Marcus after dinner that I would take Marco to his room for him to rest. Once I settled Marco in his bed, I sat beside him and gently brushed his hair with my fingers."Goodnight, my little prince," I whispered, planting a soft kiss on his forehead.Marco mumbled, "Goodnight, mommy," his eyes already heavy with sleep.As I prepared to leave the room, I heard a knock on the door. I turned to find Marcus standing there, his hands in his pockets and a serious expression on his face."Can we talk?" he asked, his voice filled with hesitation.I let out a sigh, knowing that this conversation was long overdue. After all, we had been divorced for over a year now and had barely spoken to each other since then."Sure," I responded, closing the door behind me and leading him to the living room."I'll pick you up from work. I'm worried that Elijah might harass you again," he expressed with concern.I defended Elijah because I knew he wasn't in the right state of mind.Marcus stared at
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Belong to him
"What?!"Marcus frowned.Elijah sneered and retorted, "She belonged to me.I have every right to fight for her."I was in disbelief. These two men, whom I once cared for, were now battling over me as if I were some sort of trophy. I wanted to scream at them, to make it clear that I was not an object to be claimed. But before I could speak, Marcus stood in front of me, protecting me from Elijah."She's not a possession for you to reclaim. She's a person with emotions, and she chose to be with me. Respect her choice,"Marcus asserted.Elijah's jaw tightened, his eyes burning with anger as he glared at Marcus."You have no idea what you're talking about. She was never truly yours. She was just using you to forget about me."I was shocked by his audacity.I couldn't believe what Elijah was saying about our relationship. Watching his behavior made me doubt everything. "I cared for Marcus, and I care for him still. He was there for me when you weren't. He's the one who helped me heal my broken
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They are mine
Sofia's eyes lit up as she saw Marco running towards her, calling out "Mommy Sofia!" I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy as she hugged him tightly."Hey Samantha, it's been a while," Sofia said, glancing around the room.Putting on a smile, I responded, "Yes, it has. How have you been?"Sofia shrugged, "Same old, same old. But enough about me, how's my little man doing?" She turned her attention to Marco."I'm good, mom," Marco replied.Despite my irritation at her possessive tone, I bit my tongue. Marco was my son, not hers. I didn't want to cause any tension in front of him, so I simply said, "He's doing great. He's growing up so fast."Sofia's face lit up with joy, and she eagerly joined Marco on the couch. They immersed themselves in play, their laughter filling the room. It was evident that Marco cherished Sofia's presence, and a twinge of envy tugged at my heart. Despite being his mother, it seemed like Sofia held a special place in his heart, a bond that I yearned to sh
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As they stepped into the living room, I welcomed them with a warm smile. Marco wasted no time and rushed towards me, arms outstretched, eager for a hug. "Hi mommy!" he exclaimed, wrapping his arms tightly around me. "Hello, my little sunshine," I responded, returning his embrace. Curious about their outing, I asked, "How was the park?" hoping to strike up a conversation with Marco and Sofia. "It was amazing! Marco had a blast playing with the other kids," Marcus replied, a smile lighting up his face. "Yeah, it was wonderful to see him making new friends," Sofia chimed in, offering me a polite smile. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy as I observed Sofia's interaction with my son. The sense of insecurity and inadequacy lingered within me. "Mommy, can we go to the mall again tomorrow?" Marco interrupted my thoughts with his question. "Of course, sweetheart. We can go as often as you'd like, as long as I'm not busy, alright?" I responded, tousling his hair. "Yay!" he excl
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I groaned and reluctantly grabbed my phone, contemplating whether to pick up or not. A part of me was tempted to just ignore the call and go back to sleep, while another part was curious so I get up and saw Marcus calling."Hey Sam, could you come downstairs for a moment?"Marcus' voice sounded eager, piquing my interest."Alright, give me a minute,"I responded, sitting up and rubbing my eyes.I quickly changed and made my way downstairs, still feeling drowsy. As I entered the living room, I was taken aback by the sight of a beautifully arranged table with candles and flowers in the middle."What's all this?"I inquired, my eyes widening in surprise.Marcus grinned and pulled out a chair for me. "I wanted to surprise you. I want to make it up to you. I love you," he confessed."Thank you. I love you too,"I replied with a smile.I chuckled and motioned towards the table. "I got your favorite Chinese food. And maybe I took a little wine from your liquor cabinet."I couldn't resist laughin
