All Chapters of His Lordship Alexander Kane: Chapter 1071 - Chapter 1080
1465 Chapters
Chapter 1071
Hound knew he was outmatched, but this distance was his best opportunity to strike.Thunk!The dagger fell, its crisp sound ringing yet unable to pierce into Alexander's body. An invisible force blocked it."Not bad. Very brave," Alexander remarked, lifting his hand to deliver a powerful blow that s
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Chapter 1072
Back at the old mansion of the Iversen family.After Jeremy was cremated and laid to rest, the various clansmen who had come to pay their respects departed, leaving the mansion once again quiet.Inside the room where the family head resided, several figures moved about, discussing matters."Master,
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Chapter 1073
The story unfolded with New Chesire Group's branch on the other side nearing chaos.Due to the attacks during the day propagated by competitors, the company's reputation suffered adverse effects."Mister Kane, the situation is worsening. Several local enterprises have terminated their cooperation wi
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Chapter 1074
Amid the chaos, a distressed family member hurled a brick at the young doctor, a blow that could have fractured his skull and proved fatal. Alexander intervened swiftly, seizing the assailant's arm firmly."You can't do this!" Alexander's voice rang out sternly, attempting to reason with the frenzie
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Chapter 1075
As the young doctor continued to implore, Alexander explained the limitations of his knowledge, attributing his understanding of the traditional acupuncture technique to Doctor Abbott. He humbly admitted his incapacity to cure the illness. Though the truth was harsh, he refused to offer false hope t
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Chapter 1076
As the baby eagerly gulped down the contents of the bottle, his once pale face flushed with health, accompanied by a beaming smile. The swift effects of the medicine were akin to that of an elixir.Observing the miraculous recovery, the young doctor swiftly approached, equipped with a stethoscope. A
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Chapter 1077
"George, teach him some manners!" Alexander's voice cut through the chaos, commanding George to take action against Doctor Scamander's insolence.Before the words fully escaped his lips, George sprang into action, swiftly moving toward Doctor Scamander. Despite his modest martial arts skills, George
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Chapter 1078
"Hey, we're here for business. Let's not complicate things," Flynn urged Alexander, recognizing the potential danger of provoking him. Flynn knew that Alexander was not one to be trifled with."Sure, I can make things easy if you tell me where this medicine came from, then I'll let you keep it," Ale
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Chapter 1079
The business building belonging to the Iversen family stood tall, symbolizing the power and influence of their sub-lineage. There, they held their ground against the main family's dominance."Father, the operation went even better than expected. The Iversen family is besieged by the crowd," said Chu
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Chapter 1080
"Haha! Don't pity me." Arthas chuckled, his voice tinged with resolve. "I should've met my end a decade ago, but I held on, solely to secure the foundation of the Iversen family for you. Live on, and guide our lineage to greatness."With these words, Arthas retrieved a potion injection and administe
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