All Chapters of Sold to the Mafia Lord : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
124 Chapters
Chapter 81
SARAH"Ohh, he's still not picking up," I murmured to myself, frustration evident as I dialed Emilio's number for the umpteenth time. Where did he run off to again? He couldn't even wait until I woke up or dropped me a note!Was it that urgent? I guess this is what I should expect from now on because apparently, I'm with a dangerous don!Was he in danger though? Was he hurt?Could he be in jail or something!?Oh my God! I face palmed myself, "Oh good lord" I groaned out momentarily.My mind conjured the worst scenarios that got my heart pounding at such an incredible rate. I have to stop worrying.Emilio is a freaking Don for crying out loud. He would be able to protect himself that is for sure.I heaved a sigh, descending the stairs and flopping onto one of the couches in the living room. He could have at least left a note, sent a text, or something!I mean who does that? After our eventful dinner date one would have expected that we would be snuggled up in bed by now but I woke up
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Chapter 82
SARAH"What's happening here?" Emilio's words were measured, his voice carrying a hint of confusion as his gaze swept from my exasperated expression to Grace and then to the curious staffs gathered around us.In an instant, Grace extracted herself from my loosening grip and enveloped Emilio in an embrace which was unreciprocated."Emilio I'm so glad you are home. Can you imagine this thing tried to push me out of your mansion" Grace made emphasis on the 'Your', feigning innocence and pity."I don't even know what I did to her. I only kindly suggested that she do her own laundry from now on and don't add it to my pile of laundry work. She is so insecure. Emilio please talk sense into your maid" Grace added, her voice breaking into fake sobs.I stared at her in blank amazement, robbed of my speech.Certainly Emilio wouldn't believe this rubbish."Is this true Sarah?" Emilio raised me an eyebrow, his voice dangerously low."She has been stepping on my toes for far too long. And I don't wa
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Chapter 83
THE NEXT DAYEmilio's laughter echoed through the room, a sharp contrast to Sarah's dismay. "I think I just won, Sarah," he chuckled, reveling in his triumph. "Checkmate," he added with unmistakable satisfaction, his voice tinged with triumph."That's not fair" Sarah whined, her lips forming into a pout and her brows deeply creased."And why do you say so amore mio?" Emilio asked with a smirk curling on his lips, enjoying the annoyed expression on Sarah's face."You are so good in this game. That is why you wanted to play with me because you know that I don't know shit about chess. Let us play a different board game I know like scrabble. You'd see that I will win you" Sarah whined more, folding her arms across her chest. Emilio gazed upon her, admiring every intricate curls of her facial features whilst she rambled, unaware of his wistful orbs.Honestly, he wished he could always stay home to spend time with her but as more and more evidences led him and his men towards The Ghost, th
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Chapter 84
EMILIO"Over the past few months," I began, the cigarette dangling from my lips as wisps of smoke curled into the air with each exhale.My capos were all seated, their gazes fixed on me with various documents scattered all over the rectangular glass table that separated us all.I called this meeting so we could all discuss on our findings so far concerning uncovering the veiled identity of The Ghost and his true intentions."We've been experiencing series of attacks constantly. Now we found out The Ghost, that bastard, is actually someone related to me. Honestly it all sounds bizarre but that is apparently the truth. Through Andres, we were able to track down the location of one his oligarchs. Probably that is where he is also. Alaska. Alessio and Marcello, I want to believe the underbosess under your jurisdictions have being deployed over to Alaska already. Any news?" I asked, leaning back into the chair.Marcello was the first to respond, "Not yet capo. My men are currently combin
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Chapter 85
SARAH The room was covered in a thick blanket of darkness, the only bit of light faintly illuminating it being the one radiating from my phone as I surfed on the net. I felt so idle these days, like I had nothing doing apart from always expecting Emilio's return from work like a loyal puppy. Emilio made sure I had everything at my disposal, everything I wanted that a woman could ever desire but not his presence.His reoccurring absence in my life was beginning to take a heavy toll on my mental health. It was sickening. He never had my time these days ever since that officer came to search our home.I can tell he has being on the edge since that incident. I'm sure he has been trying his best, working so hard to make sure that incident never repeats itself again.But honestly I miss him so much and his company.I miss how he makes me feel and the way he soothes me, comforting me and being that shoulder I could lean on.He is everything I want in a man and more but this occupation of