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Ex Baggage
I hesitated, surprised by his question. I gazed into his eyes, searching for the right words to comfort him."Marcus, you are my everything. I love you and our son more than anything," I assured him sincerely.He exhaled heavily, avoiding my gaze. It was clear my reassurances weren't enough to calm his anxieties. I reached for his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze."However, I can't deny that I still have feelings for Elijah. He was a significant part of my life and helped me in many ways. It's not easy to just forget those emotions," I explained, hoping he would empathize.Marcus' jaw tightened as my words sank in. Despite his efforts to remain composed, the pain reflected in his eyes was unmistakable."I get where you're coming from, Samantha. But it's not easy for me to come to terms with the fact that you still have feelings for him. Especially as we're trying to build a life together," he expressed, his voice tinged with sorrow.Tears threatened to spill from my eyes. It paine
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Slept with Ex fiance
Suddenly, a voice resonated from downstairs, belonging to Marco."Mommy, Daddy!" he exclaimed, his face beaming with a bright smile.Marcus and I exchanged smiles, filled with joy at the sight of our precious child. "Good morning, my sweetheart," I greeted Marco, embracing him tightly."How did you sleep?" Marcus asked, playfully tousling Marco's hair."I slept really well! I had a dream where we all went to the zoo together," Marco exclaimed with excitement."That sounds like a delightful dream," I responded, my heart warmed by his innocence.As I gazed upon my son and Marcus, memories of Elijah's words flooded my mind. He seemed determined to prevent our happiness. Did he have some sinister plan or ulterior motive? I resolved to speak with him later, to clarify things once more.I arrived at the mansion where he was temporarily staying and knocked on the door. He opened it, clearly surprised to see me."Can we have a conversation?"I inquired, maintaining a calm tone.Elijah hesitat
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His forgiveness
I inhaled deeply before beginning to speak. "I understand this may sound awful, but I did it to stop him from bothering us. He wouldn't leave me alone, constantly calling and showing up at my workplace. I thought that if I gave in to him, he would finally back off. But I was mistaken. I deeply regret it, Marcus. I'm truly sorry.""What do you mean?!" he questioned."I had s*x with him," I confessed.I could see the pain in his eyes as he processed my words. He suddenly stood up and began pacing, his hands running through his hair. It was evident he was trying to control his anger."How could you do this to me, Samantha?"he eventually said, his voice trembling with emotion.Marcus's eyes held a mix of anger and hurt as he stopped pacing. "Samantha, I'm not sure if I can forgive you for this. You shattered my trust in the worst way possible.""I know, and I apologize. I'll do whatever it takes to make things right,"I replied, my voice quivering with emotion.After a heavy sigh, Marcus s
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I paused briefly, debating whether to share my thoughts with her. However, her compassionate gaze persuaded me otherwise. After a nod, I sipped my tea and began to reveal my concerns."I...I had a moment of weakness and slept with my ex-fiancé, Elijah, last night," I confessed, overwhelmed by guilt.Betty's face remained stoic, though I could detect a hint of surprise."But aren't you engaged to Marcus now?" she inquired cautiously.With a deep breath, I explained, "Yes, I am, and I regret my actions. Elijah has been causing issues for Marcus and me, and I thought that by giving in to him once, he would stop bothering us."Without any delay, we were startled by the sound of tiny footsteps racing down the staircase. In an instant, Marco burst into the kitchen, his face radiating with joy."Mommy, mommy! Look what I discovered in the backyard!"he exclaimed, proudly displaying a small, grimy object in his hands.Despite the slight interruption, I couldn't resist smiling at his contagious
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