All Chapters of Dear CEO Ex-Husband, You Had Your Chance!!!: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
328 Chapters
Chapter 0151
After Desiree and her mother finally broke the hug, they went back to her father’s bed and sat on either side of him, each taking his hand. “My two most precious treasures,” her father said, kissing each of their hands. “From now on, I’m always going to be there for you, Dad. I’m going to take suc
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Chapter 0152
“Oh, yeah. He’s about to have a press conference which is starting in about a minute from now.” “A press conference? What for?” A surge of anxiety went through her. Had he called the press to double down on his accusations against her company? Mark shrugged. “I don’t know. He didn’t tell me anyth
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Chapter 0153
For several seconds, Gerald stared at Desiree, wondering what was going through her mind. It felt like they were the only ones in the room, even as cameras flashed at her. But suddenly, they were transported back to the real world when several reporters rushed towards her, firing several questions.
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Chapter 0154
Desiree hesitated. If she told him that she hadn’t believed that it was him, he would take it as her still having confidence in him. “That’s what everyone thought.” She said instead. Gerald pursed his lips, knowing he couldn’t fault her. Somehow, someone had started these rumors and fake reports t
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Chapter 0155
True to Gerald’s words, the reporters were still around, waiting to barrage Desiree with questions. Thankfully, Hugo was there to ward them off until she was securely in the car. She spent the ride to the hospital lost in thought, recalling everything that had happened in the past thirty minutes or
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Chapter 0156
‘Are you really sure they’re bullshit?’ a mocking voice in her head asked, and it sounded eerily like Gerald’s voice. Desiree scowled. ‘Of course, they are.’ She responded to the voice in her head, convincing herself that that moment where Gerald and she had stared into each other’s eyes for too lo
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Chapter 0157
Two weeks later: "Dad, what are you doing?" Desiree questioned in disbelief as she watched her father approach with a board game of Go in his left hand while his right hand held onto his walking stick. Her father had been released a little over a week ago after spending five days in the hospital.
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Chapter 0158
“Should we go, sir?” Jose Luiz asked after his boss entered the backseat of the car. “Yes, Luiz. Please drive,” Gerald answered, and Jose began doing as told. Gerald was giddy with both excitement and uncertainty; excitement because he was finally going to see Desiree again after two weeks, and un
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Chapter 0159
“Hello, Gerald. I’m glad you could make it,” Desiree said. There was something about the way she spoke that made him freeze. Yes, she was smiling at him, but despite the smile and her welcoming words, the look in her eyes was nothing but coldness as she stared at him. What the hell? “I really adm
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Chapter 0160
A frown marred Gerald’s face at the recollection Rafael had just brought. “Jacob Cullen?” Rafael nodded, still scanning Liam. “Yeah.” “Who? The guy who ran off crying after Gerald told him to man up and stop acting like a defenseless wimp?” Damian questioned. Gerald winced as he remembered one of
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