All Chapters of The Mafia Kings Want their Woman Back: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
141 Chapters
Alone in the club
Alicia’s POVOnly a couple of seconds after, and already Mikael’s absence made me a little uncomfortable. A part of me wished dearly to get up and find a way to reach Mikael but I stopped myself.One, I wasn’t a baby who was going to cry at such a small thing.Two, he was busy.I just had to be patient and wait for him to return from his meeting. The mesh dress I was wearing thankfully covered my knees, so I crossed my legs and sighed heavily, aware of all the stares from each angle. Whoever Victor Brazio was, his men certainly hadn’t learnt how to turn their eyes away.Don’t worry about it, Alicia, I told myself. Just enjoy the music.“Excuse me,” I heard a voice close to me and my heart rate spiked up a little as I turned only to find it was Bernito, the manager. He was holding a tray to my surprise, and when he dropped it on the small table next to me I saw that it contained a few snacks.I smiled at him gratefully.“Thank you,” I told him and he dismissed it with a wave.“It’s onl
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Deals under duress
Mikael’s POVMy blood boiled as I walked up to the man that was held down, Victor Brazio five steps behind me. Alicia had stood up, wide-eyes and looking a little anxious. I filed that observation under things to think over later.“So you’re the one who thinks you can cause trouble for my woman,” I addressed the man who grunted, his knees on the ground. A bead of sweat riled down his face as I stared him down and his eyes flickered away from my intense gaze.If not for Amando, one of my men, that interrupted the meeting to inform us of what was happening, I never would have known.I scanned the perimeter while the music seemed to rise above the din; the activities of the club went on, save for this part of the VIP section.Perhaps I’d make an examine if this man right here and now. Should I break his hands? Or have my men do a number on him? So many options.As I toyed with the idea of splitting his tongue in two, I heard a throat clear behind me.“Mikael, I must insist you let my man
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Acker’s Paranoia
Acker’s POVThe apartment was dark as i entered. Sounds of the still-busy Parisian street got dimmed and i began to remove my coat until I heard a felt my phone vibrate.I reached for it and answered the call upon seeing who it was, placing it to my ear.“What happened?” I asked.“How the fuck do you do that?” Javier’s voice sounded leisurely, and my hackles lowered. “You always seem to know when something happened. What, do you have a network I don’t know about?”“Javier, tell me what happened.”He sighed and began moments after, while I toed off my shoes and began the act of undressing one handed.“You know how Cross has been so silent for the last month or so after his stunt with Alicia. Well I hear he’s making deals with the Spaniards by the coast,” Javier sounded miffed. “At first I thought it was a joke but he’s been spotted in Spain.”“That’s unusual,” i murmured, dropping my bloodied shirt in the laundry hamper for my maid to take care of. “Cross and Pedro have a tenuous relati
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Alicia in Paris
Acker’s POVShe was to arrive today.I quickly finished the business call while tapping my fingernails on the mahogany black-stained desk in my study. The time read 2.05pm.She must be getting on the flight now, i thought, recalling the arrangements Mikael and I had made weeks before.Whilst ruminating over that I pressed a bell on the underside of my desk which led to a knock on the door only a minute later.“Sir,” the maid i had hired to keep the apartment clean bowed to me as she shuffled quietly into the study, and I nodded.“How are the arrangements?” I asked her.“The furniture and the entire room has been cleaned sir,” the maid replied in her thick French accent. I nodded in approval at her words. “I’ve given your orders to the chef, so there will not be any problems.”“Good. Vos services ne seront pas nécessaires avant demain, vous êtes donc libre de partir,” I stated and she bowed again, her stacked gold-plated bracelets on her wrist jangling.“Merci, monsieur,” she replied i
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The Future
Alicia’s POVThe restaurant’s ambience blew me away and I could understand why Acker would have come here many times.“Monsieur, what a pleasure to have you here tonight again,” a grey haired man with a full beard and wearing a chef’s uniform came to our table as servers dropped plates of mouth watering dishes on the table. I assumed he was the chef or the manager of the restaurant and greeted him with a faint smile and nod.Acker took the lead, “Merci.” And then he said something in French which the chef responded to likewise in French. The man then bowed, about to turn and leave but then he paused.“The meal tonight will be on the house, sir?” It sounded more like a question and I noticed Acker’s slight frown at it.“No need, Raoul. Next time, perhaps,” Acker’s tone sounded serious for a second I wondered why, but the moment passed quickly and the chef left with another bow and a low murmur of ‘Bon appétit’.Love piano music played to entertain us patrons accompanying our meals. It
