All Chapters of Hello,Husband,Goodbye: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
156 Chapters
She needs Elijah
It had been a hectic day, but I managed to tackle everything that needed to be done. Feeling a sense of accomplishment, I was prepared to confront any obstacles that might arise in the future.On my way back home, thoughts of Marco filled my mind. I knew I had to sit down with him and explain the recent events. Although he was young, I was certain he would sense the changes in our lives.Upon arriving home, I discovered Marco eagerly waiting for me in the living room, engrossed in his favorite cartoon. His innocent question about my day at work tugged at my heartstrings.Sitting beside him on the couch, I embraced him tightly and reassured him, "Not yet, sweetheart. But I will. Mommy always finds a way to fix things, right?"His trusting gaze met mine as he replied, "I know, Mommy. You're the best." His words filled me with warmth and determination.Watching him drift off to sleep in my arms, I vowed to shield our family from any harm. No matter what challenges lay ahead, I was certai
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Elijah's reassurance was a small comfort amidst the chaos swirling within me. He assured me, "I understand, Sam. I'll continue to carry out my responsibilities and show you that I can regain your trust." His attempt at a reassuring smile aimed to mend the strained relationship between us.It was undeniable that Elijah had played a significant role in the prosperity of Monte Verde, my family's company.Since my grandfather's passing, he had been a pillar of support, guiding me through the intricacies of running the business. However, his recent error threatened to unravel everything we had built together.I pondered what would be most beneficial for the company," I murmured, more for my own benefit than for Elijah's.He nodded in agreement, his face displaying a sense of gravity."I comprehend, Sam. Remember, I'll support you through thick and thin," he reassured, reaching for my hand, but I quickly withdrew it.Elijah paused, gathering his thoughts before speaking softly, "Samantha, I
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As I absorbed the news, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. Hannah, one of our most significant investors, deciding to withdraw her support would undoubtedly deal a severe blow to the company. However, amidst the turmoil, a sense of satisfaction washed over me, knowing that Elijah's actions were finally catching up to him. "Thank you for informing me, Sarah," I replied, my voice steady despite the internal chaos."Is there anything else?""No, ma'am. That's all for now."After ending the call, I turned to Marcus, who wore a concerned expression."What's happening, Samantha?" he inquired.Taking a deep breath, I proceeded to fill him in on the situation. Marcus listened intently, his face growing increasingly grave with each passing moment."So, let me get this straight. Hannah's withdrawal is a direct consequence of Elijah's unfaithfulness?" he clarified.I nodded, a lump forming in my throat. It was overwhelming. I had just forgiven Elijah, and now this bombshell. How could h
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"Taking a leap of faith is something I'm ready to do if it means having you back in my life."he said.As we held each other, time seemed to stand still. It was in that embrace that I finally felt a sense of security and affection that had been absent for far too long.Curiosity sparked within me as I gently pulled away from the hug, eager to know what the day held in store for us."So, what's our plan for today?" I inquired, a glimmer of anticipation in my voice.A surge of excitement resonated in Marcus' words as he replied, "Well, I was thinking we could take Marco to the park. It's such a beautiful day outside, and I know he would absolutely adore it."A warm smile graced my lips as I imagined the joy of spending the day with both my son and ex-husband. It was an unconventional situation, yet it strangely brought me solace."That sounds lovely," I responded."Let me get ready, and then we can embark on our adventure."As I searched through my suitcase for an outfit, my mind wandere
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Ex-wife's care
My heart began to race and my palms grew clammy as I struggled to comprehend the situation unfolding before me."What brings you here, Elijah?" I inquired, attempting to maintain a composed tone.His gaze held a blend of frustration and sorrow as he responded, "I came to speak with you, Samantha. We need to talk."Stepping away slightly, a wave of discomfort swept over me. I had no desire to engage with him. However, before I could voice my thoughts, Marcus emerged from the vehicle.My heart sank as I witnessed the shock on Elijah's face upon seeing Marcus. Without a moment's hesitation, Elijah lunged towards Marcus and delivered a powerful punch to his face. The sight left me in utter disbelief, prompting me to scream in horror and rush towards them, desperate to intervene."What on earth, Elijah?!" I yelled, my voice trembling with a mix of anger and fear.Elijah seemed oblivious to my presence, relentlessly attacking Marcus. I watched helplessly as Marcus tried to defend himself, s
