All Chapters of The Miracle Doctor Won’t Be A Kept Man: Chapter 701 - Chapter 710
960 Chapters
Chapter 0701
“What’s going on?” Konta Yasuda answered the phone, clearly annoyed at being disturbed.Aida Misa put the phone on speaker and said, “Mr. Yasuda, Kiran York is starting to develop Dragonsmount now.”“Damn it!” Yasuda cursed. “What gives him the right?”“He says Dragonsmount is a construction site ow
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Chapter 0702
In Sawyer Sinfield's room, after Kiran York finished examining the three of them, he frowned slightly, noticing that everything was still the same as before."567Young Master York, they're actually not in a state of illness," the Healing Prince ventured cautiously."You noticed too?" Kiran raised an
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Chapter 0703
Yvonne Quinn was the epitome of temptation, with skin whiter than snow and dark eyes as deep as ink. Her long eyelashes fluttered like the wings of a butterfly, while her delicate nose and slightly parted red lips breathed seduction. The fragile elegance of her delicate body inspired pity, marking h
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Chapter 0704
Lilian's features seemed to have been meticulously sculpted, flawless in their perfection. Draped in a flowing white dress, she carried herself with a regal grace reminiscent of a saint descending from Mount Everest, inspiring reverence and an untouchable sanctity in those who beheld her. A woman
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Chapter 0705
Upon being questioned, Kiran York fell silent. As a doctor, he had some understanding of Gu poison. Considering Yvonne Quinn's physical condition, he couldn't help but worry if Lilian's body might also...The thought tied his stomach in knots.Seeing Kiran's silence, Lilian turned her gaze out the w
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Chapter 0706
When the car stopped, four men got out and entered the hotel. One went to register for a room, while three pretended to use the restroom but headed upstairs instead. They were at the door of Sawyer Sinfield's room in a blink.The three exchanged glances and nodded slightly; one lifted his leg and ki
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Chapter 0707
As Lilian Yanes's lips touched Aurora Sinfield's, Kiran York quickly approached, placing several silver needles on Aurora's body and channeling his internal force into her. Aurora's complexion rapidly changed, turning white as paper, then red as burning charcoal, and finally black as ink. Yvonne Q
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Chapter 0708
Snap! The crisp sound of a slap echoed in the room. "Ah..." Kiran York gasped in shock, his eyes snapping open. He realized his hand felt unusually full—a familiar sensation, but something was off. To be precise, he sensed a murderous intent. Flustered and embarrassed, he quickly withdrew his han
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Chapter 0709
"What's wrong?" Kiran York asked, noticing the change in her expression from the corner of his eye."Yasuda Corporation has already sent people to Bayville," Lindsay Ludwig said nervously."Let them come!" Kiran remained calm, seemingly unconcerned."The one who came is called Ichiro Matsubara, one
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Chapter 0710
Kiran groggily opened his eyes and reached out to embrace Snow. "Wifey, did you have a nightmare?" Snow's face was colder than if she had been having a nightmare, staring intensely at Kiran. "You stinker! I, I..." She began to cry.Kiran quickly sat up straight, looking at Snow, "What's wrong?" "I,
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