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Alicia’s POVBefore I knew it, the week was over, and I had to leave for home.Acker stayed with me through to the end, walking me to the private jet as his men placed my luggage full of souvenirs and clothes (a LOT more than I’d started off with) in the cabin.“When will you be coming to the States again?” I asked him.“Soon,” he assured me and leaned in, capturing my lips in a kiss. I accepted it, melting in his arms around my waist.It took me a couple of seconds after we sorted for me to realize that his men were done and waiting for him, watching us.I reached my hand up to tug at my hair, trying to appear unaffected by it all.A part of me wished I could blurt out something to stay for another week, or even to convince him that I could move out here to him. I wanted to say that nothing felt like home more than his arms, or having Mjkael tease me to make me flustered, or the two week a vacation I never expected that turned out to be the best idea ever.In the end I didn’t say anyt
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Alicia’s POV“Alicia!”Daya’s full bodied hug surprised me and i returned it a little, before letting go. She was beaming and I nearly thought she appeared to not be the Daya that I knew.I smiled at her a little, injecting warmth into my tone as I asked, “How are you? You look good!”And, yes, she really did.She had a tan on her that glowed, and was decked from top to bottom in glittering jewels, a sparkling headband, gold earrings and necklace, and a white fur coat that looked expensive based on the feel.It would have looked gaudy on anyone else but somehow it just fit her, and I knew“I’m doing great,” she enthused as we sat down, across from each other with the round table between us.The restaurant ambience was wonderful for a late brunch, and I noticed the patrons were few and far between, upon gazing about a little while a waiter walked up to us.“What will you have?” The waiter asked with a smile on his face.“I’ll have a martini and some steak with a salad,” Daya ordered fir
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She’s Gone
Acker’s POVMy phone ringing brought me out of the daze of sleep that I was already in.“What the fuck is it?” I let the curse word roll off my tongue as I was just barely awake. Whatever it was there had to be a damn good reason for this to happen.“Madden. Trouble.” It was Mikael, and I was instantly alert at the anger in his voice. It was unusual even for the Serrano who was normally boisterous by nature but ultimately kept his cool unless pressed.“This had better be fucking important, Serrano,” I replied in a gravelly voice, rising from the bed. The next words he spat out made me understand why exactly he had called in the first place.“Cross has taken her.”“What? I don’t think I heard correctly, Mikael,” I said, disbelief, frustration, FURY, filling my body that every te of sleep fled.“He took Alicia. Right from under our fucking noses, the bastard!” I heard something smash in the background and I didn’t question it. “When I see that bastard I will kill him. I will WATCH THE L
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The Club
Alicia’s POVIt was a rough tug at my arms that made my eyes shoot open. As soon as I did I let out a cry, pulling my arm back to hold at my chest.“Oh look, she’s awake,” i heard someone say.That wasn’t my concern right that moment as the memories of the last time I was awake flooded my mind so quickly.Daya! And cross!My alarm rose and instantly I was alert and stood up, or rather, tried to stand, for my legs still felt like jelly and I sat right back down, panting heavily.The drug was probably just wearing off.Where was I?I raised my gaze then, to meet the eyes of the person that was next to me and saw the unfazed, annoyed face of a man.“Well, you’re being quite the problem, aren’t you?” I heard the man say. “Se non fosse stato per il fatto che il Don ti voleva vivo, non ti avrei accolto.”It took some time for my mind to process that, all due to the still sluggish effects of the drug on my mind.“Dove sono? Cosa sta succedendo?” I asked the man who looked surprised to hear m
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Passing Blame
Mikael’s POVThe tension in the room was so thick it could be cut with a knife, as the saying goes.Senator Duncan looked like a shell of himself, withdrawn and not at all like the confident man he proclaimed himself to be numerous times. As he sat across from myself and Acker, I could see the Senator shift from foot to foot.“I want my daughter back,” he said, his voice like steel, however still I could hear the undertones of terror in it. He was afraid, that much was clear.The problem was, at this very point, so was I.Cross was capable of anything and everything. It had already been two days since Alicia was abducted. There had been no word of her or from him. Not even a taunting show of victory to make me seethe.The silence was unbearable.I missed her.“I want to know if you can get her back. The situation is precarious as it is,” Senator Duncan continued, his words grating on my already worn nerves more and more as he droned on.“We will make sure she returns, Senator, there
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