All Chapters of His Lordship Alexander Kane: Chapter 1091 - Chapter 1100
1459 Chapters
Chapter 1091
"Mister Kane, this person isn't honest. He even broke off a corner," said Grasshopper, pointing at the Pure Spirit Ganoderma. With his keen insight, he had already observed this scene but refrained from pointing it out, fearing it might disrupt Alexander's plan."No matter. Since he's eager to meet
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Chapter 1092
"That was a dramatic howl you got there, Temple Master Kane!" remarked Doctor Abbott, his seasoned ears discerning the level of pain from the sound.Alexander halted his cries, adopting a sullen expression. "It wasn't too painful. I suppose I almost nailed the imitation," he retorted."Let me assist
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Chapter 1093
Rhett strode back to the old mansion, making a beeline for the underground chamber. A figure sat in meditation, rising as Rhett entered."Black Maple, our plan is halfway through. The Turtle Dove Poison failed to take Alexander's life, but it did cost him an arm." Rhett's voice held a tinge of trium
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Chapter 1094
At the gates of the Iversen family's family home, a sleek black sedan came to a halt. Out stepped Alexander, bound for a banquet, with Grasshopper at his side, a sword sheath slung over his shoulder.Aware of the intricate snare laid out by their hosts, Alexander was not taking any chances and broug
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Chapter 1095
The showdown had begun.Among the assailants was a face Alexander knew all too well, even behind a disguise—Black Maple Master. Even if Black Maple Master had simply used a basic disguise, Alexander would still have recognized him."So it's you stirring the pot, Black Maple Master!"Black Maple Mast
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Chapter 1096
The ground shook beneath them, making it hard for the four to keep their footing as they were battered by the shockwave of the punch."Fall back!" Black Maple Master commanded, retreating swiftly.They had hoped to overpower Alexander quickly, but no one expected him to be so formidable with just on
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Chapter 1097
A shadowy figure dashed through the streets, glancing back in panic.It was Black Maple Master, wounded by Alexander's hand, desperately fleeing the Iversen family's grasp.His fighting skills were average at best, but when it came to running for his life, he was second to none."Damn!" He cursed, b
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Chapter 1098
Aboard the sub, Black Maple Master gestured with a wave and flashed a triumphant grin, his lips moving silently.Alexander caught the message in his silent mouthing. 'Farewell, until next time.'The nerve of that washed-up mongrel, taunting him—it was enough to boil his blood!Alexander lifted his s
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Chapter 1099
"I'm sorry, Dad. I never meant to hurt you." Rhett stood humbly before the stone chamber, tears tracing lines down his cheeks, his voice heavy with regret.In pursuit of his dreams, he had cast aside the love of a father and son. He finally saw the folly of his ways."I don't blame you…but we've rea
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Chapter 1100
Alexander stepped inside his home."Alexander, you're finally back," Amber rushed to meet him, her face a tangle of worry. She had skipped the office, knowing he was returning."I'm alright, my arm's all healed up. No need to fret," he reassured her, scooping her into his arms and settling on the co
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