All Chapters of Sold to the Mafia Lord : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
124 Chapters
Chapter 91
The men were led towards an eerie looking warehouse. There were black faint paintings, shattered windows and dusty layered walls.It was shadowy and gothic.The interior had an awful scent of blood, dirt and death. It was poorly lit, only a faintly fluorescent bulb hung from the ceiling, swinging slowly and not doing justice to illuminating it.The two injured men were pushed to the ground, their bodies causing a painful thud as it hit with the dirt of the cold ground.Emilio stood in the centre, his men forming a flank around him.He walked towards the horror stricken men and he could easily tell from their body language that they were dead ass scared.Their body shook and they shivered, their brows raised so high that it was almost touching their hairlines. He could sense the pleas in their teary eyes and he hadn't even begun yet.Crouching down to Dan, he fisted his hands into his hair and roughly gripped onto it causing the man to cry out."Why did you betray me?"Both of them we
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Chapter 92
SARAHTWO WEEKS LATERLoneliness has become the sole flavor in my mouth, and it's nothing but bitter. Emilio's prolonged absence from my life is exacting a heavy toll on me. I ache for him desperately; I don't just want him, I need him.What could be driving him to treat me like this? For two weeks now, we've coexisted as strangers under this roof. He seems to recoil from my very presence, not uttering a single word to me in this grand mansion. At times, I wish I could convince myself that this is all just a bad dream, but the tear-stained sheets in my room serve as a stark reminder that this nightmare is, in fact, my reality.Each night, I find myself weeping into my pillow, grappling with the question of what I might have done to deserve Emilio's coldness. I believed he loved me, that he genuinely cared for me deep down. I had hoped for a happy, somewhat normal relationship, and I was ready to stand by his side and face the world together. But its clear where his priorities lie, a
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Chapter 93
SARAH My head throbbed incessantly as I gradually peeled open my heavy eyelids. A resounding thud against the unforgiving cement floor, accompanied by a pained hiss, echoed in the walls of my ears.As my vision slowly adjusted to the dim surroundings, I took stock of my unfamiliar environment. I found myself sprawled on the floor, having tumbled from the solitary sofa in the room—where on earth was I?The space was cramped, coated in a palette of monochromatic whites and blacks. A metallic door occupied the far corner, while a lone sofa dominated the center of the room.Struggling to piece together my fragmented memories, I recalled my brief interaction with the garbage man, discussing his scheduled collection time. And then, as if plunged into darkness, everything faded to black.With sudden clarity, the memories came flooding back like a deluge. I gasped as I relived the harrowing events—the drugging, the suffocating pressure of the handkerchief pressed against my nostrils.Fuck.
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Chapter 94
EMILIO "What do you mean you've got nothing!? She can't just vanish into thin air!" I slammed my fist down on the sturdy mahogany table that stood between me and my trusted capos.It's been two agonizing days since Sarah vanished, and honestly, I've never felt more exposed in my life. The thought of her out there, potentially suffering at the hands of some twisted lunatic, and I'm utterly clueless about her whereabouts was driving me insane.I could barely focus on work or anything that didn't concern finding Sarah. With each passing second that flew by, I felt myself drifting more and more into this dark abyss.My intense gaze bore into the faces of my capos—Alessio, Marcello, and Luca—as they exchanged uneasy glances among themselves. Their failure to locate Sarah or deliver that damn Grace to me was chipping away at my sanity."Fucking talk!" I roared, hitting my already balled fist on the table which sliced through the awkward silence."Emilio you have to relax and think with a c
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Chapter 95
EMILIO It was like a race against time to save Sarah. I drove furiously on the high way, tailgating and overtaking vehicles whilst blaring my car horn loudly.My heart was repeatedly being slammed against its bony confinement and anxiety overwhelmed me. My hands firmly gripped tightly the steering wheel, the abadoned factory being my sole destination.On getting to the deserted area, I took a sharp halt, killing my engines and stepping out immediately, my gun carefully tucked in my pants. A grim determination etched across my face as I stealthily made my way towards the entrance of the factory. I could only pray and hope that Sarah was truly inside here and it was not late to save her.Cautiously, I made my way through the abandoned factory, the air thick with dust. My heart pounded with every step, the vulnerability and fear of loosing Sarah gnawing at me once again.Amidst the darkness, I saw her lying there, bound and unconscious, like a fragile doll discarded on the cold, un
