All Chapters of The Mafia Kings Want their Woman Back: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
141 Chapters
Mikael’s POVI hid my fury behind a softened demeanor as I carried Alicia to the bedroom I had in the casino.Who had dared to hurt her? Madden and I had sent warnings throughout the entire country, but particularly in this city, that Alicia wasn’t to be touched. The only one that I knew who was capable of going against those orders was Cross.I wasn’t sure though, i needed evidence to go after that half-brother of mine. Whether it was his doing or not, one thing was sure. Whoever attacked her would have a fate worse than death, i would make sure of it personally.“Wow,” I heard her exclaim, no longer silent as soon as I entered the bedroom. “I didn’t expect this.”Her awe made me smile. She was adorable, like a little kitten.“What did you expect?” I asked her, raising a brow. I dropped her gently on the edge of the bed and she shifted backwards until she was right in the center.“You sleep in here?” She asked, gazing at me with wide eyes.“Whenever there’s work that needs to be done
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Interrupted plans, again
Alicia’s POV“Oh my God,” i whimpered, feeling the soft cotton sheets in my back and my legs spread wide as Mikael nipped at my collarbone.He was just as good as I’d imagined. Although I wasn’t going to compare him and Acker. Acker was… different, and I liked them both.“Mikael, please,” i begged as i felt the head of his cock brush against my mound again. It was almost like was teasing me, and it was working, unfortunately. Was this a punishment or a reward?“Say please one more time,” he teased, murmuring into the crook of my neck as his fingers twisted my left nipple, rubbing it tenderly.My back arched and I closed my eyes tightly, feeling the swell of pleasure inside me.“Please,” i begged again, willing to be taken apart by him. I wanted him inside me and nothing else would do. “Please Mik, please… I need you, please…”He leaned back and met my eyes and for the first time I saw just how affected he was by this as well. His pupils were blown wide and it wasn’t hard to detect the
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First kill
Alicia’s POV“What do you want with me?” I asked Ghalia after the silence had stretched in for far too long. She had her to remove the gun from my face, and I was careful to not move an inch.“Oh, Alicia. You’re so annoyingly naive. What wouldn’t I want with the woman who has exactly what I want?” There was an edge to her voice now and I swallowed.“You mean Mikael…” i trailed off and gasped as she grabbed hold of my hair, tugging it out of the updo i had tried to style it in before.Oh shit, i cursed multiple times in my head. “Why do you think I had sent those men after you in the first place?“ she snarled, and her grip on my hair became stronger and i was afraid my neck would break if she gave it a harsh tug.“It… it was you,” i croaked out, tears stinging my eyes. Realization flooded my body as I thought back to the memories of the previous day. She had come to visit me in the restaurant to give me a warning, after all.Why hadn’t I seen this coming?The car screeched to a halt s
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Alicia’s POVI stood frozen, still in shock from everything.I…I had killed someone.Regardless of that person being Ghalia, the woman that had nearly tried to kill me because she wanted Mikael back, it still left something deep inside me that I couldn’t shake no matter how hard I tried.I could hear the voices around me, yet all that could think about was the dead body and the splatter of blood.A small touch at the small of my back was what brought me back to reality. I turned to meet Mikael's green eyes.“Hey, you okay Tesoro?” He asked, gently.I didn't know if i was. I swallowed thickly, before I nodded.His hand brushed my hip before he held me firmly, pushing me against his chest I closed my eyes, relaxing under the comfort of his scent.“Lets go to your place.” He murmured in my ear. His deep voice rumbledd in my ear soothingly, sending tingles down my spine. I closed my eyes and accepted his offer.He took me into the car and we drove off. I rested against him the whole time,
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Bodyguard frustrations
Alicia’s POVI looked over every single one , all of them carrying his name. He had called so many times within the past hour, even while I was asleep. What was going on that he’d want to talk to me so eagerly that he’d live missed calls?I tapped his contact to call him. It took less than a second for his phone to ring and the click of him answering the call.“Alicia.” He said sounding so alarmed I couldn't help but tense.“Hello… Dad?” i asked, with furrowed brows. There was a short pause before he spoke again.“Baby,” he sounded so relieved over the phone.“I heard about the attack from Acker and Michael. Are you alright?”He heard the news? That made me blink in surprise. It had barely been a day and he already knew about it?“But…how?” I asked, suspicious all of a sudden.“Don Madden and Serrano were kind enough to inform me. We keep in contact for when I want to check up on you.” He said. I nodded swallowing. That made sense. Although I didn’t expect them to keep in so much cont
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Final offer
Acker’s POV2 days later:The sounds of the man’s pained groans were nothing short of satisfying to my ears.I continued to punch him, taking out my frustration after the events of the past few days.To expect that Cross would use his knowledge on Mikael’s past and try to cause harm to Alicia…Infuriating. Smart. Bastardly. Exactly how I pictured things to go but much worse. I gripped the brass knuckles fitted on my fingers tightly and landed another punch to the man’s formerly untouched jaw that a tooth flew out, along with the spitting blood from his lips.“Acker, that’s okay, don’t you think?” The sound of Javier’s voice made me pause and I regarded the captive with a tilted head. His eyes were swollen and his nose was certainly broken. His entire face reddened from bruises and slowly purpling.Yet it didn’t faze me. I clenched my hands into fists again, readied for another round of punching bag workout when Javier spoke again, this time a lot more concerned in his tone.“We need
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Another plan?