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The following day, I headed to the office and convened a meeting with the shareholders to discuss implementing some changes. Surprisingly, my ex-fiancé, Elijah, had already tendered his resignation. Now, it was crucial for me to assert my independence and take charge of managing the company.I inhaled deeply and adjusted my blazer, ensuring I exuded professionalism and confidence. Glancing around the room, I recognized a couple of familiar faces - long-time shareholders of the company."Good morning, everyone," I began, my voice exuding more confidence than I truly felt. "I want to express my gratitude to all of you for being present here today. As we are all aware, we are currently facing some challenges in the market, and it is imperative that we make certain adjustments to stay ahead of the competition."As I glanced around the room, I noticed a few shareholders nodding in agreement, while others seemed skeptical. I knew that convincing them would not be an easy task, but I was det
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Marco's Birthday
Marco proudly showed me his Lego castle, beaming with joy."Wow, Marco! You're a fantastic builder," I complimented, tousling his hair."Can I go play with Tommy?"he inquired eagerly, eager to reunite with his friend after his time in recovery."Let me just take your temperature first, alright?"I responded, reaching for the thermometer."Your temperature is normal, my love. You can go play with Tommy," I said, giving him a tight squeeze before he dashed off.I stood there, mesmerized by the sight of him running towards Tommy, their laughter echoing through the room. It was a moment of pure bliss, one that I had feared would never come."Thank you, universe," I whispered, a tear of gratitude rolling down my cheek."Samantha, are you alright?" Marcus asked, entering the living room."I'm fine. Just overwhelmed with emotions," I replied, flashing him a grateful smile."I understand. These past few weeks have been challenging for all of us," he said, settling down beside me on the couch.
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Better mother
The sunlight streamed in through the curtains, announcing the arrival of a brand new day. Slowly, I opened my eyes and gazed around my bedroom, feeling a sense of comfort in the familiar surroundings. Stretching my arms, I couldn't help but grin at the memories of last night - my son Marco's fifth birthday celebration.Turning to my side, I saw my little boy still peacefully asleep. I softly brushed his cheek and whispered, 'Happy birthday, my darling.' Marco stirred and slowly woke up, his eyes lighting up with joy as he saw me."Mommy, I'm five now!" he exclaimed, his excitement bubbling over."Yes, you are, my little champ. Are you happy?" I inquired, already aware of the answer.Marco's smile widened as he nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, super happy! Thank you for the awesome birthday party last night, Mommy and Daddy." He turned to look at his father, who was still fast asleep on the other side of the bed.I felt a rush of warmth and happiness whenever I thought about my partner,
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Trust issue
My anger surged through my veins, and I couldn't resist confronting him. I was well aware that her earlier words lacked sincerity."Are you trying to prove that you're a better mother to Marco? Marco is my son, and I am his only mother! I won't let you forget that," I asserted."Well, let me remind you that you abandoned him for years," she retorted."I had my reasons, Sofia! And you were the reason!" I exclaimed passionately.Suddenly, Marcus's voice interrupted us from behind, "What's happening here?"I noticed the concern and uncertainty in his eyes as he glanced back and forth between us. Inhaling deeply, I made up my mind to break the silence."Marcus, there's an important matter I'd like to talk to you about," I stated, meeting his gaze."What's on your mind, Sam?" he inquired, his tone laced with worry."After speaking with Sofia, I heard something that didn't sit right with me," I began cautiously, selecting my words with care."What exactly did she tell you?" Marcus questione
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Company's Mess
"I had a dream where you betrayed me with Sofia," I confessed, attempting to calm my emotions.Marcus embraced me tightly and reassured me, "It was just a dream, my love. You know how much I love you. Sofia means nothing to me."I returned the hug, but my mind was still filled with thoughts of the unsettling dream. The feeling of betrayal and insecurity lingered within me. Despite Marcus' comforting words, a hint of jealousy arose whenever Sofia's name was mentioned.However, as Marcus held me close and whispered words of love, I gradually began to relax. I knew deep down that he was being truthful, but doubts still plagued my mind. Trusting him completely was a challenge, especially considering my past experiences with Sofia."I promise you, Samantha. Sofia is nothing more than a distant memory to me. You are the only one I love and want to be with," Marcus assured me, gently kissing my forehead."I know, I know. I trust you, Marcus. It's past with her still haunts me at ti
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