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Chapter 96
EMILIO As I ambled towards the grand foyer of my mansion, the familiar scent of wealth and power fills my senses. My shirt is stained with blood, a reminder of the brutal job I had done today. My underbosses alerted me that some of the hitmen who caused chaos in my casino had been captured. Honestly they didn't offer me much information than I already knew.I was expecting to finally be told where that fucking coward- The Ghost, lurks in hiding. But they themselves had no clue. This man is more crafty than I expected him to be. It seems there is an extensive hierarchy of power and only his top oligarchs actually know where he is.All we got our hands on was that he was in this city, perfectly blending with the shadows and waiting to strike at me again.Last time he got Sarah but not any more. I'd die before I let anything happen to her again.Seeing that his hitmen were off no use, I slit their throats myself before cremating their bodies. I wanted to give them more horrific de
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Chapter 97
SARAH I stared out into the open space through my window. Lightening flashed across the sky, illuminating the canvas of deep gray and dark blue that had enveloped the evening sky. The tall, elegant palm trees swayed in a synchronized dance, bending and bowing to the whims of the furious wind.The chilly wind howled against my ears, its relentless force penetrating my room and causing my curtains to billow and sway. A shiver ran down my spine, and goosebumps prickled across my skin as I observed the impending storm. It seemed as though there was a tempest brewing not just in the skies, but also within my own life. Emilio's persistent coldness and distance in my life was taking such a huge emotional and mental burden on my wellbeing.I have tried countless times to talk to him about it but he always choses to ignore me.And even when he does spare me a bit of seconds to pour out my grief and worries, he shuns them off and sends me away like what I am saying doesn't even matter to him
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Chapter 98
SARAH"Bambino" my slumber was repeatedly interrupted by a husky voice accompanied by feathery light kisses on my temple. Slowly and tiredly, I stirred from my sleep, blinking my sleepy eyes open.The day greeted me with exceptional brightness, a stark contrast to the storm that had ravaged the night before. Sun rays glinted brightly, flooding the room with warmth as they seeped through the windows.Emilio's smile greeted me as my blurry vision adjusted. "You sleep so peacefully," he remarked, kissing my forehead before planting a brief kiss on my lips. I smiled sheepishly and sat up straight, stretching my lazy limbs. "Well, that's how I sleep next to someone I love," I remarked. Yesterday had been amazing, Emilio had rocked me back and forth, driving me to the edge of desire and orgasm. It was a night of glorious lovemaking, and I relished every moment of it.It also marked a change, a new dawn in our relationship. I was glad to have my Emilio back, the man I fell in love with."Y
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Chapter 99
SARAH No. That can't be. I must have heard wrongly. Emilio's family wouldn't do this to him, to us.Emotions like a tornado ravaged me from within and my mind sought for answers, for Emilio himself to clarify what I just heard."Emilio send that girl far away cazzo! She's not safe in your life and you know it. We've lost alot in this fucking battle, do you want to loose Sarah too?!" A voice spat at him. I couldn't tell whose voice it was."Nobody is taking Sarah away for me! Nobody will dare harm her!" Emilio shot back, he sounded like he was seconds away from hitting whoever made that statement."Oh yeah?" Luca made a false chuckle. "Just days back she was kidnapped and harassed by our fucking uncle. Jesus Christ! Emilio can't you read the handwriting on the wall?! Sarah being around you is a threat even to you. She is your fucking weakness and that ass hole knows it. He let her go freely the last time but do you think he'd show her that mercy again if he got her?! Don't be a foo
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Chapter 100
SARAHAs I walked down the deserted street, my footsteps echoed through the fading light of day. Tears blurred my vision, and I wondered if I should turn back. The thought tugged at my heart, pulling me towards Emilio and the comfort of familiarity. But could I really return to him after everything that had happened?My thoughts swirled with conflicting emotions. I longed for Emilio's touch, his voice, his presence, they were my lifeline in the stormy sea of my existence. Yet, I knew staying with him would only bring us harm. The threats against us were real, and I couldn't bear the thought of holding him back.As I walked, the sky transformed above me, dark grey clouds swirling ominously. The distant rumble of thunder echoed through the air, warning me of a storm brewing. I paused, my heart heavy with uncertainty, and glanced down at my meager belongings – a handful of loose change and my phone, remnants of a life I no longer recognized.Suddenly the storm intensified, I quickened my
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