All Chapters of Dear CEO Ex-Husband, You Had Your Chance!!!: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
328 Chapters
Chapter 0131
"Oh, Liam, you're so cheesy," Desiree chuckled, rolling her eyes at a food joke Liam had just told while he drove her home after their dinner date."I am?" he chuckled too, taking his eyes briefly off the road. "Well, I can get even cheesier than that.""You don't say.""Okay, how about this one: 'Y
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Chapter 0132
“Oh, don't look at me like that.” Her father laughed, getting up to his feet. “I mean he kept picking you up and taking you out for dinner and all that. Your mum and I were just waiting for you to confirm your relationship. I can't believe you took so long to tell us, but I'm glad my suspicions were
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Chapter 0133
Damian stared at him, raising a brow. “I don't understand. You can't just cut down to the next morning. What happened? How did it happen? Why did you suddenly feel the need to boink that woman?”Gerald gritted his teeth. “I didn't feel any need to sleep with her. I don't know what the fuck came over
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Chapter 0134
“It's about the termination of our partnership with Butler Corporations”The boardroom had already been quiet but now you could hear a pin drop. Then, just as swiftly, it erupted into a cacophony of murmurs as the five board members exchanged stunned looks among themselves."Did I hear you right?" o
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Chapter 0135
“Enough!” Gerald's authoritative voice boomed through the room as he finally spoke, his cold gaze pinned on Stephen. “You have no right to talk to her like that.”Stephen seemed startled, but he looked incredulous as he stared at Gerald, "But, Mr. Butler. I'm speaking in your favor here. Unless this
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Chapter 0136
“What can I do to make things go back to the way they once were?”At that moment, Desiree experienced such an intense variety of emotions that it made her head spin, but the strongest emotion was anger.“You want things to go back to the way they were before?” she questioned, twisting her mouth sard
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Chapter 0137
Gerald bristled at the other man's words, balling his hand tightly into fists. It'd been going well; he'd sensed from Desiree's body that her resolve was weakening. But this bastard just had to walk in and destroy all the progress.“I wasn't done speaking to Desiree, so if you could please leave us
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Chapter 0138
When Desiree remained silent, he continued. “But I don't understand. You seemed to be okay about working with Gerald. You have been taking care of the partnership very well, and you've been making it work despite everything. What suddenly changed?”His gaze suddenly darkened as he shot to his feet.
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Chapter 0139
"Your coffee, sir," Gerald watched as his secretary walked into his office with a cup of coffee on a saucer in hand, placing it in front of him."Anything else, sir?" Gerald curtly shook his head, his face devoid of emotion as he signaled that she could go. As the secretary headed to the door, he
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Chapter 0140
"I just came to check on you. You didn't answer any of our calls yesterday, and today I find you yelling at your secretary. What happened?""Desiree doesn't want anything to do with me," Gerald stated."How did you finally realize that?" Damian asked with an eye roll that earned him a glare from Ger
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