All Chapters of The Miracle Doctor Won’t Be A Kept Man: Chapter 691 - Chapter 700
962 Chapters
Chapter 0691
At Fawkes City Airport, Kiran looked towards Shuri Caden, who had come to see him off. "Don't worry, I will definitely wake Sawyer and the others.""I believe you, it's just..." Shuri's face showed complexity. She had not expected Kiran to leave suddenly. Seeing him with Snow Xander the day before,
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Chapter 0692
"Bella, what happened?" Snow Xander asked as she walked with Bella Muses, her arm around her."Director Xander, when I arrived at the airport and was waiting for you, these men came out from the airport and started harassing me. When I resisted, they became even more aggressive," Bella replied, stil
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Chapter 0693
In an instant, the scene was drenched in blood. The entire Sunland gang had all become corpses lying on the ground. Kiran York stood there, as calm as still water. Fukada's face was pale as he nervously looked at Kiran, "Young Master York...""It's over!" Kiran announced and then turned to get into
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Chapter 0694
“Mr. Leo, how long are we going to be here?” a drunken man asked, looking toward the tall man in the center. Marcus Leo was the leader of these people, tall in stature, exuding a strong sense of arrogance and an air of command. He wrapped his arm around a seductive woman beside him, “We wait for Lo
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Chapter 0695
There was silence on the other end of the phone."Damn it!" Lord Feran felt his dignity trampled upon. His angry curse shattered the silence, signaling his fury to Marcus and the others."Just wait for me to get there! Otherwise, prepare to collect the bodies!" Kiran York declared, then turned to Ma
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Chapter 0696
Kiran's voice silenced the room instantly. Only the buzzing sound continued to echo. "I was talking about the buzzing sound," Kiran calmly added."Damn it!" Lord Feran's pride was wounded. He threw down what he was holding, leaped out of bed in his shorts, and ran out. "Kiran, how did you get into
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Chapter 0697
Kiran remained silent, simply looking at Aida. "I was the former secretary to the chairman of Yasuda Corporation," Aida told Kiran. Kiran still didn't speak.Aida continued, "After he got a new secretary, he discarded me like an old toy and sent me here." She glanced up at Lord Feran's corpse, "I
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Chapter 0698
A pair of legs encased in black stockings elegantly emerged from the car, touching the ground gently with a captivating grace that drew all eyes.Dressed in a black miniskirt, Lindsay Ludwig stepped out lightly, her fair arms glowing under the night lights, enhancing her allure. Her beautiful face,
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Chapter 0699
It seemed like ages had passed since their last encounter, and now Lindsay Ludwig clung to Kiran York like a shadow, nearly in a frenzy at his mere presence. She likely figured Kiran wouldn't actually harm her, so she behaved quite casually.Kiran glared at her sharply. "Don't forget you have a sist
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Chapter 0700
"Is the situation getting too complicated?" Snow Xander asked.Kiran York walked over and gently embraced her, speaking softly, "It's alright! We need to quickly resolve the Dragonsmount issue now.""But what if Yasuda Corporation goes crazy because of Dragonsmount?" she worried."I'm actually hopin
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