Alicia’s POV:I looked at my brother, well, rather it was my younger Half brother. He only smiled at me.“Don’t be shy. Come in.” He said gently, reminding me of a golden retriever but in a good way.I took a step towards him. Despite being 18, of course he was was a few inches taller than me, but it made me gape how different yet alike we looked.Jason Duncan, huh.He moved aside to give me space to enter the room. There was a dining table set filled with lavish foods and at the helm seat was my father whose eyes lit up as soon as it met mine. He looked eager and pleased for this lunch and I was glad, for I anticipated it as well. I was glad to finally have time to sit with him and talk, as well as meet another member of my currently small family.“Alicia, please have a seat.” he stood up, smiling brightly as I came closer, sitting on one end if the chair while Jason took the other end.He looked ecstatic at me being here, and I didn't want to take that from him.I spent some time eat
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After lunch
Mikael’s POVAs soon as lunch with her father ended I deftly paid for the bill before the Senator could even ask for the check. He looked a little ticked while I stood, smiling as pleasantly as I could to the Senator and his younger son (what was the lad’s name again? It had to start with a J, I believe…) before taking Alicia’s arm in mine.The senator’s gaze was disapproving but I didn’t care - I was the one protecting his daughter so he had no choice did he?“Senator, thank you for the wonderful lunch,” I smirked.“Thank you for joining us, Mr Serrano,” he responded a little bit displeased. It was the hint that showed he was blindsided by my arrival just like Alicia had but I didn’t care. I had achieved my aim and now, gaining his blessings so to speak, i wasn’t going to have any remorse in calling Alicia my woman no matter what. There would be no problems from him.“Pleasure doing business with you,” i said, taking my card back from the waitress before leading Alicia out of the res
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Library Ambush
Alicia’s POVI was in the study group at the college library going over the group presentation we had when one of my group mates suddenly looked distracted.“Guys, guys,” she cut off my speech with a smile leaning in. “Hottie at 7:00.”“Are you serious Sarah,” Bella, another of my classmates, rolled her eyes. The two were friends and knew each other since high school, or so I’d heard.Sarah slapped her playfully before lowering her voice.“Im being serious.” She whispered “There’s a really handsome, super SUPER HOT guy in the library and he is standing right behind us. He looks so… dark and mysterious.” she sighed out, fawning.At first, I was put off by her sudden interruption but now I wanted to roll my eyes. There were very few people who fit that description and I knew most if them. Had Dominic had come to check on me? or one of my bodyguards had caught her attention?I swiftly turned around without thinking. My blood turned cold when I saw his face and relaxed posture, leaning
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Acker’s POVAgain.I closed my eyes briefly and listened to the ticking of the grandfather clock - an antique that was gifted to me by the Terrent family mob, and worth over fifty thousand dollars - and opened them again, when the image that was described to me made its way into my mind and stabbed at my ego.Cross had approached Alicia in the library. Alone.This was the first time I’d properly heard of Alicia being approached by Cross and it irked me to know that the bastard was still lurking around the city waiting for his chance to strike.Why did Cross always have to tempt me and test my fucking patience?!“And what exactly were you lot doing when Cross Serpenti approached her?” I asked as calmly as I could, seated on the chair bd regarding the guards, including Mikael’s handpicked men, with fury behind my piercing gaze. “Don’t tell me you stood with your hands behind your backs like useless statues?”Alicia opened her mouth but I gave her a gaze and she closed it. The men were s
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15 Protection Status