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Chapter 86
Sarah's moans reverberated throughout the room the instant Emilio's lips met hers in a passionate kiss.His body met hers on the bed, pressing tightly against it and not even giving her a chance to think. It was a scorching, fervent and desperate kiss. His fingers explored her skin with a mind of its own, sinking into her and weakening her core. Their tongues moved in sync, the kiss fueling their lustful hunger with each passing second.Emilio sucked on her tongue, exploring every facet of her mouth as Sarah squirmed in delight underneath him, moaning even more into the kiss.She shuddered, the inferno in the pit of her stomach ignited and consuming her with it. His hands trailed towards her thighs and he gripped onto it, forcing it to part open as he crawled in between her.Sarah sank her fingers inside his hair, fisting her fingers into his dark raven locks. She pulled him closer to her, their bodies hauled against each other as she surrendered to his touch. Sarah knew alre
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Chapter 87
EMILIOIn a tumult of rage and anxiety, I sped towards my casino, SinfulGrove Casino, Sarah's face still haunting my thoughts. I had abandoned her, fleeing without a second glance, leaving her to face another lonely night, the fifth in a row. My frequent disappearances had fractured our relationship, leaving Sarah to wallow in loneliness. Heaven knows I just want to be by her side right now, she must be feeling extremely hurt. She must think I put my work above every other thing including my relationship with her.But that's far from the truth. I love Sarah so deeply, more than any thing in the world. She just won't understand that my hands are tied. If I don't act swiftly and get The Ghost, I am frightened that he would come for Sarah.No.Never. No one touches my woman and goes scot free. I'd burn this fucking city to ashes before that ever happens.I felt my anger exacerbate as I accelerated the speed of the car. This was past 2am right now.These days my anger was always so qui
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"Chapter 88
SARAHTHE NEXT DAY My eyes slowly fluttered open, a mild yawn escaping my lips. I slowly raised my head up as tendrils of my hair were stuck to my sleeping features. The soft hues of dusk cast a golden glow through the parted curtains, gently illuminating my room. As consciousness slowly returned, a groan escaped my lips, accompanied by a jolt of panic. I sat up abruptly, feeling disoriented."Oh shit" I groaned again. I instinctively glanced at the digital clock on my bedside table, and my heart skipped a beat. It was well past six o'clock.Quickly, I snatched my phone as it laid next to me on the bed and turned it on in expectation of any signs of a missed call or text from Emilio.But sadly, all my hopes were shattered as there was none. I flung my phone aside in frustration, the weight of worry pressing down on me as I buried my face in my hands, emitting a deep groan of frustration."Where the hell is Emilio?!" The question hung heavy in the air as I voiced my concern alou
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Chapter 89
The sound of feminine moans echoed through the house, intertwining with masculine grunts, creating an uncomfortable symphony that reverberated through the air.Amanda furrowed her brows in confusion, wondering if she had arrived at a wrong hour. The living room door was unusually unlocked as she ventured inside, a strange departure from Daniel's habits. He never left his door unlocked. With ponderous steps, Amanda made her way forward, the sharp click of her heels against the tiled floor. The growing volume of shrill moans only served to deepen the lines of irritation etched upon her face."Why would Daniel ask me to come over when he knows he'd be entertaining a woman in his bed? Did he call me to listen to their love making?" Amanda scoffed incredulously.As she weighed her options, contemplating whether to leave or not, Amanda grew increasingly annoyed. The unmistakable cries emanating from Daniel's bedroom made it clear that he might not be available anytime soon.Driven by ir
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Chapter 90
DAYS LATERThe bar was boisterous, alive with energy with scarlet red lights casting an intense, almost angry atmosphere within. The air was thick with the scent of alcohol and lingering cigarette smoke, swirling around the room in a haze. Music pulsed through the air, reverberating off the walls and adding to the lively ambiance.Stepping out into the warm embrace of the summer evening were two men. The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a golden glow across the landscape. The sky above painted in hues of orange and pink, created a breathtaking scenery."Hey, buddy, didn't I warn you about that fiery lady in there? I've been with better women than her, and none of them dared to dish out that much attitude from the get-go," one of them remarked to his friend, his words punctuated by fits of laughter.With coffee-brown locks cascading across his face, his friend's frustration was palpable as he pushed the unruly strands behind his ear, crossing his arms in annoyance."Did you see h
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